45 Unique Small Business Ideas for Teens and Youths

Teenagers are full of boundless energy and courage. They can put that strength and determination to work by starting a small enterprise. There are many small businesses and occupation that require very low startup capital. They are practicable full time or part time depending on the person’s schedule.
young girl
45 Unique Small Business Ideas for Teens and Youths
1. Wind Chime Making
2. Web Designer- offer clients web designing services
3. Sell Used Books- sell used textbooks and novels online or to bookstores
4. Become a Wedding Planner- if you have good organizational skills you can try wedding planning
5. Start a Tattoo Palour- you need to learn the tattoo trade or work as an apprentice
6. Become a Tour Guide- rake in cash by offering foreigners tour guides
7. Become a cobbler- repair and produce shoes, sandals and slipper
8. Sell stock photography- sell photographs on stock photography sites
9. Pet setting business- try pet sitting
10. Flip domains- purchase top level domain names and resell for profit
11. Open a Pet photography studio
12. Start a catering service- there are lots of teens into catering services
13. Become a graphic designer
14. Flip websites- buy and sell websites for cash
15. Sell on eBay- there are lots of things to sell on eBay
16. Become a virtual assistant-to become a virtual assistant you need good organizational skills
17. Open a Laundry Service- use your washing machine to earn cash
18. Start a home tutoring service- good at mathematics and English tutor others
19. Become a social media marketer- a huge following on social media equates to marketing opportunity
20. Try freelance writing- join a freelance site and offer your services
21. Write and sell eBooks- writing eBooks are easy and fun. Sell them on kindle direct publishing
22. Produce apps- create and sell apps
23. Start a teen magazine
24. Stat a teen radio- purchase software and start an online radio
25. Become a voice over- artist- do you have an amazing voice try voice over
26. Try gardening- get your hands dirty with gardening services
27. Start a carwash business- earn good pay washing cars
28. Start a photography business- buy a digital camera and offer photography services at parties
29. Do micro jobs-there are many micro job sites
30. Breed exotic dog
31. Start a pet store
32. Start a babysitting business
33. Become a disc jockey
34. Open a video Rental shop
35. Try jewelry making
36. Open a grocery store
37. Go into fish farming
38. Blog for cash
Start a cleaning Service
39. Try affiliate marketing
40. Open a video game center
41. Go into craft making
42. Try computer programming
43. Drive a private taxi
44. Start a barbing saloon
45. Become an party clown


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