How to Get a Job in Accounting

To become an accountant you need the right educational qualification. Some form of experience in an accounting firm would be an added advantage. Almost every business needs an accountant to balance the books and advice the company. Finding the job requires patience, good work ethics, networking and persistence.
Gain an Accounting Education
You need a higher degree in accounting to practice. The basic entry level for accounting jobs is a Bachelors degree.
The accountant needs to pass a certified public account examination or similar exams in your country. To improve your prospects of employment you can read to MBA. There are different requirements in most countries on how to become a certified accountant.
Master the Accounting Skill
Accountants are good mathematicians and they deal with numbers. The job requires a quick analytical mind and accurate data on financial deals.
The accountant should be able to spot irregularities and decipher complex numerical data. You need to master accounting software and accounting skills.
The job requires serious concentration and lots of numbers. The accountant’s job description is to audit accounting information provided by different departments. You need to be strict, discipline, focused and hardworking.
What Do Employers Seek
Employers seek a level of proficiency and good GPA. They look for evidence of academic achievement, work experience and 3.5 GPA. They seek candidate who would work without supervision and deliver the goods.
How to Secure an Accounting Job
There are three ways to get an accounting job. The first is to become an intern in an accounting firm or company.
Students who complete accounting internship have a higher chance of employment. This is because the job placement offers real life experience in paid employment.
Visit your career officer in campus for advice on internship programs. The second is through student recruitment programs. Many top organizations conduct interviews with bright students to find qualified accountants.
Finally use networking to find job placements for accountants. There are lots of networking possibilities from friends, acquaintances and family. Seek advice from your campus career officer or job placement companies.
The Accounting Interview
Everyone has to go through some form of interview before getting a job. The job of the interviewers is to probe your accounting knowledge and ambition.
This is to determine if the candidate is right for the job. They would look at your job experience, educational qualifications and awards.
Some questions are to understand your character and how you respond to challenges. Make sure you are appropriately dressed and exude confidence. Some experts say it is only polite to send a thank you email after the interview.


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