How to Start a Self Storage Business

The storage container business requires lots of financial involvement. It is capital intensive and need huge landed space. The space is meant to accommodate the containers and administrative office.
Container storage businesses are mostly self service centers. An individual hires a container to store valuables or household items. They pay an annual rent for the space and have access to the storage facility during the tenor.
Storage business is interesting because once setup you only require a small working capital for maintenance and security. Other requirements are site approval, accreditation and bonding.
Types of Containers Storage
The container storage business is carried out onsite or offsite. Traditional storage involves a number of storage containers in a location.
They are fitted with strong locks to secure the customers property. The location of the business is of paramount importance. The location should be accessible, with good road network and easy to find.
Things to Consider
Before you start write a storage container business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study to identify the best location. You need a good source to purchase containers.
It is important to provide adequate security measures and guards. You can use close circuit cameras, security guards and dogs. You need administrative staff and heavy equipment driver.
  • write a storage container business plan
  • carry out a feasibility study
  • identify the best location
  • find a good source for containers
  • provide adequate security measures
  • use close circuit cameras
  • security guards and dogs
  • hire administrative staff
  • heavy equipment driver
The Pros of Starting a Storage Business
  • You need to write a water tight contract
  • Get liability insurance cover
  • The business is very lucrative
  • Once operational you spend very little money on maintenance
  • Location is key to success
  • Register the business as a limited liability company
  • You don’t need an education or special knowledge to own a storage facility
The Cons of Starting a Storage Business
  • Startup requires huge monetary investment
  • You need a large parcel of land
  • You need to provide adequate security
  • There are risks of litigation form theft or damaged property
  • High transportation costs
  • Buying and installing containers is challenging
  • The price of containers are high
Storage Company Services
There are lots of services offered by storage companies. Offer your customers container delivery, removal and upgrade. Other services are refurbishing, pickup and storage facility services.
The pricing for services is subject to demography, type of storage and prevalent rates. Popular storage container sizes are 20 feet and 40 feet containers. You can buy a used container and use different advertisement methods to attract patronage.


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