How to Apply Online For Jobs

Many government organizations, companies and recruiters prefer applicants applying for jobs online. This strategy saves costs on interviews and opens the job to a whole lot more qualified applicants.
There primary method relies on company websites or job listing websites. Some result to newspaper publications to encourage job seekers.
 Applying online is moderately easier than appearing in person. To succeed you need to prepare a good application that provides all the necessary documentation and information.
Some organizations are open to annual applications while others offer only when there is a vacancy. You need to get the application right from the get go for better results. Here are a few things to consider before submitting an online application.
How Employers Accept Applications
Employers accept applications by email though their human resources channel. Other methods are directly on the company website or through a job site. Some post application forms with email addresses.
  •  Direct application to company
  • Email application to human resources
  • Job search websites
  • email to application form address
Research the Company
It is very important conducting a search on the company. Find out their core values operational procedures and company structure. Gaining this knowledge would improve your chances at getting employed.
Go to their website and get a feel of the company. Find reviews, products or services, about us page and other valuable information. Knowing their organization in-depth would give your application an edge over other job seekers.
How to Complete an Online Application Form
Submit an Individualized Form
Some applicants make serious errors when submitting application forms. They create a generic form and send to each company. This is a wrong strategy that would yield zero returns.
Don’t submit a generic form but tailor each form to accommodate the company’s core values. The same applies to a cover letter. Make sure you write a good resume or cover letter.
How to Complete an Online Job Form
To complete an online job form creditably you need to read the application form instructions carefully. Follow the instructions to the letter to avoid immediate disqualification. Make sure you answer the questions truthfully and correctly.
Any employer would carry out their own background assessment before offering the choice applicant the job.  Whilst filling out the form read it thoroughly to make sure you have correctly filled the information and followed the instruction.
Provide In-depth Information
The recruiters want to know your abilities, education, work experience and background. Make sure you provide detailed information within reason.
Don’t forget to double check the instructions before sending the application. While filling the form check the grammar and spelling. There is nothing more annoying than spelling mistakes or use a spell check tool to correct errors.
Avoid Rushing
Employment is all about meeting deadlines and time management. Some companies deliberately offer job posting a few days to the deadline. This is to test the applicant’s response time and efficiency. Make sure you leave enough time for review and submission.
Add a Cover Letter
You can add a cover letter to your application form unless otherwise instructed. Make sure any information in the letter correlates with that on the application form.
A cover letter is either included in the form or sent separately. It should cover all parameters for speedy processing by recruitment agents.
The File Format
The company may request applicant use a particular file format. Any diversion from the instruction results in automatic disqualification.
Common formats are text, document txt, word document or rich text documents. Avoid submitting the form as a pdf and use a .doc file format when applicable.
Email Address
It is important getting a personal email address for correspondence or to receive feedback. You can use yahoo mail or Gmail to create an email with your actual name.
Once the application is submitted it takes a while to get a response. Sometimes the company is unwilling to send feedback to job applicants.
Sometimes they send mail only to the successful ones. Don’t get depressed because this is a normal practice. This does not mean you are not qualified for the job but just a victim of the system. 
A good example is a financial institution I once worked that processed application forms of one to three years for new job openings. We collated the lot and invited over a hundred applicants for specific job openings.
How to Follow Up
Companies do not want applicant inundating their customer service with calls or mails. They would rather contact only short listed candidates.
However you can follow up with an email after you have submitted the form. A good space of time after your application is a week. The reason is to check the status of your application.
Unfortunately there is a chance you would not hear from the company at all. Once you have job interviews make sure you attend and don’t decline any until you have actually bagged a job.
10 Tips to get through Online Application
1. Apply for jobs you want and make sure you are qualified
2. Follow the instructions on the application form
3. Add a cover letter
4. Add a link to your Linkedin profile
5. Make sure the application is sent
6. Keep track of your application
7. Follow up on Linkedin
8. Apply for other jobs
9. Attend interviews
10. Get the Job


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