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Own and Operate a Dump truck: How to Start a Garbage Pick-Up Truck Business

A True Story
Some friends a few years after university found themselves jobless. However they had middle class parents who were supportive and learned.
On an outing one of the friends suggested a partnership business arrangement between the seven friends. They deliberated on the type of business they could invest into and funding.
An agreement was reached for each person to contribute a particular sum. After careful deliberation they discovered a niche in the waste disposal business.
They went to a government agency to secure a dump site, then registered a business name and leased their first truck. The business venture they choose was garbage pick up truck business.
Garbage pickup truck business although labor and capital intensive is possible small or large scale. On the onset instead of buying the trucks you can perfect a lease agreement.
Other investment is in marketing, customer base and labor costs. The business format is simple and easy to execute once the operational structures are in place.
Waste disposal business is highly regulated through permits and licensing. There are also environmental protection laws binding the enterprise.
Getting an operational license is the first step and securing a customer base. The waste disposal business is a huge employer of labor and effectively contributes its quota to any country’s development.
The industry is vast and there are many niche areas for smart entrepreneurs. There is the hazardous waste, household waste, chemical waste, and hospital waste sectors.
There is also the different treatment plants and recycling units doing good business. Like most sectors garbage collecting attract huge earnings for the operators.
 Before you launch the garbage pick up business there are a few things to consider.
Write a Detailed Business Plan
You need to write a business plan to guide the formation and operation of your enterprise. Study your competitors and find out ways to improve on their services.
The plan should factor management structure, company profile, goals, future plans and expansion. Other things to include in your plan are funding sources, labor costs and marketing. You need expert advice in acquiring licensing and permits.
Funding the Garbage Truck Business
You need to incorporate your company and register a business name. Make your business limited in liability, get insurance and tax identification number.
Apply for loans from banking institutions in your locality and provide tax clearance certificate, company incorporation, business plan and collateral. Open a checking account with the bank for the business.
Other ways to secure funds are through core investors in your business. You can sell startup equity in your business to prospective investors.
Register the Garbage Truck Business
Make it a limited liability company or sole proprietorship. Find out the state, local government permits and licenses you need to start the business.
Carefully follow the rules and guidelines binding the practice. Your company needs to apply for a dump site or land fill sites.
Although you can dump your refuse and pay per each load at designated sites it is better to own your own site. The local government in your locality will enforce environmental protection guidelines and code of conduct.
Make sure you establish the kind of trash acceptable for collection and dumping. Hazardous non biodegradable material should be restricted in the inventory of trash your company collects.
Equipment for the Garbage Truck Business
The major equipment you need is the garbage truck. Others are spades, safety gear such as face-masks, hand gloves, safety boots and hard hats. Once you have secured your dump site distribute garbage bags to all your customers.
To succeed you need an efficient monitoring and accounting system. The accounts will organize payment received and defaulters. Offer competitive prices, quality and efficient service and the business will grow.

Marketing the Garbage Truck Business
Usually garbage trucks work in a designated area provided by the municipal authorities. The business runs as a semi-monopoly and is location based.
The entire metropolis is usually divided by local government areas, counties or regions. The Garbage disposal truck can only work within designated area under strict local government regulations.
Therefore marketing is strictly restricted and based on the region or locality designated to the company.
To start your enterprise write a business plan and carry our feasibility study. Register your business as a limited liability company.
Secure funds through bank loans and apply for a dump site from local authorities. Then buy or lease a garbage truck and distribute trash nylons to customers.
Hire casual labor and offer your customer quick and effective service.
Fecal Sewage Truck Disposal Business

