How to Start a Smartphone Accessory Business

Smartphone’s are more commonplace than land lines or analogue phones. They provide easy contact with loved ones, games, entertainment and daily scheduling.
With millions of phones sold worldwide the small gadget has become a fixture in our lives. The dynamic nature of the device provides smart entrepreneur to focusing on phone accessories.
The niche is huge, very profitable and highly competitive. Phone accessories are light weight inventory sold by shop owners, departmental stores and street vendors. The accessories are also sold online at eCommerce stores, blogs and websites.
How to Sell Phone Accessories
Selling the Cell Phone Accessory Online
There are two ways to sell phone accessories. You could sell them online or offline in a store. Selling online requires a blog, website or eCommerce store.
The webmaster could develop their own products or sell third party products. To sell third party products you could become an affiliate of an online store or build a drop shipping site. Another way is to sell the product at a shopping site or auction site.
Selling Phone Accessories Offline
The main ways the products are sold are at convenient stores, electronic store or phone stores. The shop could be in a commercial area or shopping mall. Some vendors work from make shift kiosks, or carry them around.
  • Sell from a convenient stores
  • electronic store
  • phone stores
  • shopping mall
  • kiosks
  • cart
Choose an Ideal Location
Apart from roving vendors most stores are located at a particular spot. The best location for a phone store is in a commercial area.
The location should have heavy human and vehicular traffic. The store should be visible and easy assessable. Best locations are shopping malls, departmental stalls and commercial areas.
Equip the Store
You can work out of a small space conveniently. Equip the store with a reception counter, table and chairs. Build shelves and cupboards for the merchandise.
You need display cabinets, large sales sign and images of the products. Make sure you have a cash register, POS to receive payment. Try to issue receipts for each purchase made for record purposes.
Startup for Phone Accessory Business
Startup is low and you can get stock on credit. Secure funds through judicious savings or borrow from friends and family.
 You could take on a partner or try franchising. Register the business as a sole proprietor and get a business name. Most small phone accessory stores are one man businesses.
Build a Website
If you want to sell your accessories online you need a website. You need to purchase a host plan and domain name. Make sure the domain name is keyword rich and descriptive.
You could build an eCommerce store or website to sell the product. Add HD images of the product, and good description. Include an about us page, return policy, prices, contact information and integrate a shopping cart for easy payment.
The Supply
The only way to make reasonable profit is to purchase the product from manufacturers or wholesalers. This is because you are working on the retail end of the industry.
Another way is to design a product and outsource the manufacture. Online seller’s can signup and become affiliates.
Then select a product and get the unique URL. You then put the URL in the image or BUY NOW button and the customer is taken to the shopping site. For every purchase the affiliate earns a percentage.
Phone Accessories
There is a whole range of phone accessories to consider. You can sell screen protectors, chargers and wireless keyboards. Others are phone covers, adaptors, batteries and SIM cards.
  • screen protectors
  • chargers
  • wireless keyboards
  • phone covers
  • adaptors
  • batteries
  • SIM cards.
Website owners need organic traffic to convert visitors to buyers. You could try direct marketing or advertise to reach potential customers.
List your website in directories and yellow pages. Social media is a powerful tool to grab your follower’s attention. Use Facebook advertisement and Adwords. A terrestrial store should print flyers, banners and sign boards.


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