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How to Start a Profitable Newspaper

Newspapers are published to deliver factual news and entertainment. They could be printed and distributed daily, weekly or monthly. The content is written by reporters to disseminate current affairs and issues in the society.
The serial publication is produced on inexpensive newsprint paper or low quality bond paper. To start a newspaper business you need serious funds and journalistic experience. The business is very profitable, tough and challenging. Here are a few ideas on how to start a profitable newspaper
How to Start a Profitable Newspaper
Why Start a Newspaper
Newspapers are very profitable business ventures. The publication can generate its own income and you provide a public service. You can use the publication to promote causes, build business relationships and build credibility.
Things to Consider
There are a few things to consider before starting your paper. You need to focus on a niche, name for the publication and size of print.
The next step is to determine the quantity you want to produce and distribution channels. You need to source funds, determine advertisement price and number of staff to engage.
And the type of equipment should be given serious consideration. To sustain the publication you need to find advertisers, use graphic artists and distributors.
The Newspaper Niche
The niche could be focused on a demography or topic. You could feature recurrent issues and aim at a select audience. Choose a niche with depth or try general news publications.
Determine the Distribution
You need to determine the size of your publication. The distribution size could rage from thousands of publications to millions. The size is also dependant on the population size, geographical location, national or local publication.
Your workforce
The size of the publication would determine your workforce. The paper needs journalists, editorial staff, management staff and printing machine operators.
Others include delivery staff, drivers, and front desk staff. Staffs include chief executive officer, editors, reporters, copy editors, proofreaders, graphic artists.
Types of Newspaper Publications
There are basically three types of newspapers based on the publication. We have the daily news and weekly newspapers.
Most are general topic news publications while some focus on specific niche. We have sports publications, health, politics, entertainment and local news.
Daily newspapers are large publications that offer specialized sections and sold daily. They cover general topics, international and national news.
Weekly newspapers are published once a weekly and offer similar content with daily publications. Local or regional newspapers are focused on a region and are smaller than weekly or daily newspapers.
Top daily papers are the Guardian, the Punch, the Observer and Times. The distribution process for all is usually through zoning.
Newspaper Content
The daily newspaper predominantly features current affairs. The publication could include politics, business, entertainment, sports and editorials. They also feature public opinion, health, fashion and cartoon.
More publication in newspapers is columns, reviews, editorial cartoons and weather forecast. Others are birth notices, obituaries and job search publications.
Large newspaper publications are usually public listed companies. They offer shares to public to be part owners of the business. Smaller publications could fund through partnership, angel investors, core investors or private equity.
Source of Income
There are two ways newspapers generate income. They make money through newspaper sales and advertisements.
The advertisement are either classified ads or display ads. Some generate income through subscriptions and classified advertisement. Online newspapers use direct advertising or third party adverts.
Common advertisement sizes are full page, half page, 85mm x 85mm, 50mm x 50mm and 85mm x 55mm. The advertisement are printed in black/white or colored. The prices charged advertiser range from $40(N14, 400) to $1000(N360, 000)
Design the Paper
It is very import your newspaper has a beautiful layout. Place the name of the publication at the top and include contact info, address and phone number.
Include issue number, volume number, advertisement slots, content pages and headings. Use the same front size throughout the publication. Work on the alignment and fill spaces with pictures and infographics.
Newspaper Format
Newspapers are printed in various sizes. Common sizes are tabloids 380mm x 300mm, broadsheet 600mm x 380mm or midi. The quality could rage from letterpress, offset printing or full color printing.
Editorial Process
The newspapers are printed on low quality newsprint paper. The type of machine could range from large automatic to semi automatic machines.
The entire process starts with the journalist submitting a report. The report is typed on a computer the edited and goes to the news desk.
The news edition makes final changes and submits to copydesk. A mockup or dummy is made with provisions for stories and advertisement. Once the placement is approved it goes to the composing room.
The manufacturing process starts with the typesetting and then the page layout. The next process is the image transference, plate making then printing. Common equipment used in the process are computer, stripper, light box, film, printing press, plate cylinders and folders.
Newspaper Production Process
  • News gathering
  • Pre-press
  • Press
  • Lithographic stage
  • impression
  • Post press
How to get Advertiser
Advertisers are the life’s blood of the newspaper business. You need lots of them to keep your publication on the newsstands.
You need to develop a price sheet for the various sizes of advertisement on offer. You can find advertiser by opening a dedicated desk or sales outlets. Other ways include referrals, contact information on the publication and direct contact with business owners.

