How to Become a Nurse Registered Nurse

Do you aspire to become a nurse and wish to achieve your dreams? There are many ways depending on the country and laws.
According to the bureau of statistics nursing has seen a steady growth of 16% in the last 10 years above other professions. The job is rewarding and attracts good remunerations.
However the job is tasking and requires discipline, hardwork, long hours and dedication. There is nothing glamorous about cleaning human secretions and applying injections. However nurses provide an important service in the healthcare sector.
Advantages of Nursing
Nurses are always in demand and job prospect are high. There remains a high demand for registered nurse worldwide. Other advantages are job security, good pay and job satisfaction. And there is also the possibility of advancement and promotions.
A Nurse Duties
The job specification for nurses is huge and diverse. The job depends on the nurse’s specialization and sector.
Responsibilities include critical care, gerontology, rehabilitation or outpatient care. They work in pediatrics, hospitals, clinics, dialysis centers and nursing homes.
There primary constituency is to assist physicians in the treatment and care of patients. They monitor patients progress, administer medication and educate patients. Other functions involve treatment, post hospital treatment and alleviate patients suffering.
How much do Nurses Earn
Registered nurses in America earn from $45,000 to $80,000 annually. New nurses earn lower than $40,000 however the earnings increase with experience and higher education.
How to Become a Registered Nurse
Although there are different provision in each country the basic format is the same. There are many affordable options and nursing degrees. You need to decide on your career goals and interests.
Types of Nursing Degrees
There are different types of nursing degrees from the low entry level degrees to higher degrees. Here are a few degrees necessary to practice nursing.
  • Licensed Vocational certification
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Associate of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing
  • Masters of Science in Nursing
Licensed Vocational Nurse
The lowest cadre of nursing is the licensed vocational nurse or licensed practical nurse. To become a licensed vocational nurse you need training in a community college.
Other avenues are at a hospital or technical school. This is a way to fast track your career goals at an entry level. To acquire a license the student nurse needs to pass a state nursing examination.
Residential Nurse
A residential nurse primary responsibility is to care for patients and assist the physician to treat sick patients. A registered nurse needs to acquire a higher degree.
Common education includes an associate degree in nursing, diploma or bachelors degree in nursing. The diploma course could run for a year, associate degree two years or four years bachelor’s degree.
Holders of associate degree in nursing are regarded as technocrat because of the course content and practical knowledge. The bachelor’s degree in nursing is awarded by a recognized university.
Students with associate degrees could register for a bachelors of science in nursing. All registered nurses need to pass a state examination.
To achieve a higher level of education you could consider pursing a masters of science in nursing. This degree will offer higher levels of position at your workplace.
Second Degree BSN
The second degree BSN is specially designed for people with an unrelated BSC degree. They study for the bachelors of Science in nursing to become nurses. The duration of the course is two years.
Online Nursing Degrees
Did you know that you can earn an advanced nursing degree online? Find a certified institution that offers MSN in nursing administration or nursing education. Make sure the institution you choose is accredited to offer such courses.
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