How to Start a Generator Repair Business

There are three types of generators in the market. We have the petrol powered generator, diesel and kerosene.
They are essential equipment used to backup power generation. There are a few countries that have epileptic power supply.
A country like Nigeria has very dismal power generation and distribution. That is why residents purchase generators to fill the gap. In most households in Nigeria it’s not unusual to find 2 to 3 generating sets.
Although generating sets are rugged and durable they require proper maintenance. Constant use rapidly degrades the capacity and the equipment needs repairs or servicing.
Startup cost is low however you need to develop technical skill. Things you need include hand tools, workshop and tax identification number.
Types of Generators
  • Diesel generator
  • Petrol-fuel generator
  • Kerosene generator
Write a Business Plan
You could hire a professional to write a business plan. Other ways to create the plan is through online resources and freelancers.
The business template is relatively easy to execute. You need low startup funds, space to rent, apprentice and marketing strategy.
Carry out a Feasibility Study
It is important you carry out a feasibility study. The study should focus ion competition, zoning and customer base. Understand what the competition is charging, popular brands of generators and customer preferences.
Locate the Business
The business should be located where there is heavy vehicular and human traffic. Make sure you display your shop through sign board advertisement. Other good locations are commercial areas, and residential areas.
Learn the Trade
You need to develop serious technical knowledge on how to disassemble and assemble a generator. The success of your enterprise depends on your level of proficiency.
Learn the trade through apprentice programs or through a technical institution. Attend seminars and read lots of books, e-books and tutorials. A generator repairer will get frequent patronage from satisfied customers only if they offer quality service.
Source Funds
The amount of money you need to start a generator repair business is small. You can generate funds through target savings or borrow from friends and family.
You could partner with someone that has technical knowledge or finance. Majority of the funds go into equipment purchase and rent.
Licensing and Registration
 It is not mandatory to incorporate your business as a limited liability company. Instead register a business name and secure insurance cover. You need a tax identification number and a trade license.
Owners of generator repair shops carry out the job alone. Sometimes they hire one staff including an apprentice.
The marketing requirements generally support local content. You service generators within your local demography.
Marketing considerations include handbills, posters and signage boards. Offer your clients high quality jobs and purchase only original spare parts.
Build a local website
Make sure your website reaches the right people. Make sure the site is optimized with useful post, images and information. Provide clear navigation, sitemap, about page, phone number and address.


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