How to Start a Vocational School

Vocational schools are both informal and formal institutions. They are post secondary institutions for adults and youths.
They offer job specific training in different trades and provide career choices. Some are called technical colleges, colleges, vocational schools or trade school. There orientation to a particular trade distinguishes them from regular colleges.
Why Start a Vocational School
1. Why do you want to start a vocational school?
2. Are your goals focused on profit making or giving back to the community?
3. How would you finance the project, acquire an operational license and find qualified teachers?
4.  Are you going to build the structures from scratch, lease property and acquire state permit. What about your graduate follow-up or job placement program. You need a good school structure, proper management and administration.
Steps to Start a Vocational School
  • Write a business plan
  • Find an ideal location
  • Choose a niche
  • Obtain appropriate licensing and permits
  • Develop a curriculum
  • Equip the school
  • Hire qualified teachers
  • Enroll students
  • Provide job placement for graduates
Write a Business Plan
The first step is to write a vocational school business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study and survey. The business plan should focus on course outlines, funding and target student.
Others are teacher’s qualification, location of faculty and course curriculum. You need an executive summary company description and purpose.
Find an Ideal location
Conduct a feasibility study to find the ideal location. The location could be in a densely populated area or urban city.
Choose a Niche
The niche depends on your area of interest and professional qualification. There are lots of professions that require technical knowledge. Some are carpentry, electrical, mechanical or civil professions.
Obtain a license from the local government, state or federal. Once approved you would be given a license to open your institution. You need an employer identification number and insurance cover.
Get your teachers to fashion a good curriculum and prepare study material. Vocational schools are more practical oriented than academic study. Make sure you put in-place appropriate teaching aids.
Equip the School
The type of equipment depends on your curriculum and area of specialization. Basic equipment’s are class tables, chairs, board, chalk and learning aids.
Hire Teachers
Hire only qualified teachers with appropriate technical knowledge. You can hire bachelor’s degree holders, master’s degree or PHD holders. Find technical instructors with practical knowledge and years of cognate experience
Enroll Students
Once your school is approved you need students. Advertise in newspaper for each academic session. Other methods are through flyers, posters, sticklers, banners and billboards.
Provide Job Placement
A good way to provide value for graduates is through job placement. You can network with companies in your field to provide placement for your students. There are lots of opportunities for technical graduates.
6 Types of Vocational Schools