9 Waste Disposal Business Ideas

Waste disposal business although challenging is lucrative and profitable. An entrepreneur looking to enter the industry needs specialized equipment.
There are different kinds of waste that need disposal, containment and sometimes processing. Hazardous wastes are harmful to humans, animals and plant life.
Waste generally requires specialized handling and storage. Properties of hazardous waste are easy inflammable material, pesticides, corroding metals and solvents.
 Waste includes heavy metal, batteries, waste water, fecal waste and household waste.
Properties of Hazardous waste
Any waste that poses a treat to the environment and public health is defined as hazardous waste. Entrepreneurs interested in waste disposal and containment business require permits and licensing.
 The business is seriously regulated because of the danger it holds to humans. Characteristics of hazardous waste include corrosives, reactivity, toxicity and ignitable
The major culprits in the production of hazardous waste are manufacturers
wikimedia commons
Garbage Trash
Millions of tons of garbage trash is produced daily worldwide. Without disposal trucks, dump sites and processing plants we will be buried under tons of trash.
 There are different kinds of trash with different names such as garbage, litter, rubbish or waste. Common trashes are empty containers, waste paper, food and empty bottles. Any unwanted material is regarded as garbage.
Household Hazardous Waste
 Examples of household hazardous waste are fluorescent lamps, pesticides, drain cleaners and oil. Others are paint, petroleum products, and electronic gadgets.
Industrial Waste
 Industrial waste could be solid, semi-solid or gaseous. The waste is usually unwanted or residual material used in industrial operations. Industrial waste includes by-products, radioactive, pollutants, and chemical solvents.
 Medical Waste
Medical waste consists of pathological, anatomical, bulk body fluids, microbiological and sharps. All of the mentioned waste groups are dangerous and hazardous to our health.
If not properly handled cause diseases, bacteria and viral infections. Medical waste includes tissue sections, body material from surgical procedures and body parts.
Other medical wastes are body secretions, fluids, urine and feces. Microbiological wastes are spent vaccines, cultures, discarded etiologic agents. While sharp waste includes needles, blades and scalpels.
Construction Waste
Construction waste needs an effective waste management system. There is construction waste, demolition waste and building waste.
Building waste include scrap metal, broken blocks spent electrical wiring and insulators. Hazardous construction waste is asbestos, paint, strippers, and aerosol. Others are thinners, solvents, and lead.
Dredging waste involves clearing are tree stumps, rubble, boulders and trees.
Green Waste
Any biodegradable waste is referred to as green waste. Green wastes are high in nitrogen and are easily recycled.
Green waste includes yard trimmings and food waste. Other things that constitute green waste are weeds, flowers, shrubs, leaves and branches.
Chemical Waste
Harmful chemicals that constitute chemical waste can be gaseous, soli or liquid. They are characterized as either radioactive, corrosive or toxic.
Dangerous laboratory chemical waste includes acids, bases and elementary mercury. Laboratory wastes are contained, stored, packaging or broken down with other chemical agents.
Fecal Waste
Fecal wastes are gathered through septic tanks and cesspools. Sewage trucks and treatment plants are the intermediary and final stages of the process. Entrepreneurs are at liberty to buy sewage trucks or open a sewage treatment plant
High-level Waste
Radioactive waste is difficult to manage and require expert knowledge. Government regulates waste disposal activity with strict laws binding the business.
Waste management is serious business and requires specialized equipment. In-depth knowledge of the industry is essential to success.
Waste disposal business is highly regulated and controlled by governments. To start learn what the job entails and buy equipment.
 Lease an office or buy suitable property. Source funding through financial institutions and register your business.
 Hire skilled staff, write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Reach your clients through marketing and promotions.
Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage Sludge Waste Disposal Truck Business

