How to Start a Facility Management Company

Facility management comprises different services to ensure the smooth operation of a built environment. The management company integrates support services through the uses of technology and manpower. 
Your job description involves offering your clients a broad based service and securing contracts. You could launch the enterprise focused on a sector or specialize on fire prevention and safety maintenance.
Others offer full facility management services or environmental services. Start by writing a business plan and incorporation. You need moderate funds, company location, permanent and temporary staff.
Ways to Start a Facility Management Company
There are three ways to start a facility management company. You could start from scratch, use acquisition or buy into a franchise.
Write a facility Management Company Business Plan
You should write a facility management company business plan. The plan should focus on core business strategy, funding and marketing. Project expected profit/loss, future projections and management team.
Write a Feasibility Study
Study you competitors, business structure, services and prices. You need to find an ideal location and carry out a survey.
The survey will reveal your preferred client demography. To compete favorable you should offer your clients unique services at competitive prices.
Build a Portfolio
It is essential you build a portfolio of your work. This will enable easy presentation of your services to clients while showcasing your proficiency.
Learn the Trade
You need to have a professional degree in fields related to your services. The business involves other professionals such as electricians, carpenters, bricklayer and waste management professionals.
Other professionals are handymen, fabricators, security experts and horticulturists. Gain knowledge from established facility managers, seminars, tutorials, apprentice programs and internship.
Professionals Employed by Facility Management Company’s
  • Electricians
  • Carpenters
  • Bricklayer
  • Waste management professionals.
  • Handyman
  • fabricator
  • security experts
  • horticulturists
  • tilers 
  • plumbers 
The Business of Building Maintenance
The business of building maintenance covers a vast range of services. The facility manager repairs drainage, does the plumbing, waste management and supplies. They change electrical fittings, faulty doors, faulty elevators and general maintenance.
  • Repairs drainage
  • Plumbing services
  • Waste management
  • Minor repairs
  • Supplies
  • Electrical fittings
  • Faulty doors
  • Faulty elevators
  • General maintenance
Secure Contracts
To succeed you need to secure contracts to manage property. You could approach local offices, property developers, apartment blocks and commercial buildings.
Other potential clients are event centers, government institutions and colleges of higher learning.
Hire Staff
It is not practical hiring all the staff you need. Concentrate on highly qualified staff to coordinate the casual labor deployed. Valuable staffs are professionals with multiple management skills.
You need contractual agreements to operate as a facility management company. Your customer base includes real estate developers, office complexes and high rise buildings.


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