How to Open a Mini Cyber Café in Nigeria

The internet is not just for entertainment but a learning tool. Billions of people are logging in daily. Cyber café business is moderately lucrative and challenging.
To succeed you need to find a location with few or no cyber cafes. Purchase used or new computers, 4G modem, consoles and a printer. Other things to consider are funding, client base and web hosts.
Write a Business Plan
Write a business plan and conduct a feasibility study. The study should focus on best location and competition. Other parameters in the study should include funding, registration and inventory.
The business plan should have a summary, goals and future projection. Carefully choose the web hosting company that supplies the internet connectivity.
Register the Business
Register the business as a sole proprietor and secure a business name. Get employee insurance and put in place fire safety measures. Get general liability insurance and compensation insurance. File a tax employer identification number and pay shop levies and taxes.
Lease a shop
Lease a shop in a busy area with lots of vehicular and human traffic. Place a sign board in-front of the shop to advertise the services. Good locations are around residential homes, schools and commercial hubs. Advertise through traditional print medium and radio. Print flyers, posters, billboards and business cards.
There are some equipment’s needed to successfully run a cyber café. Common equipment’s are desktop computer and CPU. More include printers, POS device and small television set.
The interior should have proper cubicles for browsers privacy. Purchase chairs, tables, bar code reader and add shelves. The shop needs keyboards, mouse and mouse pads.
  • desktop computer
  • CPU
  • Printers
  • POS
  • small television set
  • cubicles
  • chairs
  • tables
  • bar code reader
  • keyboards
  • mouse and mouse pads
To succeed invest in high speed connectivity and bandwidth. Install a 4 G device to access the local sever in your area. The front desk transmits the signals through the network to other computers. Another way is to use WIFI with an encrypted password to connect to the internet.
The number of computers in the café would determine the network. To accommodate growth and expansion create extra hubs for new computer systems.
A mini cyber café could commence operation with 5 desktop computers and CPVs. The networking should have a computer as the administrator and local server.
All other equipment are connected to the local server and administrator computer. The administrator computer is where the staff generates browser tokens and send signal to the remaining 4 computers.
Cyber Café Services
There are many services offered at a café. The owner could offer secretarial services, book binding, photocopy or printing. Increase earnings by selling products such as soft drinks and snacks. To keep the customers create a beautiful workstation.
  • Internet browsing
  • secretarial services
  • book binding
  • photocopy
  • printing
  • selling products such as soft drinks and snacks.
Determine Price
Web hosting services are determined by many factors. The price depends on the cost of rent, web connection and access to utilities. Operators charge browsers based on duration of 30 minutes, 60 minute and 120 minutes.

How to Open a Cyber Café

The internet has become a valuable resource for news, entertainment and education. With millions of people logging on daily starting a cyber café is profitable.
Start the business by finding a busy area to establish the shop. Other things you need are fast internet connectivity and many computers.
The scope and size of the business will determine the amount of startup capital you need. Here are a few steps on how to start a cyber café business.
How to Open a Cyber Café
Write a Business Plan
The first step is to write a cyber café business plan. There are free templates online you can use. Another way is to pay someone to write the plan.
Things to consider are location, funding, equipment, staff and advertisement. Estimate the number of computer you need, internet network provider and competition in your area. Study the prices and services they offer.
Secure Funding
The amount of money you need depends on the number of computers, rent and connectivity charges. To rise funds try savings or borrowing from friends and family. You could go into a partnership or get soft loans from thrift and credit society.
Find a Location
You need to find a good location to succeed. Look for areas with little or no cyber café. Make sure the location is busy and in a commercial area. Ideal locations are near schools, residential areas and public markets.
The types of equipment you need are desktop computers and CPU. You need a 4G modem, tables, chairs and a printer. Other equipment’s are scanners, photocopy machine and laser jet printer.
Register the business as a one man business and get a business name. You might consider insurance cover and don’t forget to pay your tax.
Open the Shop
Once you have bought the computer system get someone to do the networking. Once that is completed, check your systems and internet connection. You need a front desk computer to control the others and generate tokens. To attract traffic place a signboard in front of the shop.

