Top 15 Business Ideas for Infopreneurs

An infopreneur sells high quality well researched information. The mode of dissemination depends on the infopreneur interest and specialty. They leverage on social media, new trends and technology. The business is highly lucrative and there are many services to offer. Here are 15 business ideas for Infopreneurs
Top 15 Business Ideas for Infopreneurs
1. Webinars
An infopreneur is perfect for webinar business. This involves different aspects of information dissemination. Webinars are used as training tool in online courses, seminars and workshops.
2. Organize a Seminar
A seminar is a good way to spread information. Organizers make huge earnings by providing useful information. The business is easy to establish such as finding a hall, and creating information products.
3. Freelance Writing
Freelance writers have a huge number of opportunities on and offline. Every website needs to have content and writers provide this important service.
4. Create Tutorials
You can make good money creating tutorial. There are thousands of topics to write about. The entrepreneur chooses a subject that adds value to the person. Popular tutorial are How To subjects.
5. Write How to Guides
Many top websites and blogs provide information on how to do something. There is always a need for quality information.
6. Author Books
Authoring a book is very challenging and requires good writing skill. You need proper proof reading, editing and a publishing platform. To succeed you need to promote the book and create quality content.
7. Become an Affiliate Marketer
Affiliate marketing is about choosing a good product. You choose a product then write a review to inform potential customers about the product. Affiliates have a unique URL that takes the customer to the products sales page.
8. Own your blog
Blogging is a verified way to earn monthly income. To build a blog you need a host plan and domain name. Monetize the blog through affiliate programs, sell products or offer reviews. Other methods include direct advertisement and third party advertisement.
9. Build a Directory Site
Although directory websites are gradually going out of fashion some are performing well. A directory website works in a similar way to yellow pages. The best way to build a directory website is to focus on a niche.
10. EBook Writing
Ebooks have come to stay with thousands are published daily. There are lots of online publishing sites eager to add your book in their marketplace. Write quality content, select a publisher and promote the Ebook.
11. Organize a Trade Show
Trade shows are very popular places to sell different items. You can organize them and earn from exhibitors in the show. You need proper logistics and state approval to organize the show.
12. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging can get your brand in-front of the right audience. Very few websites have paid guest bloggers. Most guest blogging gigs are free of any financial remuneration.
13. Social Media Management
Social media mangers earn good income providing a service. They manage company promotions, information, services and products.
To run a social management company you need huge number of followers on your social platform. Some managers are paid to manage the social account of a company.
14. Public Speaking
Public speakers earn good money talking in seminars. The seminar organizer pays public speakers well and in turn they deliver the goods.
15. Niche Blogging
Niche blogging focuses on a particular subject. This technique is effective in providing a platform for people interested in the subject matter.
A niche blog could be on entertainment, engineering, home business or environmental issues. The niche blogger is viewed as an expert in the subject.


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