Starting a Video Editing Business

The arrangement and manipulation of video is video editing. It is practicable full time and part time depending on your business template.
The business is highly lucrative and a veritable venture. You can run the business from home or a dedicated office.
Video editing opportunities have increased due to huge demand for editing and proliferation of video platforms. Common editing formats are films, home videos, music videos and advertisements.
To succeed you need to set yourself apart from competitors and offer quality service. Other things to consider are finance, production, sales, administration and marketing.
Types of Editing
The type of editing includes re-sequencing clips, cutting, transitions and effects. Common types of editing are vision mixing, online editing tools linear and non-linear video editing.
  •  re-sequencing clips
  • Cutting
  • transitions and effects
  • vision mixing
  • online editing tools
  • linear editing
  • non-linear video editing
man with video camera
Video Editing Equipment
There is some basic equipment used by editors. The editing equipment should store, capture, arrange and manipulate images.
You could purchase laptop, desktop, video editing software and recording devices. Equipment’s include digital camcorders, analogue capture cards, and workstation.
  • laptop
  • desktop
  • video editing software
  • digital camcorders
  • analogue capture cards
  • workstation
Different Video Editing Opportunities
There are lots of video editing business opportunities. Jobs include projects by private individuals, schools, home videos movies, wedding and anniversaries. Others are online TV stations, YouTube patrons, webmasters, music videos, documentaries and commercial films.
Video Editing Jobs
  • private individual projects
  • schools
  • home videos movies
  • wedding
  • anniversaries
  • online TV stations
  • YouTube
  • Webmasters
  • music videos
  • documentaries
  • commercial films
You need to educate yourself and learn the trade. Perfect your editing skills through technical courses, training workshops, books and tutorials.
 Attend seminars, try apprentice programs or hire a private tutor. Gain video film editing experience and develop proficiency in your craft.
Specialize in a Niche Market
You should target specific audience and offer specialized services. This will create a brand identity and accommodate clients seeking such services.
Home videos films are huge business opportunity in a country like Nigeria. The Nigeria market accounts for thousands of drama releases quarterly. Therefore video editors in Nigeria could specialize in this industry.
Choose your niche according to your local market and demography. Target your prefer audience, build a reputation, develop a brand and offer quality service.
Types of Video Editing Service
What are the types of services you offer your clients? A video editor could offer consultancy services, editing services and index footage.
Others are online video marketing, creating extra footage and web hosting of clients videos. The services include editing DVDs, video tapes, web streamed videos.
Video Editing Services
  • consultancy services
  • editing services
  • index footage
  • online video marketing
  • creating extra footage
  • web hosting of clients videos
  • DVDs
  • video tapes
  • web streamed videos.
How much do Video Editors Make?
Fixed costs are low if you operate a home editing studio. Successful video editors earn from $2,000-$4,000.
You could estimate your hourly cost at $18 per hour. Factor cost of editing equipment, low cost marketing, labor costs and licensing. Learn to work within a budget and use free classified advertisement.
Take advanced payment of about 50% of your fees before embarking on the project. Use the advancement to purchase raw material needed for the project.
Legal issues cover incorporation, tax, customer service and insurance. You need CPA for taxes, proper accounting, and attorney for legal advice.
Invest in accounting software, study industry billing and write a policy or terms of service. You can join an association in your locality.
Create standard contracts, warranty and determine appropriate billing. Don’t forget to open a separate account for the business.
Marketing is essential to the success of your enterprise. Build a website and drive traffic though social media engagement and online advertisement.
Use Adwords, Facebook ads and StumbleUpon. Use free and paid classified websites, guest post and forums.
You need to network with industrial players and use newspaper advertisement. Focus your customer demography in your advertisement campaign.
Print business cards, handbills, posters and banners. Produce demo reels, offer discounts and do promotional.
Make sure you get credit for your work and include contact information. Use word of mouth and referrals to reach customers.

The Pro and Cons of Video Editing Business
Video editing is a viable business that attracts good remunerations.  The business is highly competitive and challenging.
Practitioners need to develop their editing skill and produce high quality work. Startup is moderately high because of equipment, training and work-space.
Typical equipment’s are computer, editing software, capture cards and video recorders. There are lots of editing opportunities such as cinema, home videos, television programs and documentaries. More are weddings, anniversaries and advertisement.
How to Succeed in Video Editing
To succeed you need proper training. Then specialize in a niche and target the appropriate market. The next step is to identify opportunities, create quality work and purchase the right equipment. This involves building a brand, creating a network or sales channel.
Startup Fees
Startup fees include company registration, licensing and equipment. Others are marketing, software, office furniture and utilities. More involve joining a group and paying association fees
Learn the Trade
It is very important to learn the trade and invest in continuity education. To develop, the person could become an apprentice or learn through a trade institute. Other ways are though practical experience or internships programs.
The Pros of Video Editing Business
  • The business is practicable part-time or full-time
  • It is a very lucrative venture
  • There are lots of video editing opportunities
  • There are many video editing formats and applications
  • You can work from home or a dedicated office
  • Huge demand for videos
The Cons of Video Editing
  • The video editor’s equipment is expensive
  • You need adequate training
  • High cost of training
  • The video editing industry is highly competitive
  • Startup funds is high
  • High production costs
  • Difficulty in establishing sales outlets
  • Marketing considerations
  • To succeed you need to specialize in a niche
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