30 Places to Promote Your Books

Book promotion is serious business and should be executed with all the attention it deserves. Writing a best seller is not enough without the backing of major publishing firms who undergo the book assessment.
Online first time authors including established ones have embraced the concept of self publishing. Self publishing is when the author undertakes the entire process of writing the book, using established editors and proofreader.
The author-self publisher needs a platform to upload the book, usually in pdf format. There are lots of publishing firms you can submit your book.
Some of the top ones are Amazon.com, B& H, kobo, Lulu, and SmashWords. The writer could take advantage of their far reach and excellent service.
Feature of Book Promotion Websites
1 book bargains
2 interviews with insight on authors
3 free kindle
4 free and paid listing
5 guaranteed listing and placement
6 advertisement options
7 best deals
8 book of the day
9 free books
10 featured books
11 book reviews
How to Start Publishing your Book
The first step in establishing a presence or getting your book out there is writing something informative and well research. It could be a fictional novel, romantic, horror, non fictional, or educative.
After writing the book a decent cover image is very important, in online stores there are millions of publications for readers to choose from. A good book cover might create interest and attract an audience even before looking at the content.
Next you find a good self publishing house like Amazon or B&H signup by following their simple instructions then upload your content including you cover. The next step is pricing the book.
Self publishers usually set their own prices. Too high and it would drive away potential readers too low and they may not take your work seriously. To get a feel on pricing go to the homepage of the publishing firm and study the prices and tutorials.
Describe your Book Content
On the publishing website potential readers browsing the website need to know exactly what they are buying or reading. The author should write a concise and accurate description for potential buyers. This is because web shoppers do not have long attention span and time. Be direct and truthful about your content.
What do Self Publishing Websites Offer the Author?
The self publishing website has three sections that a budding writer can submit his work. They have the electronic book section (eBook), hard /soft cover book and the already published book section.
You can offer the number of books you have for bids. In this write up we shall only deal with eBooks and regular covered books.
Publishing your book is just the beginning of the process, top self publishing websites have very vibrant market places that help the publisher sell the books,
On Amazon they have established web stores where your book can be seen in countries like United Kingdom, America, Spain, Italy, Mexico, India and Japan.
Promoting the Book
Without promoting your book it would seat on the websites shelf without getting a single sale. To become relevant and have loads of readers you need to market the book as a product,
All the major publicity your book needs is done by the self publisher or else you might become frustrated and disillusioned. Promoting your book has only one important function to get your book noticed, seen and read,
Getting premium listing and first page ratings for your publication is important if the book is to succeed.
Using Blog Posts
Blogging is one of the most effective ways to promote your book. It gives your book an online presence while allowing the author a platform to express themselves. Creating a blog is easy and I would suggest using a free host website unless you want to go into other areas of blogging.
Others are making money from your blog through advertisements, links and affiliate sales. Think of your blog as your voice to showcase your writing skill and the content of your book.
There are many free host providers that have ready to use templates. The top two are Goggles blogger and WordPress.
Using Article Directories
If starting a blog does not appeal to you then use an article directory. They are free and easy to use. All you need is to sign up and write relevant articles pertaining to the subject of your book,
You can leverage on the directories high standing on search engines to push your work. Each directory has its own rules so be sure to work according to their rules and regulations.
if you are allowed post a link to your book or sales page with a synopsis of its content. Article directories are many but there are some top ones like Hubpages.
Promote your Book on Book Promotional Website
Interestingly all of a sudden from 2013 a large number of book promotion websites have sprung up. Before 2012 you could count them only a few.
The problem is that not many are willing to promote your priced book for free. Unless some sort of payment was involved. The numerous websites are willing to promote only your free book for free which is okay.
But the question is what do you gain form such free service when hundreds of your books are down loaded without making a dime. The only advantage I can see is free publicity, which could lead to more visibility during the promotional period and maybe a higher page ranking but nothing more.
Which is you Favorite Promotion Website
Top of Form
  • Ask David
  • Author Marketing Club
  • Amazon Promotion
  • The book place
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Running a Free Promotion
For newbie’s running a free giveaway of your book is one of the ways authors make the book accessible to the general public. They are offered on Amazon for a period not exceeding 5 days and other publishing websites.
