Commercial Processing of Mangoes

The mango fruit’s, sweet pleasant taste could be attributed to its high sugar content. The tropical tree has lots of medicinal and food applications.
The fleshy drupe is indigenous to West Africa, Mexico and India. They come in different sizes, shapes and colors.
Each geographical location has different harvesting periods through the year. Common color variations found in commercial mangoes are green, red and yellow.
The entire mango tree has many uses from the seeds, fruit, leaves and stem. Investors need to buy appropriate machinery, secure a ready source of raw material and get adequate funding.
Other essentials are effective marketing, incorporation, and hiring qualified staff. Here are a few ideas on how to start a mango processing business.
Problems Associated with Mango Industry
The mango industry faces a few challenges such as short lifespan of fruit, difficulty in uniformity of product and different shaped fruits.
The processing industry heavily relies on manual labor to peel and slice. And another major impediment is accurate determination of maturity of the fruit.
Uses of Mango
Processed mango is used for medicinal purposes to treat diarrhea, diabetes, and female disorders. More medicinal uses are treatment of urethritis and dysentery. Other include seed kernels for poultry feed, seed fat used to make soap, bark for tanning hides and gum. 
Industrial Applications of Mango
The nourishing fruit has lots of industrial applications. Commercial mango processors leverage on the food aspect of the fruit.
Large scale producers have an array of products to develop. You could decide to brew mango wine, mango fruit juice or fruit cocktails.
Some extract the nectar or use the mango pulp in beverages. We have delicious mango flavored ice creams and flavored yogurt.
The mangoes are processed and sold in cans or served fresh or as additives. Mango products have endless variations according the processing methodology.
They are frozen, canned, preserved through dehydration, sliced, ground or pickled. They undergo dicing, turned into puree, peeled or chopped into bits. 
The products are sold as jams, jellies, salted, other include fresh mangoes, syrups, fruit punch, nectar and mixed fruit blends
Mango Products
  • Purees
  • Jams
  • Jellies
  • Salted 
  • Sold fresh
  • Syrups
  • Fruit punch
  • Nectar
  • Mixed fruit blends
Mango Processing
Mango is processed into different food products and requires a considerable amount of labor. The small business owner needs to focus on a niche our manufacture related products.
Popular food products derived from mangoes that have good economic value are mango juice, mango puree and canned sliced mangoes.
Mango Processing Machinery
The type of machinery you need depends on the product. Common equipment are washing stations, universal sorting station and brushing machine.
The 3 equipment earlier listed are used in washing and sorting the fruits. You also need an automatic destoner and peeler. The job of a destoner is to separate stones while peeling the fruit.
The next equipment along the production line is the single stage pulper. The job of the pulper is to refine the mango pulp into puree. The tubular pre-heater, deactivates enzymes in the pulp while a centrifuge decanter eliminates black specks.
The product goes through deaeration or concentration to achieve natural or concentrated puree. Some puree products are also subjected to sterilization.
Mango Processing Equipment
  • Destoner- peels and removes stones
  • Brushing machine
  • Single stage pulper- refines mango pulp
  • Decanter
  • Tubular pre-heater- enzymatic deactivator
  • Tubular heat exchanger
  • Centrifugal decanter-delicate de-pulping
  • Evaporator
 Processing Natural Puree
Mango is processed into 4 types of puree depending on the manufacturer. We have the sterilized concentrated mango puree, sterilized natural mango puree. Other puree derivates are the frozen concentrated mango puree and fresh natural mango puree.
Production of Sterilized Natural Mango Puree
The mango is collected, washed, sorted, brushed and de-stoned. It is then peeled, pulped, goes through enzymatic deactivation and into the decanter. To achieve sterilized natural mango puree it undergoes deaeration, sterilization, and aseptic filling.
Production of Sterilized Concentrated Mango Puree
The journey starts with washing, sorting, brushing, de-stoning, pulp and refining. The next steps include heat exchanger and final de-pulping.
It is feed into an evaporator, tubular heat exchanger, goes through aseptic filling before achieving sterilized concentrated mango puree.
Production of Frozen Concentrated and Natural Mango Puree
To produce frozen concentrated mango puree you start by washing the fruit, sorting brushing and de-stoning. The next step is peeling, pulping, refining and enzymatic deactivation. Next you feed into a decanter, concentrator, pasteurization/cooling, filling and freezing.
Canned Mango Slices
The production process of canned mango slices is less complicated. The fruits are collected at the receiving station, sorted and peeled.
The peeled fruit are placed in brine solution then slices filled into cans and weighed. Can is then filled with syrup and placed into a steam equipment.
The equipment expels oxygen and the canned sealed. They then undergo seam treatment for sterilization purposes. The final stage is the labeling of the product.
Other Processed Mango Products
  • Pickles
  • Green mango processing
  • Chutney
  • Drying/dehydration method
  • Beverages
  • Mango juice


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