Top 10 Part-Time Jobs for Senior Citizens

Many senior citizens are still very active into their seventies. Some love new challenges and are eager to experience different things. There are many reasons why seniors take on new challenges. They could work from home or take part-time jobs to supplement income.
There are many jobs best suited for seniors and some are high paying. The jobs cover professional fields, experience and technology.  If you are a senior citizen looking for part-time job then here are a few interesting ones.
1.Become a Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant’s job is highly sedentary and requires long hours answering phones. They also organize paperwork, schedule meetings and attend to clients. The senior could decide to work part- time or full time.
The job requires good interpersonal and communicative skills. Anyone can work as an assistant from the comfort of their homes. However you need average computer knowledge, appropriate software and basic office equipment.
2. Pet Sitter
A pet sitter’s job is easy fun and exciting. The animal requires minimum attention and you get to rest your weary legs reading a newspaper. If you have many clients this could turnout a profitable side venture.
3. Customer Representative
A customer representative’s job is moderately challenging. Some companies pay reps based on performance on sales.
This is done based on a specified percentage per each client. You need to have good communication skill, boundless energy and perseverance. Customer service representatives deploy different tactics to achieve desired results.
4. Dog Walker
If you love dogs this job is perfect and moderately demanding. You need to be physically fit to handle those feisty canines. The gig pays only pocket money and is part-time.
5. Bookkeeper
A bookkeeper is a highly organized individual with a keen eye. They also excel on bookkeeping software and accounting software. They work part –time or full time depending on terms of employment.
6. Tutor
Qualified teachers have a host of jobs and business to consider. They can organize extra lessons, coaching classes or mark examination papers. Other jobs include online teaching or preparing online courses.
Related: Teaching job opportunities
7. Consultant
The number one job done by retirees is consultancy. They leverage on their professional experience and certificates. A consultant works part –time and charges clients appropriately. The sector depends on qualification, dedication and job experience.
8. Build a Blog
Blogging could be fun and eventually rewarding. Build a blog in line with your interests and personal experience. To build a blog you need a domain name, host provider and good theme. Make money by introducing advertisement, sell a product or use affiliate programs.
9. Become an Editor
Editing is time consuming and requires someone with good eyesight. The job is rewarding and editors earn good money. There are many places to get jobs especially freelance websites.
10. Become a Life Coach
You could become a life coach and impart knowledge and wisdom to others. The job is lucrative and requires good interpersonal skills. It requires zero startup and you could work for an organization or yourself.
11. Charity Work
There are lots of organizations that need charity workers. Some are sent abroad and given stipends for their effort. You giveback to society and earn some wages in the process.
12. Write eBooks
Ebooks are easy to make and require moderate investment in your time. write a book about your experiences, interests or culinary skills. There are thousands of topics from romance, business, self help and technical books.
Related: How to Write eBooks


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