Rubber Conveyor Belt Manufacturing Business

Conveyor belt manufacturing requires specialized equipment, technical skill and huge startup capital. Most of the funds are needed to purchase equipment and raw materials.
A rubber conveyor belt system is graded and works in a pulley system. The pulley system easily provides weight lifting solutions and conveys movement.
Before launching your enterprise there are a few things to consider. An entrepreneur needs to maintain production capacity and standard quality.
Other requirements include understanding your production capacity and market demand. Conveyor belts are manufactured to specification based on type of machinery.
Here are a few business ideas on how to start your company.
Raw Materials
Raw materials used in the production of conveyor belts consist of different materials. Common fabrics used are nylon, rayon, cotton and natural rubber.
A more comprehensive list of raw materials are raw rubber, synthetic rubber and processed oil. Others include stearic acid, sulphur, pine tar, carbon black and antioxidants. You need rosin, zinc oxide, whiting, pigments, fabrics and packaging material.
  •  Nylon
  • Rayon
  • Cotton
  • Raw rubber
  • Synthetic rubber
  • Processed oil
  • Stearic acid
  • Sulphur
  • Pine tar
  • Carbon black
  • Antioxidants
  • Rosin
  • zinc oxide
  • whiting
  • pigments
  • fabrics
  • packaging material
Rubber conveyor Belt Production Process
Rubber conveyor belts are produced using a calendar machine or spreading machine. The calender technique produces huge number of products and is more effective.
Other benefits of this method are faster production and reduced solvent loss. The product goes through rubberizing then hydraulic press to achieve required thickness and layer specification.
The top/bottom layers composite depends on type of machinery it operates. And the different sizes are based on the design and functionality. Make sure the product is high quality durable and able to bear heavy loads.
Machinery and Equipment
There are a few machinery you need to carry out the production process. You need to purchase a hydraulic press with 20H.P Motor, hydraulic mixture machine and size cutting machine.
Other important equipment are calender machine, farming table, rubber dispersion kneader and rubber mixing mill. Purchase office equipment, testing equipment, 250kg boiler, ageing chamber, packaging equipment and generating set
Rubber Conveyor Belt Manufacturing Equipment
  •  Hydraulic press with 20H.P Motor
  • Hydraulic mixture machine
  • Size cutting machine
  • Calender machine
  • Farming table
  • Rubber dispersion
  • Kneader
  • Rubber mixing mill
  • Office equipment
  • Testing equipment
  • 250kg boiler
  • Ageing chamber
  • Packaging equipment
  • Generating set
Industrialization and technology are the driving force for high demand. They are built for specific use and are used in most industries. Common industries that have machinery powered by conveyor belts include chemical plants, thermal plants and manufacturing industry.
Cost Considerations
The cost of your product is predicated on many factors. You need to estimate production capacity, technology, cost of aw materials and marketing.
Other parameters are loan interest rate, durability of product, staff wages and leasehold. Contingencies include phone expenses, transportation, insurance, repair and maintenance.
Financial Analysis
The financial analysis is based on cost of production, turnover, net profit and profit ration. Other parameters are rate of return, break-even point and fixed costs.
Secure Factory Space
You need a factory space to produce conveyor belts. You could purchase the factory/land outright or rent a warehouse. Other criteria include easy accessibility, utilities, installation and operation of machinery.
Hire Staff
The working capital is focused on procuring raw material, rent, marketing and staff wages. Hire a manager, supervisor, accountant and storekeeper. Other staff you might need include clerk, skilled/unskilled labor, marketing manager and security guard.
Registration and Licenses
Register the business as a limited liability company. You need a trade license, value added tax and BIS certification.
Find out the zoning formula and establish your factory in a commercial area. How to start a conveyor belt manufacturing company
  • Carry out a feasibility study
  • Write a business plan
  • Secure funding
  • Incorporate the business
  • Acquire state license
  • Hire staff
  • Lease factory
  • Hire staff
  • Purchase raw materials
  • Market the finished product


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