How to Start a Vocational School

Vocational schools are both informal and formal institutions. They are post secondary institutions for adults and youths.
They offer job specific training in different trades and provide career choices. Some are called technical colleges, colleges, vocational schools or trade school. There orientation to a particular trade distinguishes them from regular colleges.
Why Start a Vocational School
1. Why do you want to start a vocational school?
2. Are your goals focused on profit making or giving back to the community?
3. How would you finance the project, acquire an operational license and find qualified teachers?
4.  Are you going to build the structures from scratch, lease property and acquire state permit. What about your graduate follow-up or job placement program. You need a good school structure, proper management and administration.
Steps to Start a Vocational School
  • Write a business plan
  • Find an ideal location
  • Choose a niche
  • Obtain appropriate licensing and permits
  • Develop a curriculum
  • Equip the school
  • Hire qualified teachers
  • Enroll students
  • Provide job placement for graduates
Write a Business Plan
The first step is to write a vocational school business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study and survey. The business plan should focus on course outlines, funding and target student.
Others are teacher’s qualification, location of faculty and course curriculum. You need an executive summary company description and purpose.
Find an Ideal location
Conduct a feasibility study to find the ideal location. The location could be in a densely populated area or urban city.
Choose a Niche
The niche depends on your area of interest and professional qualification. There are lots of professions that require technical knowledge. Some are carpentry, electrical, mechanical or civil professions.
Obtain a license from the local government, state or federal. Once approved you would be given a license to open your institution. You need an employer identification number and insurance cover.
Get your teachers to fashion a good curriculum and prepare study material. Vocational schools are more practical oriented than academic study. Make sure you put in-place appropriate teaching aids.
Equip the School
The type of equipment depends on your curriculum and area of specialization. Basic equipment’s are class tables, chairs, board, chalk and learning aids.
Hire Teachers
Hire only qualified teachers with appropriate technical knowledge. You can hire bachelor’s degree holders, master’s degree or PHD holders. Find technical instructors with practical knowledge and years of cognate experience
Enroll Students
Once your school is approved you need students. Advertise in newspaper for each academic session. Other methods are through flyers, posters, sticklers, banners and billboards.
Provide Job Placement
A good way to provide value for graduates is through job placement. You can network with companies in your field to provide placement for your students. There are lots of opportunities for technical graduates.
6 Types of Vocational Schools


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