Sewage waste disposal business is a highly lucrative business venture. Despite the smelly nature of the job it has made some smart entrepreneurs supper rich.
There are two sides to the coin, operating a small sewage treatment plant or operating a sewage disposal truck. They are both highly profitable and capital intensive.
Home owners, industry and companies need some sort of sewage disposal system. There are basically three types of sewage disposal systems used to contain and dispose fecal waste.
The disposal methods are septic tank, cesspool and small sewage treatment plant. The small sewage treatment plant is the most effective method used by companies and homes.
A sewage treatment plant is mechanized to process the sewage into liquid and further dispersion into a river or flowing stream. The septic tank is the most common methods used in homes.
The system is an underground tank where solid waste is gathered, sinks to floor and liquid expelled into a large cesspool or cesspit.
The septic tank may contain three chamber systems where the solid sinks and becomes sewage sludge at the bottom of the tank. The sludge is what the septic trucks remove to avoid overflowing.
The septic truck sucks up the sewage and deposits into a sewage treatment plant. Cesspools are effective to store sewage because they are water tight tanks.
The main disposal method is through sewage trucks.
septic truck
By Mr.choppers (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons
Discharge and Sewage Effluence Treatment
Packaged treatment plants use microorganisms to breakdown sewage. Treated effluence is then discharge according to government regulations bidding the business.
The treated effluence is discharged into the sea, river, stream, sewer, surface or ground water. The sewage truck transfers the effluence to treatment plants for onward journey.
Things to Consider before Starting Sewage Transportation Company
There are a few things to consider before starting the business. You need permits and approval from regulatory bodies before starting the enterprise.
You also need to decide on the cubic meters per day of domestic sewage you haul. The business entails discharge fees paid to septic treatment plants.
Others are local government levies and fees. Your business is bound by strict compliance to waste disposal and management rules.
Register the Business Waste Disposal Haulage Business
Register the business as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. There are stringent laws and permits binding the enterprise.
You need a local government permit to carry sewage. Permits and licensing differ in each country therefore find out what is obtainable in your locality.
Discharge sewage trucks need different discharge forms depending on the cubic meters per day. You have the standard rules permit to discharge or an SPZ1 form. Other permits might include environmental permits, and waste management license.
Lease a Property
You need an office location outside residential dwellings. The best location is close to a sewage treatment and disposal unit. The property should have ample space for your trucks and a small administrative building.
Buy the Sewage Truck
There are different types of sewage trucks however they perform the same function. The sewage truck is a vacuum truck that consists of a heavy duty vacuum.
 The rotary vane vacuum pump sucks up the sludge and stores in the tank. The pump mount is either direct belt drive or powered by the tucks motor.
The general purpose is to transport fecal sludge to treatment plants. The truck is effective in handling septic, latrine and cesspool systems.
There are different brand based on their capacity and manufacturers. Sewage trucks are expensive so you need adequate funding. Buy either a new, refurbished, locally fabricated or old vacuum truck.
Sewage disposal truck companies are bound by union regulations. The price of collecting fecal sludge although regulated depends on the size of the septic tank.
Apart from the few local government levies, the truck pays disposal fees to treatment plants.
Funding the Sewage Transportation Business
Write a comprehensive business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Apply for a bank loan and present your business plan.
The bank needs collateral and guarantors before processing your loan. Other ways is to find a core investor or sell equity in your business to get funding. Target save or try micro-finance banks or small financial institutions.
Marketing the Sewage Transportation Business
Advertise your business in your local newspaper or community press. Use a billboards or signage boards for people to locate your company.
Print lots of complementary cards for clients.  You can approach estate developers, estate managers and private home owners.
Sewage truck waste disposal business is highly lucrative and has a simple business format. The major challenge is funding and securing different permits and licensing. Other difficulties are reaching your customer base and a reputable treatment plant.

