10 Ways to Earn Money Doing a Side Jobs

Having a side job will supplement your income and offer better financial security. There are lots of opportunities for part-time employment, freelancing or starting a small business.
There are many traditional jobs however the internet offers a whole lot of variety. You can work on and offline from the comfort of your home.
A good side gig is capable of earning $1000-$2000 monthly or $12,000 annually. This is not bad income for working only 2 hours a day. The hard part is finding the gig that complements your specialized skill.
dog walking
10 Ways to Earn Money Doing Side Jobs
1. Sell New or Used Items
The easiest way to start earning supplementary income is to sell something online. The internet offers a huge marketplace with eager shoppers looking for different items.
The reason online commerce is so successful is the possibility of finding rare, low priced or discounted items. Look around your house and gather items you no loner need. 
Creative people could craft a product such as artwork, bead work, print or woodwork. There are lots of places to sell items such as Etsy, Amazon and eBay. You can also sell from your own ecommerce blog or website.
2. Breed Dogs
Lovers of dogs could breed their pet for income.  All you need is a male and female from a good breed to startup your small enterprise.
Alternately keep only a female dog and pay breeders to mate the dog. Since this is a side gig and not a full blown business having two dogs does not require owning a breeding license.
Make sure you select a pricey breed and provide appropriate medical care, grooming and feeding. Once they procreate sell the dogs using free classified sites, newspaper publications or visit a vet.
3. Use Online Classified
Using online classified websites is another effective way to sell your service or product. There are lots of classified websites that offer free and paid advertisement placement. The types of items sold on classified sites are cloths, phones, accessories, shoes, laptops and books. You find cars, bikes, animals, craft and house utensils.
4. Become a Part-time Driver
Driving is a lucrative venture but requires a driving license, vehicle insurance and knowledge of your demography. You can get plenty of jobs using many smart apps and software available for drivers. 
There are lots of companies to consider such as Via, Gett, Lyft and Uber. All you need to do is signup on their platforms and follow their rules and regulations.
5. Teach Online Courses
The ideal side gig for a teacher is to create an online course. Online courses are very popular and practitioners make over $1000 monthly. All you need to do is create a course around your expertise and knowledge.
Make sure the course is well researched and offer lots of rich media. Some websites have resources to simplify the course creation process. A good place to start is Udemy an online course website.
6. Social Media Marketer
There are hundreds of social media platforms today. Top platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and google+.
The popularity of social interactions has led to such sites having millions of users daily. If you have a large following then you can use your popularity for financial gain. 
Many brands are eager to pay social stars good sums to showcase their products or services. Top social media marketers earn thousands of dollars monthly working part-time with trusted brands.
7. Sell Pictures Online
There is a chance you have lots of amazing photographs on your smartphone. The photographs can translate to a steady stream of income.
There are lots of stock photography sites looking to sell your photographs. The advantages are recurrent income on a single photographs including setting your own prices. Top stock photography sites to consider are Getty images, iStock and Shutterstock.
8. Write
There are hundreds of money making opportunities for writers. Writers have never had it so good with so many ways to cash in on their talent.
You could start a personal blog and monetize, sell articles or write assignments. You could contribute content to revenue sharing sites or paid guest blogging. You could write reviews, advertisement or an ebook.
9. Become a Virtual Assistant
Websites like VirtualAssistant, Upwork and Flexjobs provide opportunities for virtual assistant work. The job entails good organizational and communication skills. You need a basic knowledge of Microsoft word and administration.
10. Micro jobs
As a side gig you can take on micro jobs online. All you need to do is join a freelance site and offer a product or service. The possibilities are endless and type of service depends entirely on your skill or professional offering.
There are opportunities for graphic designers, writers, web developers. Others are transcription jobs, social media marketing. To get a feel of what is on offer take a tour of a few freelance sites and see what others are offering.


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