During the period your book is downloaded or bought free of charge. As said earlier it does not necessarily translate to increased sales but more visibility.
On kindle direct publishing all you need to do is log into the bookshelf, check book that you want to promote select promotions and add the days when it starts and ends that easy.
Amazon has a very new promotional tool where your book is not offered free but at a discount. This is good news for people who are weary about giving out their work to thousands of readers free of charge (speaking from experience).The discounted book is also offered for a period not exceeding 14 days.
Services Offered on Book Promotion Websites
Book promotion websites though they differ in look and structure have certain characteristics that cover similar interests. They usually have some or all of the features that would be highlighted. The content include book bargains, book of the day, featured books both priced and free.
Some conduct interviews, free book giveaways, kindle books. Others offer free listing, advertisements, book placement, book reviews and best book deals.
Others are guaranteed book placement for a fee, subscription and membership sites. Some publish news letters, with placed advertisement in blogs and website. That covers the entire services offered on must book promotion websites.
List of 30 Places to Promote your Books
  • your daily eBooks
  • Amazon promotions
  • the frugal e Reader
  • flurry of words
  • the e Reader cafe
  • Ask David
  • the book place
  • kindle book and tips
  • the digital ink spot
  • kindle book promo
  • super eBooks
  • awesome gang
  • pixel scroll
  • bargain book hunter
  • sweeties picks
  • author marketing club
  • pixel of ink
  • armadillo eBooks
  • Pin your book
  • jungle deals and steals
  • Penny pinch in mom
  •  its write now
  • Orange berry book tours
  • I love books
  • One million free eBooks
  • hunt4freebies
  • Momma says read
  • eBook deals of the day UK
  • Kindle freebies
  • digital books today
Promotional Tools
Promotion tools are the use of podcast, news release, forums and discussion groups with links. Also use article directories, blogs, social media and marketing platforms like click bank (you pay up to $45 per publication).Some click bank members are willing to highlight your book at an agreed percentage.
Book promotion websites have categories or genre that are allowed on their website such as fiction, horror poetry, romance non fiction, children’s, suspense and many more.
Each site would provide details of content they will accept. Most do not accept erotica but some do. There are many book promotion websites you can choose to promote the book. Choose the one that best complements your writing style.
Top 2 Kindle Book Promotion Websites
A book promotion is critical to finding that extra leverage to highlight your writing skills and make reasonable sale. It takes lots of practice to get it right, so using established promotional websites is a good idea.
There are several ways to go about promoting your book. You can use paid advertisement which works well when you choose the correct platform. Another way is through free kindle giveaways during your free kindle promotion.
You might not make immediate sales but it improves your visibility which in turn helps your book reach more customers. Listed below is some of the free promotion websites you can use.
Orange Berry Book Tour
Orange berry is an exciting place to start your book promotional campaign. They deal with both free and paid promotions. The company was started by Pandora Poikiles and its VBT plan has been consistent in online promotions for several years.
The well coordinated promotional strategy utilizes several blogs and advertisement placements on websites to promote your book and reach a wider audience. There charges are reasonable running from about $3 dollars to $5 and in the case of intense campaigns could run upwards of $29.99.
How to use there services involve submitting your book and going through there instructions. They will create a buzz by publicizing your book. You my even participate in there virtual book tours which is an annual even that uses creative book marketing solutions.
One Hundred Free Books
The website deals with indie books, best sellers and kindle downloads. They highlight various types of books, special deals and top pick of the day.
Visitors are encouraged to subscribe and can access free kindle books and be part of their book tour. The number of free books you can find on the website can be overwhelming.
Pixel of Ink
The website pixel of ink is a top book promotion site that really loves books. Getting featured in the book of the day can attract loads of followers,
They have the bargain book segment, books that are listed free and book rated as best bargain eBooks. The best bargain eBook are usually books listed under $1, $3, and $5 depending on the type of book fiction, romance or nonfiction.
The website daily publishes free kindle books so to get on the bandwagon you can submit your free book to them at no cost. Like most promotion website they do not accept porn.