How to turn $200 into $1 Million in 90 Days Online

Here is a true story to inspire people to the potential of online business. In comes a young broke student who sold pest control door-to-door to earn extra income. The money he made was used to augment his pocket money and education.
Eventually the thirteen year old grew into a full adult and continued his entrepreneurship spirit. He opened a solar panel installation company that rapidly developed across three states. He was moderately successful however fast approaching mid thirties. Trevor Chapman then decided to make a foray into online commerce.
He spent $200 launching a site an online store offering a varied assortment of items. The quirky items where sourced from China and sold to customers worldwide.
Within three months working two hours a week on his site had generated $1 million dollars in sales. He did not have to put 12 hours daily prior on his solar installation business.  Chapman had just experienced the power of eCommerce.
trevor chapman
Trevor Chapman
Here is how He Did It
He had to figure out a way to earn passive income online. There are two ways people earn passive income either through an eCommerce site or a blog.
He chooses eCommerce because marketing and sales are close to his constituency and experience. Global retail business in recent times saw a 25% percent growth attaining $3 trillion in 2016. Chapman spent only a few hours a day building the site.
Domain Name
The first step was to buy a domain name. He bought one for $2.99 a year with a host provider. Domain names are web address where visitors visit.
There are different domain extensions but premium domains are .com. So to follow his foot steps buy a .com domain name. If you have a niche-then include a keyword in the domain name.
Purchase a Host Plan
The next step he took was to purchase a host plan. Since his focus was on eCommerce your best bet is to open a Shopify account.
The reason Shopify is ideal is they provide everything you need to setup an online store. You don’t need any technical training to establish the store.
You can setup a Shopify account and store free for 14 days. However their payment plans include basic Shopify $29 a month, shopify $79 and advanced Shopify $299.
The basic is for starting a new business, the middle package growing the business and advance to scale up the business. The basic features unlimited number of products, unlimited files storage 24/7 support. Other features are manual order creation, discount codes, free SSL certificate and a transaction fee of 2%.
Choose the Right Product
What would make or break your eCommerce store is the product. You need to choose the right product to succeed. You need to sell compelling items to drive traffic to your store.
The product should be intriguing and interesting to attract attention. Chapman started by selling Mormon art which did not do well and switch to products like handout bags, mini wifi surveillance DVR and portable projectors.
Where to Find the Products
The best place to source your products is China. You get a huge choice of items at relatively low price.
Chapman’s strategy was to buy low and sell high. He searched found and purchased products for $4.99 and resold for $59.99. To avoid stocking inventory he used dropshipping arrangements with his Chinese contact.
Drop shipment offers the eCommerce site a simple solution to shipping and inventory management. To avoid risk of cost and inventory he setup arrangement with suppliers. This was facilitated through WeChat.
The eCommerce site contacts the supplier and provides the address of buyer. The cost of supply is low due to a program initiated by the US government to aid eCommerce solutions. The program is called ePacket and works with lightweight shipment under $400.
the top places to find products are and
Driving Traffic to the Site
Without high engaging traffic the eCommerce store will fail. Chapman used a simple solution known to the big online stores advertisement.
He leveraged on the power of social media and advertised on Facebook. He spent a whooping $100 a day on Facebook advertising. He started making money from day 2 and two weeks later had his first $10,000 day.
He used part of the earnings to hire consumer customer service work team in the Philippines. He paid each team member $700 a month.  He then increased Facebook budget focusing on adverts that attracted the best engagement.
Although he had a few problems on quality control by 92 days the site had generated $1 million dollars. The site presently makes about $350,000 a month in sales.
The business is now on track to make its first 10 million dollars, amazing feat for a simple eCommerce site that started with $200.
How to turn $200 into $1 million in 90 Days Online

