Start Pounded Yam Flour Export Business

Pounded yam is a delicacy in most West African countries. This is especially true in Nigeria with a population of over 150 million inhabitants. 
The food is made from yam tubers and goes through a tedious process. To achieve the meal the yam tubers are cut, washed, boiled and pounded in a mortar while little sprinkles of water is added periodically.
The person periodically turns the paste until it achieves a smooth soft consistency. To reduce the stress associated to this labor intensive method, food processors have developed the yam flour.
The yam flour is easy to make and simply requires stirring in boiling water to achieve the consistency. West Africans in the Diaspora are the primary market for pounded yam flour.
There is huge demand for the product and it attracts premium price. Investors have keyed into this lucrative market with good results.
Processing yam flour is labor intensive however shipping is relatively easy. The products most conform to standardization tests and certification to avoid rejection and financial loss. The major advantage is that the demand for local cuisine is high relative to supply.
Demand for Pounded Yam Flour
There is a huge demand for pounded yam flour both local and international. The food is served on many occasions such as weddings, traditional marriages, naming and social gatherings.
Most food vendors and restaurants in Nigeria has pounded yam on the menu. Yam flour is durable and a popular ethnic cuisine in foreign lands. 
How to start a yam flour production company
Pounded Yam Flour Export Markets
There are a few major export markets for the product. The product is popular where there is a large proliferation of West Africans.
Export markets include United States of America, United Kingdom, North America and Europe. Other leading destinations are South Africa Thailand, Dubai, China and India.
  • United States of America
  • United Kingdom
  • North America
  • Europe
  • South Africa
  • Thailand
  • Dubai
  •  China
  • India.
Startup Capital for Pounded Yam Flour Business
The amount of startup capital depends on the size and scope of your enterprise. You can start small, develop an export market and slowly increase production.
Startup funds are needed for warehousing, factory, machinery and labor. You need adequate funds to purchase raw materials and transport to and from warehouse.
To get funds approach a commercial bank for loans. Present your business plan, guarantors, references and collateral.
You need to posses some funds to augment the loan. Acquiring a loan from banks isn’t easy however presenting appropriate documentation would ease the process.
Register the Business
Register the business as a limited liability company. To export yam flour you need appropriate documentation.
The packaging should be labeled with year of manufacture and expiring date. Subject your product to Food and Drug Administration tests and standardization. You need insurance cover and tax identification number.
Exporting yam from Nigeria
Equipment for Pounded Yam Flour Production
You need grinding equipment, cutting and peeling equipment. Purchase or lease a heavy duty truck, sealing machines and nylons bags.
Buy a sealing machine, sieving machine, weight scale and branded polythene bag. Others are par-boiler, drier, milling machinery and yam slicer.
  • Heavy duty truck
  • Sealing machines
  • Nylons bags
  • Sieving machine
  • Weight scale
  • Branded polythene bag
  • Par-boiler
  • Drier
  • Milling machinery
  • Yam slicer.
Raw Material Used to Produce Pounded Yam Flour
The only raw material needed in the production of yam flour is yam tuber. Although there are many types of yam tuber there are some ideal for pounded yam.
Yam although slightly expensive is commonly farmed and abundant in Nigeria. It is found in many Nigerian states in lager quantity and requires truck transportation. To reduce costs considerably source your product directly from local farmers.
Pounded Yam Flour Production Process
Processing pounded yam flour is labor intensive and relatively straight forward. You purchase the yam tuber, then wash and remove dirt.
Once clean, peel the yam tubers and slice into manageable pieces. Wash properly and par-boil the sliced yam.
After par-boiling dry properly then mill the granules before sieving the powder. Make sure the entire process is done under strict supervision and hygienic conditions.
This is to prevent contaminants that could affect the quality of your product. Finally package the flour into labeled nylon bags, seal and weigh.
Secure Contracts
Visit your export promotional council for list of potential clients. You need contractual agreements from trusted buyers to supply the product.
You could find buyers through online resources such as keyword search or directories. Uses yellow pages or launch a website to attract international patronage.
Cost and Profit Profile for Pounded Yam Flour 2017
Port of Destination Belgium
Cost price            Amount in Naira    Total
20 metric tons          N190, 000        N3, 800,000
Documentation        N40, 000           N40, 000
GIT Insurance/inspection    N43, 000        N43, 000
NES Fees                N20, 000           N20, 000
Total Cost                 N3, 903,000
Selling price            1,300 euro         26,000 euro
Exchange rate        N280-1 euro       N7, 280,000
Profit based on exchange rate           N3, 377,000


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