10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Amazon E-Commerce Store

The biggest challenge of any store both terrestrial and online is getting customers through the door. Amazon is the number one shopping destination for millions of shopper.
Owning an e-commerce store is easy yet challenging due to serious competition. Traffic is the driving force to product sales on any commerce site.
Getting targeted traffic to your store is the only secret to success between one store and the other. To compete favorably with thousands of Websites you need great content, quality products and unique domain name.
1.Create Valuable Content
Content marketing is only effective if you have quality work. Write quality content or product reviews to drive organic traffic to your site.
The content should be engaging, fun and informative. Content strategy is the most effective method to engage potential customers.
If you have an e-commerce website Integrate a blog to your store. another way is to of build a contextual blog and feature Amazon products.
The content should be search engine optimized, targeted and well researched. Feature products that are inline with your blogs brand and focus. Use Long Tail search engines to find long tail keywords while creating SEO content
2. Select a Domain Name
The best domain extension is the .com. However the best names are keyword rich, short and unique. Finding such a domain name is difficult because most of the short name extensions on .com are taken.
A good strategy is to either purchase one or use a unique extension. There are many unique extensions such as .coffee. .edu, and .style.
You are only limited by your imagination and extensions available in the marketplace. Make sure the unique extension has direct coloration to the brand and products. Choose a short descriptive name that is concise and straight to the point.
3. Email Marketing
Use a list to drive your email marketing campaign. Provide an email subscription signup link by giving out a freebie. The freebie could be a tutorial, ebook or free digital product. Join an email subscription template or website for easier integration and results.
4. Harness the Power of Social Influencer
 Influencer's are very popular on social media and attract huge following. You could leverage on their popularity and targeted them in your marketing campaign.
If you have your own products send a sample and a URL link. If they like the product they might include the link to social page and redirects followers to view your site. Getting featured by a social influencer could treble your sales within days.
5. Use Reddit
Reddit is a content aggregation site that offers members a platform to express themselves. The site has many sub-reddit that cover hundreds of niches.
The site has many rules, guidelines and do not allow promotional. Make sure the post is placed in an appropriate sub-reddit or group.
6. Get Social
Social engagement is the highest driving force for ecommerce sales. They attract millions of users daily and are a veritable source of traffic. Try to signup with the top social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and twitter.  
Post engaging content that is fun, informative and trending. Occasionally add your e-commerce site posts to drive traffic. The more followers you have the higher your traffic and conversions.
7. Reach out to Bloggers
There are some bloggers that have huge following and traffic. Find blogs that feature content close to your products or brand. Once you have located a webmaster pitch your idea or offer to guest post on the blog.
8. Guest Posting
Find a blog with huge traffic and content that correlate with your brand and products. Contact the website administrator and offer to guest post.
People are of the misconception about do-follow and No-follow tags.  Most guest post and forums have re no-follow tag. This setting does not affect traffic generation but site juice. E-commerce site are only interested in attracting targeted traffic.
9. Content Based Advertisement
Many e-commerce stores smile to the bank using content based advertisement. Such advertisements bring targeted traffic that converts into sales.
Popular platforms include google Adwords, Facebook ads and Bingads. If you want to use this technique make sure you work within a budget. Make sure you weigh how much you actually gain and create engaging advertisements.
10. Reviews
If you have a physical product then you need reviews. The top rated products have the best reviews with 4.5 to 5 stars.
There a few underhanded ways to get positive reviews. We are not going to tell how because we believe in legit. To get good reviews sell quality products for genuine reviews.


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