25 Best Educational Business Ideas and Opportunities

The education industry is huge and very lucrative. There are many sectors that offer investors huge money making opportunities.
The businesses are diverse and cover a large scope of services. The scope includes learning tools, sale, services and events.
What drives education related businesses is the huge market. You have thousands of primary schools, colleges, universities and daycare centers.
Others are higher education centers, vocational institutions and computer training schools. Are you interested in starting an education related business here are 25 education business ideas.
25 Best Educational business ideas and Opportunities
1. Production of Educational Tutorials
As an educationist you can venture into the production of educational tutorials. The tutorials should focus on specific subjects.
Use theories, solutions, question and answer to create a comprehensive tutorial. Write tutorials only on subject you have a deep knowledge or educational qualification.
2. Production of Educational Audio and Video Tapes
Production of educational materials is lucrative. Choose a niche and age grade you want to teach. Make sure the videos are high definition learning tools and record audio tutorials. You could make videos for college students, high school or kindergarten.
3. Educational Webinars
Webinars are ideal learning tools for students. Try to organize one based on your professional qualification and experiences.
4. Build an Educational Blog
An educational blog should focus on a niche area. To start one you need a host plan, keyword rich domain name and quality content. You can sell educational materials from the blog or offer counseling. Other ways to monetize the blog is through advertisement and third party products. Blogging for Cash
5. Become an Online Tutor
Online tutors earn good income teaching students. They work within a time frame and produce learning material. 34 Sites for Tutoring Jobs
6. Organize School Competitions
A good way to earn regular income is to organize school competitions. Most schools are eager to showcase their students to the world to gain new entrants. Once the competition has an educational theme such as spelling or mathematics they become interested.
7. Organize an Educational Seminar
People that organize seminars make lots of money. They need to find a profitable niche that teaches new skill and add knowledge. To organize a seminar you need a subject matter, teaching aids, hall and advertisement. Seminar Business
8. Start a School
The most logical educational business is starting a school, however establishing one is not for the faint heart. It takes several years to get a license and you need serious cash.
The school needs a curriculum, qualified teachers, permanent location and non academic staff. Others are books and educational facilities. Starting a Private School
9. Educational Newspaper or Magazine
Another interesting business idea is to starting a local student magazine or newspaper. The magazine should be rich in content to attract buyers. You could focus on activities within the campus or offer a broad based subject. How to Start a Magazine
10. Become a Consultant
Consultants are professionals with several years of working experience. You could offer consulting services to schools especially on administrative matters.
11. Open a Cyber Café
Every campus needs a cyber café for students to carry out research and projects. The business is highly lucrative in such areas but you need fast internet connectivity.
The major equipment’s are computers, 4G modem, chairs and table. Your utility bills would be high and you need backup generator
12. Produce Chalk
Every school uses chalk as a teaching aid. The production of chalk is relatively easy and practicable at home. You don’t need serious equipment but knowledge of the production process. Chalk Production
13. Open a Bookshop
Open a bookshop within the campus or environment. Stock books that is relevant to the university curriculum. You could network with the school authorities to supply stationeries.
14. Start a Vocational School
A vocational institution is different from an adult education center. Such institutions teach practical skills like carpentry, welding, craft making and tailoring. You could work in conjunction with local, state or government authorities.
15. Start a Computer College
Computers have become part of or daily lives so learning the skill is important. You need a permit to start a computer college and offer courses. Hire qualified teachers, purchase equipment and find an ideal location. Open an ICT School
16. Do Editing and Proof Reading
You could provide editing and proof reading service. Many students have to submit reports and assignments. They might need the services of an expert to correct grammar, spelling and word arrangement.
17. Open a Business Center
You can open a business center within the campus.  Rent one of the numerous stores with the campus and offer typing, photocopying and book binding services. You could add a small cyber café to attract more students. Open a Profitable Business Center
18. Become a Private Tutor
Becoming a private tutor is another business idea. You need to provide quality teaching and get students. You could teach them in their homes or a dedicated location.
19. Open a Library
Despite the proliferation of online teaching resources libraries are still relevant. Students need peaceful location to learn and assimilate lesions. You can charge membership fees and sell books and tutorials to students.
20. Organize Excursions
A good way to earn income is by organizing school excursions. The excursions should focus on education, history or culture.
To start the businesses find somewhere to take the students then approach the school authorities. You need to provide a means of transportation and security for the students.
21. Start an Adult Education Center
An adult educational institution is far easier to setup than a regular school. You can get a license rather quickly and offer vocational training and college tutorials.
22. Open a Cultural Center
Cultural centers are fun gathering places for youths. Open one within a campus or close to a college. Make sure the place is peaceful and conducive for learning. You could include a library and other added value activities to attract students.
23. Open a Printing Press
Opening a printing press is a good idea. You could concentrate on educational materials like exercise books, drawing books and text books. To start the press you need a cord machine, ruling machine, computer and printer. You would need a lithographer, machine operator, book binder and marketing agent. Start a Printing Press
24. Become a Freelance Writer
Freelance writing involves producing quality work on demand. You could start a blog or write articles for cash. You could take assignments o pitch articles to magazines or blogs. Make Money as a Freelance Writer
25. Sell Used Books
Every school needs books and they could be expensive. Selling used books to students is not only smart but profitable. Find out the textbooks they use regularly and sell directly to them. They would rather buy a used book than a new one for just a semester.
Feel free to look around the website. We have articles on most of the business ventures listed above. Do you have a business idea you want us to cover tell us. Thanks for visiting.

