Rubber Gloves: Start Latex Glove Manufacturing Business

Rubber gloves are very handy and common in many industries. They are used in pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, eateries and food processing industries.
The gloves act as a protective layer to prevent germs and contamination. Other purposes include prevention of abrasions, wounds and workplace injuries.
The production process is straightforward however you need to purchase appropriate equipment, lease a work space and hire machine operator. Other requirements are sourcing raw material, funding, branding and marketing.
Starting a small scale manufacturing enterprise requires low startup capital. However more funds are needed for expansion as the business grows.
Why start a Glove Manufacturing Business
Rubber gloves are in high demand and they are disposable. They prevent dangerous work place accidents like electrical shock, abrasions and burns.
The hand ware also prevents contaminants in processed food. They also have daily applications in residential homes and are used for domestic cleaning. The demand outweighs supply making the venture highly lucrative.
Uses of Rubber Gloves
  • Health professionals
  • Medical personnel
  • Automotive mechanics
  • Tattoo artists
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Food handlers
  • Product inspection
  • Home use
  • Gardening
  • Adhesive industry
Natural Latex
The most common raw material used in the manufacturing process of rubber gloves is latex. Natural latex is obtained from the bark of the rubber tree.
They are either lined or unlined based on the manufacturer’s specification. The cuff size, length and colors differ according to design and purpose.
Apart from natural latex other raw materials go into the production such as neoprene, nitrile and PVC. The primary raw material natural latex also has many applications.
It is used to make plaster cast molds for wax and cement. Latex sap consists of rubber particles, resin and low protein. Other properties include sugars, ash and sterol glycosides.
Raw Materials used to Produce Gloves
Raw materials used in the production of latex gloves are natural rubber latex, sulphur and zinc oxide. Others include anti oxides, coagulant solution and accelerators.
  • Neoprene
  • Nitrile
  • PVC
  • Natural rubber latex
  • Sulphur
  • Zinc oxide
  • Anti oxides
  • Coagulant solution
  • Accelerators
Top Producers of Natural Rubber
Top producers of natural latex are Asia, India, Philippines, China and Thailand. Other produces include Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
  • Asia
  • India
  • Philippines
  • China
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Sri Lanka.
Funding the Enterprise
You should write a latex glove business to support your loan application. Reach out to commercial banks in your locality for loans. 
A powerful ally in the manufacturing sector is the bank of industry. Their primary focus is small business loans to manufacturing sector or agriculture.
The funds you raise are used for equipment purchase, staff wages, marketing and rent. Make sure the loan you secure is long termed, low interest and fixed. 
Registration and Permits for Rubber Glove Manufacturing
Incorporate the business by registering it as a limited liability company. Go to the corporate affairs commission in your country for details.
You need a tax identification number, insurance and a trade license. Your products should pass a basic stress and standardization test. There are strict provisions for waste management and the product is subject to value added tax.
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Rubber Glove Making Equipment
The equipment you need to process natural latex into rubber cloves are the ball mill and demonizing tank. Other equipment includes centrifuge, compounding tanks and dipping vats. You need a hot air oven, former's, weight scale and packaging equipment.
  •  Weight scale
  • Packaging equipment
  • Centrifuge
  • Electric Hat air oven
  • Former's
  • Demonizing tanks
  • Dipping vats
  • Ball mill
  • Compounding tanks
The Manufacturing Process
Natural rubber trees take several years to mature. They go though the planting stage, growth, maturity and tapping stages.
Harvesting is done by tapping the tree on 6 different occasions during the collection stage. The latex is then processed into concentrated liquid, through centrifugal or evaporation.
A chemical agent is then added to cause a rising of rubber particles. Factories use the resultant liquid as adhesives or coating material.
Some rubber goes through acid treatment and coagulation before drying. The dried coagulated rubber sheet undergoes pressing to extract excess water.
To produce rubber gloves the mix is placed into a heated mold and shaped. Quality standardization checks are then performed using analytical tools to ascertain physical properties and chemical composition.
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Stages of Production
Harvesting Rubber, - Collection of Latex – Centrifugal – Coagulation - Pre/Post Vulcanization – Chlorination - Quality Control – Sterilized –Package Sealed - Shipping.
Your major consumers are hospitals, health centers, clinics and maternity wards. Others include food/beverage processing industry and auto-mechanic shops.
You could also sell a fair amount in catering schools, residential homes and cleaning company’s. Sell directly to wholesalers or retailers both domestically and internationally. Use a dedicated website, sales representatives, electronic media and print to spread the word.


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