How to Start a Sewage Treatment Plant Business

By Anthony Appleyard [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Fiscal sewage goes through a sewage treatment plant before onward dispersion. Sewage treatment plants are the last step towards the safe dumping of sewage sucked from or septic tanks.
 Septic tanks and cesspool are part of most building requirements to handle toilet and kitchen waste. The sewage system might go through a central system or large septic tank.
The sewage waste disposal trucks carry the sludge to treatment plants for dumping. There are several ways the treatment plant dumps the sewage after treatment.
The sewage is either dumped in the ocean, river, sea or landfill. Sewage treatment plants are capital intensive and require many permits and licensing.
You also need specialized equipment, safety gear and proper knowledge of the treatment process. Different countries have strict laws guiding waste disposal and waste transportation.
To start your waste treatment plant there are a few things you need to put in place.
How to Start a Sewage Treatment Plant
Fiscal Waste Treatment Plant
You need to hire an expert in fecal waste to guide in procurement of equipment and functionality of your plant.  Once the sewage is deposited or reaches the treatment plant the process begins.
The sand and mud settles in the bottom of the treatment plant while oxygen is introduced to the waste water. Chemicals are then added to remove organic matter including toxins. Once the process is completed the wastewater is released into an ocean, river or stream.
Things to Consider before Starting the Enterprise
There are a few things to consider before setting up your treatment plant. The major challenge is finance to acquire fixed assets and equipment.
Others are obtaining permits and approval from local and state government. It is difficult get permits to run a waste treatment plant.
Register the Waste Treatment Plant
Follow the stringent laws guiding the enterprise. Secure landfill permits, disposal, treatment permits and abide by environmental pollution laws.
The laws are different in each country so hire a consultant. You need building permit, land use permits focused on waste management.
Register your business as a limited liability company and choose a good business name.
Buy Property
There are two ways to start a waste treatment plant. You can lease an existing treatment plant and pay agreed fees.
Another way is to buy a peace of land and build you treatment plant. The landed proper should be located close to a body of water.
The body of water is essential because that is where the waste water is dumped. The water body could be a river, stream or stream.
Before purchasing the land you need to have secured an approval or permits to dump processed sewage into the water.
Once you have secured a land and built your treatment plant its time to make money. Treatment plant business is highly lucrative and you stand to make lots of money.
The plants charge the sewage trucks for each discharge according to the cubic volume of waste they carry. The plants usually have a fixed charge based on volume.
The sewage treatment plant in-turn pays fees to local authority. Another clever way to make money is leasing part of your property to sewage disposal truck companies.
 You can also run your own sewage trucks to increase earnings.
The enterprise is capital intensive so you need adequate funding. Try to approach merchant or commercial financial institutions in your locality for funding.
Secure bank loans or find a core investor. You can sell equity in your startup company or use a partnership arrangement.
You need fixed capital for landed property and building of the treatment plant. Other things that require funds are equipment, chemicals, safety equipment, permit fees and staff wages.
The sewage treatment plant needs moderate marketing to attract haulage companies. Make sure your charges are competitive and fair to truckers.
How to Start a Sewage Disposal Truck Business

