How to Start a Crèche/Daycare Business

A day care center provides a safe place to cater for children’s welfare. You need educational qualification, adequate finance and a good location.
Provide quality equipment, learning tools, toys and sleeping area. Daycare business is moderately challenging because you need to handle very young children in a safe and conducive environment.
The job description involves teaching, feeding, nap-time and games. The increase in popularity could be traced to the fast changing nuclear family and job related demands. Other factors include smaller households, and higher percentage of single mothers.
Reasons why Crèche Daycare Centers are Popular
The main reason for an increase in daycare centers is a significant rise in working mothers. Other reasons include high birth rate, and an appreciation for preschool learning.
Age Group of Children in Daycare Centers
The age groups of children admissible in daycare centers are as follows. The ages include infants, toddlers 12-24 months of age and preschool above 30 months.
  • Infants
  • Toddlers
  • Preschool 
How to Start a Crèche/Daycare Business
To start the business you need to write a business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study to find the best location and customer demography.
Some people create designated spaces at home however they need to confirm with strict guidelines associated with the enterprise. Other considerations are business certification, a license to operate, qualified teachers and a good curriculum.
  • Write a daycare business plan
  • Carry out a feasibility study
  • Locate the business
  • Get certification and licenses
  • Hire qualified teachers
  • Write a curriculum
  • Marketing
Be Qualified
You need certain qualifications to run a day care and there are many child education related degrees and programs. Apart from a good degree you need basic health and safety knowledge.
Offer the parents quality service and unique programs for their kids. You must carry out a thorough investigation into the background of any teacher you intend to hire.
Apply for a License
Contact the state department of children and family service in your country. Every country has different rules guiding this enterprise. Make sure you cover all the parameters before launching the business.
Common licensing are business name and an operational license. There are also strict zoning, health and safety requirements.
More licensing requirements are minimum space, staff qualification and safety protocols. Before you are awarded a license you business is subjected to pre-licensing screening and compliance investigation.
Licensing requirements
  • Business registration
  • Operational license
  • Insurance
  • Staff qualifications
  • Proper staff to child ratio
  • Sanitary practice
  • Safety protocols
  • Learning aids and equipment
Prepare a Curriculum
You need to prepare a curriculum to stimulate the young minds. Make it fun and entertaining, while they gain valuable knowledge.
You could focus on spelling, mathematics and object recognition. Offering quality care while educating the children would establish your brand.
There are many ways to create a good curriculum. You could find different templates online or adopt the American or brutish curriculum.
  • Teach the alphabets
  • Recite nursery rhymes
  • Counting numbers
  • Drawing
  • Spelling
  • Image recognition
  • Singing
The basic equipment’s are cots, sleeping beds, toys and nappies. Others are a large television set, baby toiletries and learning aids.
Stock learning aids such as markers, pen, coloring tools and paint. Stock brushes, pencils, stickers, drawing books and story books.
  • Cots
  • Sleeping beds
  • Toys
  • Nappies
  • Television set
  • Baby toiletries
  • Learning aids
  • Markers
  • Pen
  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Pencils
  • Stickers
  • Drawing books
  • Story books.
Best location for the Business
The best location for the business is in residential areas. Highly populated areas close to your customer demography is the best location.
Although some daycare centers start from private homes it is not ideal. You need a designated space with adequate safety features and dedicated staff.
Marketing the Daycare Center
Reach potential clients through television and newspaper advertisement. Use tradition printing such as flyers, billboards, posters and signboards. Market your center through a dedicated website and social media page.


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