10 Small Agriculture Farming Business ideas

Agriculture is very lucrative but requires lots of patience and funding. The animals need regular checkups, proper feeding and farm management.
To start farming you need to focus on an animal, prepare the dwelling space and stock the food. Other considerations include startup capital, business registration, farm inspection and certification.
Farming is possible small or large scale depending on the landed space and funding. Here are 10 small agriculture farming business ideas.
1. Grow Herbs
Everyone knows the importance of herbs in treating ailments. They are easy to grow especially under ideal weather and soil conditions.
To grow herbs as spicing, food or medication you need adequate knowledge of different herbs. Focus on those that are indigenous to your locality for best results
2. Vegetable Farming
Vegetable farming is backbreaking labor. Vegetable farmers must constantly tender the farms from pests, rodents and shrubs. Vegetables are highly priced in the marketplace and farmers earn good returns
3. Fish Farming
There are different types of fish farmed domestically. Fish farmers might choose to stock tilapia, catfish or other varieties native to the area. The business is profitable but requires proper water and food management.
4. Grow Fruit Trees
Fruit trees provide the body the needed nutrition and vitamins. Fruit trees tend to take several years to grow or full maturity.
After the growth period many produce fruits for many years during fruiting season. Fruit tree owners reap bountifully every season and the trees require very little maintenance. Common fruit tree grown by famers are orange, mangoes, lemon tree and grapes.
5. Livestock Farming
There are different animals considered livestock. We have pigs, goats, cattle, chicken and goats. Others are guinea fowl, turkey, Grasscutter and rabbit. Livestock farming is capital intensive and the animals require proper medical care, feeding and living quarters.
6. Snail Farming
Anybody can start a snail farm in their backyard. Snails do not require lots of spaces to grow and procreate. They grow rapidly and attract premium prices in the open market. Feeding the snails is relatively cheap and easily sustainable.
7. Beekeeping
Beekeeping is very challenging and dangerous to the inexperienced bee handler. It also creates a problem if situated in a residential neighborhood.
To keep bees you need isolated areas away from residential houses and people. The bees need to be kept in hives and the honey extracted periodically.
You also need lots of safety equipment, technical knowledge and patience. Beekeepers sell the honey and beeswax to interested customers.
8. Worm Farming
Worm farmers produce the creatures in composite soil specially prepared for the animal. The worms are feed waste food materials and specific leaves.  They are sold to fish anglers, animal feed producers and farmers.
9. Mushroom Farming
You can grow mushrooms at home or forage for them. Growing mushroom require special growth mediums and a dark shed.
Choose a highly priced variety and sell to supermarkets, malls and directly to consumers. You could sell your mushrooms at trade shows, agricultural markets or grocery markets.
10. Poultry Farming
Poultry farming involves different types of birds. The primary animal is the chicken and turkey. Chickens are farmed for their meat or eggs.
The type of production would determine the bird you stock. Egg layers are breed to lay eggs and are feed layers mash. While those breed for meat are feed grower mash or finish mash.
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