18 Profitable Retail Business Ideas
The three tire supply chain starts with the manufacturers to the wholesalers. From the wholesalers the product goes to the retailer then the final consumer.
 Retailers perform a very critical aspect of the supply chain. Without the retailers manufacturers are at a serious disadvantage.
Small, medium, enterprises are the engine room of retail business. The retail sector is diverse and covers several industries.
To mention a few we have the beauty industry, aggro-based products, travel and healthcare. Others are construction, electrical, electronics and the travel industry.
Here is a list of a few retail business ideas.  
Agro- Based Retailers
Some agricultural products in the livestock sector are Chickens, goats, cows, turkeys attract good prices. The animals are farmed for meat, eggs, milk and skin.
 Agro retail industry apart from selling livestock has many sub-sectors including feed manufacturing and veterinary services. Crops also attract their fair share of patronage both in the retail and manufacturing sector.
Common crops planted are cashew, coconuts, rice, beans, wheat, and cotton. Fruits are eaten raw or processed into different products. 
Beauty Retailers
Beauty retailers sell diverse beauty products such as hair extensions and makeup. The beauty industry includes product development and sales.  Beauty products extend to accessories, fashion outfits, bags and shoes. 
Beauty Salon
Beauty salons provide beauty care to patrons. The service involves cosmetic makeovers, pedicure and hairdressing. Although beauty salons are many new entrepreneurs should discover their own niche. 
Travel Industry
The travel industry has many retail businesses that service the sector. The businesses cover beauty, entertainment, shuttle and accommodation.
 Others are tour guides, boat rental, arts and craft. The separate industries work together in harmony in the tourist industry 
Organic Food Stores
Organic food stores specialize in organic products. Organic products attract high prices that other products.
Different fruits such as oranges, grapes, pineapples and apples grown organically are favorite products. Vegetables are a favorite in the organic produce market. 
 Fitness Stores
Fitness stores concentrate on exercise equipment and literature. Equipment found in such stores is treadmills, weights, dumbbells and other equipment.
 Healthcare Retailers
In the healthcare sector we have pharmacy’s selling drugs to private individuals. Other healthcare providers are medical suppliers, retailers and hospital equipment suppliers. 
Cloths and Textile
Cloths retailer’s sell used and new cloths to the general public. The enterprise is highly competitive and has many independent small businesses.
Textile companies on the other hand design and manufacture the fabrics that are sold through fabric stores. The cloths retailer could have a niche store or general purpose store. 
Construction Industry
The business of construction deals with many building materials. The retailer in the construction industry has many sub-sectors to supply.
They can sell iron, steel, aluminum roofing sheet, plastic pipes and electrical fittings. Other small retail jobs are bricks making, sand and granite supplies
 Electrical Stores
There are many small businesses in the electrical supply business. They sell electrical equipment such as bulbs, electrical wires, switches, and lamps. Other things in their store a fluorescent lamps, chandeliers, screwdrivers, and safety gear.  
Electronic Stores
Electronic store are popular and found in most communities. The stores sell household equipment to offices and private homes.
Some of the common electronic equipment sold are radios, televisions, refrigerators, clocks and microwave machines. Office electronics are also best sellers such as fax machines, computers and scanners.  
Food Industry
Food retailers sell either raw products or processed products. You have lots of grocery stores, supermarkets, restaurants and fruit stands. Other food related outlets are bread bakeries, cake makers and fast food vendors.  
Herbal Stores
Herbal retail store make lots of money because they offer an alternative to modern medicine. Herbal practitioners make lots of money selling their products. Herbal retailers sell packaged herbal products or raw ingredients to customers. 
Home Based Retailer’s
There is no limit to the type of business you can do from home. You can open an online retail store, book store, fruit juice company, dress business.
 Focus on your area of expertise and build a business at home . Use online resources to reach your customers. Build a website, highlight your products add a payment solution and shipping. Leather Wears Industry
Leather wears are fashionable and attract good prices. There are many leather wear sold by retail to customers.
Retailers sell leather bags, leather hats, cloths, bags and shoes. Find your niche, develop your craft skill and lease a store to sell your goods.  
Fabrication Industry
Fabrication involves different raw materials such as steel, iron, and wood. The fabricator should choose a niche and perfect his craft.
Iron fabricators work closely with building contractors to supply iron. Irons are fabricated into works of art or useful tools.
Wood fabrication is also a profitable business venture. Carpenters can make jewelry boxes, wooden toys and furniture.  
Paper Stores
The paper retail industry is vast and has many sectors. Retailers sell different grams of bond paper and vanguard paper.
Others concentrate on books or sell toiletries, and tissue paper. Paper products include face wipes, nappies, corrugated packaged boxes, paper bags and paper cups.  
Plastic and Polymer Stores
There are many plastic products sold by retails. Plastic products are used for diverse domestic and industrial applications.
 They are used as containers, encasement and functional items. Common plastic sold by retailers are water storage tanks, buckets, plates, and cups.
How to Start a Wine Distribution Company

Chalk making: How to Start a Chalk Manufacturing Company

Chalks are still the main writing tools in developing countries. They are used in institutes of learning, hospitals and small businesses.
Chalk production is profitable due largely to the high demand. Many home based small businesses have found chalk making low cost and easy to produce.
African and Asian countries are the highest consumer of chalk products. Other things that increase the demand are higher birth rates and growing focus on education.
Government regulations, increased number of teachers and private schools has added to the boom in chalk sales. Here are a few ideas on how to start a chalk making business.
Vaseline Production Business