Pin your book
You can register on this web promotion site and log in to enjoy some of there services. The website features best sellers, free books and books that can be bought at a bargain and they have book discovery tours, kindle store.
The website is relatively new and owned by the top promotion and marketing website author marketing club. Using free promotion website can boost your sales and increase your viewership, leverage on their experience to market your books.
How to Use Some Free Book Promotional Sites
There are many free eBook promotional sites you can use. Some of which are highlighted below.
How to use addicted to eBooks
To use this site you need to first sign up at the site, they would require a user name, email and password for accessing the site membership area. After signing up you would receive an email with your user name and password with a one time link where you can fill in the details about your book.
Submitting your free eBook
Addicted to eBooks allows you to upload the books image, set the price (free), a brief description, the dates when the book is offered free and they even let you rate the content of the book.
The rating covers areas such as if the book is fiction or nonfiction if there is violence, profanity, and any other rating. You are also allowed to place a link that takes the potential buyers to the sales page on another site or sites.
How to promote kindle books
If your book is on kindle direct publishing and you have enrolled in kindle select program which gives Amazon the exclusive rights to your book for a period of 90 days renewed every 90 days.
How to use Amazon kindle free promotions
First log into your bookshelf and then check the book beside the book you want to promote, click the action button and a drop tap would appear which has, edit book, edit price and royalties, promotions and UN publish.
Click on the promotions and it will open a small capsule, in the capsule you fill in the title of the book that you want to be downloaded free and indicate the number of days/when it starts and ends.
Remember Amazon allows only a maximum period of 5 days free promotions. Once you submit the book would appear for the free promotional; period in all the Amazon stores. Some of the web stores can be found in India, Canada, UK, France, Spain and other countries.
Bargain book hunter
Bargain book hunter is an innovative marketing site that offers both free and priced promotions. They allow free listings for kindle books on their free eBook hunter platform and needs a weeks notice because of the high number of entries, so early notification by listing your title early may guarantee better listing. Bargain book hunter accepts all genre of books except erotica.
Bargain book hunter guaranteed listing
guaranteed listing on eBook hunter works for writers who want to jump the queue and guarantee speedy listing on the website. it attracts a fee of $10 per title and accepts a block pf 3 titles at the same time.
The titles should not have been listed in bargain book hunter prior 30 days. For books in the range of 0.99 and $5 they put in kindle book pack.
Ask David
The site ask David are into community/publishers book reviews. The writer can list his free eBook on the site. Although ask David template is lengthy it is user friendly, easy to understand and direct.
In order to accelerate your list standing ask David rewards users who include ask David links in their websites some little advantage. They demand new reviews and not recycled ones and manually check all reviews before publication. They also allow the user include several website links and some content.
What type of promotion do you prefer?
Top of Form
  • Self promotion
  • Paid promotions
  • Free promotions
  • All of the above
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How to use Different Publishers
I read somewhere that you can use different publishers as a promotional tool, but the draw back is that this method can be time consuming and daunting imagine publishing the same book in sites like, Lulu, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Digital down load websites like bytecommerce or payloadz.
This method can guarantee loads of publicity but the down side is how many payment methods or accounts do you run. Having your book in several publishing sites does not guarantee sales but it helps.
How to use Facebook to promote your free books
Most of the websites that promote free eBook listing also have Facebook accounts that writer can use. A writer can leverage on their large fan base to promote the book.
Opening your own Facebook account is also a good idea. Most accounts allow you to upload the books image, write a small description and add new friends. Facebook has millions of followers so do not be left out.
Books on the knob
The site features a wide range of media namely music, games, technology and books. The site accepts books that cover a wide scope of work and they also accept nook, kobo, epub and kindle other e-reader and kindle fire. They alert subscribers to bargains.
How to use author marketing club
The site is a promotional site writers especially when they want to offer there books for free. The site has painfully put together in one place where you can submit your book for free. The site has all the sites logs with direct link to submit pages. All you do is fill their forms and answer basic questions.
You may be asked to sign up. Be warned each site has its own strict conditions of use so read them before taking any actions.
Although the methodology of listing and promoting your book are similar they require patience and a little hard work but the rewards is worth the effort. Traffic is the key to a successful campaign so start promoting your book today


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