How to Start a Bookshop Business in Nigeria

Despite the proliferation of different reading mediums, books are still relevant. Owning a bookshop is challenging and you face lots of competition.
The stores success depends on the inventory, prices and location. Wholesale book dealers make lots of money selling to retailers. While small bookshops make marginal earnings and require regular restocking.
Types of Bookshops
There are generally two types of book stores. You have the terrestrial stores and online stores. Online stores have the eBooks format and print on demand books.
You also find books on auction sites, classified sites and eCommerce stores. Regular bookshops are bound by the demography and localized customer base.
Locate the Bookshop
Bookshops are generally found around in areas with high human traffic. Popular locations are universities, colleges, marketplaces and shopping malls.  Rent a shop in such a location adds bookshelves and display cabinets.
Fund the business through personal savings or borrow from friends and family. You can take soft loans from micro finance banks or trade banks.
Bookshops make money from each sale by using a percentage system. Make sure the prices are reasonable and competitive.
Business Registration
It is not compulsory to register the bookshop. However registering as a sole proprietor is beneficial. Obtain a tax identification number and fire insurance cover. 
Try to find a credible supplier for the books. Other ways are to import books from US with zero import duty or value added tax.
Find wholesalers online through a simple keyword search and get the books shipped to your location. You can offer to buy peoples used books at a low price. The main inventories are the note books, exercise books academic books and novels.
Try to stock stationary items such as mathematical sets, rulers, eraser, pencils, art paper and coloring material. Purchase a computer and software to manage inventory. Staff requirements are minimal and a small store is easily managed by an individual.
Use traditional print medium, social media and yellow pages. You could build a website for your store and sell online. You can raise awareness with promotions, giveaways and community activities. Another way is to network with book clubs, lecturers and school authorities.

How to Start Kerosene Business in Nigeria

Kerosene is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid derived from petroleum. It is used as a fuel to cook meals in many African countries.
Common uses include cooking, powering engines, lamps and lanterns.  It is used as a heating agent in lighting, cooking, and transportation. The liquid is also transformable into a crease or lubricant.
Kerosene business is very lucrative because of the margins and price differentials.  On a 20,000 litter sale you can make N1, 000,000 million naira.
Trading in kerosene is easy and the business template straightforward. All you need to do is find an ideal location, install a surface tank, get licensed, stock and sell.
Business Location
The best location for the business is in a densely populated area. The area should experience heavy human traffic and vehicular traffic. It could be located in a commercial or residential area.
The amount of space needed should accommodate your surface tank and storage facility. Some good locations are near petrol stations and busy roads. Make sure you take into account safety measures while setting up your surface tank.
kerosene tank
There are some equipment’s you need to start a mini-kerosene depot. You need a surface tank or dispensing pump.
The surface tank should be able to contain 10,000 to 15,000 liters. While the dispensing pump requires a surface or deep storage facility.
Others are measuring can, jerry cans and storage bin. You need standardized measuring units, bottles and kegs. A larger depot would need a kerosene tanker for haulage purposes.
Sourcing the Kerosene
There are two ways to source for kerosene. You could buy directly from NNPC or through an independent marketer.
Most mini-depots get their products from independent marketer. This is because of the bottlenecks they encounter when they try getting it from the source.
Make sure your source is reliable and trustworthy. This is important due to the proliferation of adulterated products. Adulterated products are highly volatile and dangerous. They could cause a fire hazard or even death.
Hire Staff
You need very few staff to successfully run a kerosene depot. You could run the business yourself or hire a sale attendant.
Kerosene dispensers are easier to manage than surface tanks. You can hire anyone with a school leaver’s certificate to dispense the product.
License and Certification
To sell petroleum products you need a license. Register the business with the petroleum product marketing company and department of petroleum resources.
Although the process is tedious you would be awarded a certificate and permit to buy directly from the source (NNPC). This will effectively increase profit margin and access to quality product.
However retailers that deal with only 10,000 litters at a time do not need a license. They can only purchase the product from independent marketers.
The only marketing you need is a good location. You need a sign board and print flyers and posters. The product is an essential commodity for cooking so customers will come. You need to keep your prices competitive to attract patronage.
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