23 Beauty Care Business Ideas

Beauty is universal and human beings are always trying to achieve perfection. Luckily there are many beauty products to wet our appetites.
Investors in this sector have a wide range of businesses to consider. They could concentrate on manufacturing beauty products, wholesale or retail. 
We also have the health and fitness industry, healthy living and service oriented business ideas.
To join the beauty industry you need to focus on a niche, secure startup capital, learn the trade and write a business plan. Other things to consider are company incorporation, location, staff, registration and equipment.
You also need to develop an effective marketing strategy. Listed below are a few profitable beauty care business ideas.
Beauty Care Business Ideas
Hair relaxers soften hair for easy styling and management. The business is very lucrative for manufacturers and retailers.
The customer demography are usually women of color or Africans. 
Body Soap
There are thousands of high quality body soap products in most markets. They are aromatic, sensitive on skin and used by both sexes.
A wholesale merchant has a wide range of products to offer. Soaps never run out of fashion because everyone needs to take a bath at least once a day.
Nail Studio
Why not open a nail studio in your area. Nail studios are easy to establish and requires low startup capital.
Make sure you learn the trade and use only quality brands. Find a busy location with lots of human traffic or within a shopping mall.
Hair Extensions
A hair extension never goes out of vogue. They are easy to use and are either natural hair or synthetic. Stock your shop with different types of hair extension to meet customers needs.
Perfume Sales
A well established perfume shop will do will in a good location. The store has to be inviting, elegant and visible. You can stock different brands of perfume or network with only one brand.
Manufacture Hair Accessories
You need creative skills to develop your own line of hair accessories. The business is moderately challenging especially marketing new products. The best bet is to network with beauty product stores to showcase your designs.
Making Hair Extensions
India is one of the leaders in natural hair extensions. To start the business set-up a factory and hire tailors. You need lots of sewing equipment's, staff, utility and suppliers.
Jewelry Production
Jewelry production is equally challenging and gratifying. You could focus on costume jewelry or high end premium pieces. Write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study to find best location and customer demography.
Production of Creams and Body Lotions
Learn the essential chemicals that go into lotion or cream making. Purchase semi or fully automated equipment.
Develop a recipe and produce the beauty product. Your lotion or cream needs a National Food and Drug number including extensive testing. Invest in brand awareness and marketing to get patronage.
Soap Production
It is easy to make soap but difficult to sell. The reason is because you face huge competition from established brands.
To succeed you need to carve out a niche and focus on a small sector. Offer unique products and use clever marketing strategy.
Open a Beauty School
Opening a beauty school is a very good business idea. You stand to generate lots of money running such an establishment.
If you have the prerequisite knowledge you can teach your students and pocket the earnings. To start a beauty school you need a curriculum, government or state approval and registration.
Become a Dermatologist
Obtain a degree as a dermatologist and open your clinic. Many people grapple with skin related problems and other just-want to look fabulous. Dermatologist offers professional service to customer to enhance or maintain their look.
Beauty consultancy
Not everyone knows the best cloths combination or cosmetic use. A beauty consultant helps individuals or groups attain their best. Organizations that need the services of a beauty consultant include beauty pageants, movie sets and events.
Tanning Salon Business
Tanning is all about superficial enhancement for a limited duration. Some people are willing to pay for an artificial tan even on holidays.
To set up a tanning salon you need very basic equipment and low startup capital. Make sure you secure a permit to open your tanning salon.
Weight Loss Center
Weight loss is always in vogue so long as there are obese people. A weight loss center needs a trained instructor and fitness coach.
You could train to become a coach or hire freelancers. Choose your location carefully because it would impact on your patronage and success.
Publish Beauty Magazine
There are two ways to start a beauty publication. You could buy printing equipment, hire qualified machine operators and publish in-house. This business template is capital intensive and requires proper management skills.
Alternatively you can use an established printer to print your publications. This is much easier, however with growing success you need to upgrade to the first option.
Open a Tattoo Parlor
Tattoo business seems to grow rapidly in many countries. The business requires a skilled tattooist and specialized equipment. There are many health and safety standards guiding this enterprise.
Become a Massage Therapist
Massage parlors are popular destinations for leisure seekers.  They are easy to establish and low cost. The only challenge in this business is attracting your customer demography.
Start a Beauty Blog
The beauty industry is huge so your blog never runs out off content. You could use a free host like blogger or paid host.
Buy a top level domain name and build your blog. Monetize through advertisement networks or direct advertisement placement. Other ways to make money with your blog is selling physical products.
Produce Cosmetics
Why not produce your own line of cosmetic products. Cosmetics business is a billion dollar industry so get a piece of the pie.
The business is moderately challenging and you face lots of competition. Develop a unique product line and use neighborhood marketing strategy.
Start a Barbing Salon
A barbing salon will always get patronage because our hair grows constantly. Barbers make steady income for years and startup very low. Once you have equipment and furniture you are good to go.
Manicure and Pedicure Business
A manicure and pedicure business takes the nail salon to different heights. The functionality is the same but services a little different. Start–up costs are relatively low depending on the location of the business.
Hair Stylist Business
Hair stylists make lots of income and are usually self-employed. The business format is simple and equipment relatively affordable.
Locate your store in a busy are to attract patronage. Use sign boards and flyers in introduce the business to neighbors.


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