 How to Start a Chalk Manufacturing Company
The good part is that you can start a home based chalk production company with little funds. The production process is simple and easy to execute.
Before launching your enterprise you need to learn how to make chalk. Other things to consider are sourcing the raw materials, getting initial startup funds and company incorporation.
Incorporate the Chalk Production Company
Choose a good business name for your chalk business. Incorporate the business as a sole proprietorship and get tax identification number.
Apart from company registration, insurance and tax you might need a trade license. Locate your business close to large human traffic or urban area. Another good location is close to stationary stores or bookstores.
Writing a Business Plan
Despite the simplicity of making chalk and running a home business you still need a business plan. The plan is useful in identifying the challenges and goal of your enterprise.
You can make future projections, growth and other determinations. Add a feasibility study to locate your customer base, location, and different marketing opportunities.
It is important to analyze the market, demand and other competitors. Make sure you have a large enough customer base to sustain your business.

Funding the Chalk Business
Startup cost includes leasing a shop, equipment, training, staff wages and raw materials. Other cost considerations are utility bills, company permits and registration. Fund your enterprise through target saving or soft loans from friends and family.
Learn How to Make Chalk
Luckily there are many workshops and information on how to make chalk. Try an apprentice program or hire a tutor.
There are lots of books, online resources and tutorials to learn the basics. The best way is to gain practical experience.
Buy Chalk Making Equipment
Chalk making machine are either manual or automatic chalk makers. You can buy new, fabricated or used equipment for your business.
The equipment’s needed are packaging materials, molds and brushes. Others are scrapers, electric mixer, safety gear, and dryer. Gun metal and aluminum are used for the manual process while the large companies use fully automated machines.
Raw Material Used to Produce Chalk
The major ingredient that goes into the manufacture of chalk is POP, calcium carbonate. It is white and powdery when mixed in water hardens quickly and produces heat.
Other things used during the production process are well lubricated molds and water. The molds are encased in a wooden frame and made from aluminum, metal or rubber.
The number of holes dictates the quantity of chalk produced. The scraper is used to scrape the surface of the chalk mold while the finished product is sealed in nylon and packaged.
The Chalk Making Process
Prepare your mould by lubricating with oil, kerosene concoction. Then mix the POP with calcium and add water.
Once your pasty mixture has the right consistencies pour into your mold. Scrape the excess and leave to dry and solidify for twenty minutes. Once the chalk is removed use a dryer and dry in sun for a few days.
The last stage is packaging your product.
Step by Step Guide
Clean the moulds
Apply lubricant to mould
Set the mould in wooden frame
Mix Plaster of Paris with China clay and additives
Add water to achieve a homogenous mixture
Pour mixture in moulds
Remove excess and allow setting.
Remove chalk and dry
Package the chalk.
Marketing Strategy
Sell your products to public and private schools. Produce high quality chalk and hire sale representatives on commissions.
Sell through your website or blog and stationary stores. Try free online classified websites to reach potential customers.

10 Profitable Low Cost Paper Manufacturing Business Ideas

There is a huge demand for paper related products making the business ventures very profitable.  Large and small investors can cash in on this growing industry.
Although regulated the industry provides lots of job opportunities and niche markets. The first step for any entrepreneur interested in the paper industry is to focus on a niche.
Once you have a niche then gain valuable knowledge to position your business towards profitability.  Most countries have seen a remarkable increase in demand for paper products despite economic challenges.
The paper industry is huge and has many sectors and sub sectors. Some businesses related to paper include paper napkins, paper towels, and face wipes.
Others are facial tissue, paper cups and many hygiene products. Some are more profitable than others due to less investment, higher demand and profitability.
We have put together 12 profitable low cost paper manufacturing business ideas.
1. Paper Cup Manufacturing Business
Disposable paper cups are trending and easy to make. The business venture is highly profitable and requires moderate funds.
Register your venture, get appropriate licensing and equipment. Write a business plan, feasibility sturdy and source your raw materials.
 Machinery needed in the production of paper cups include forming machine, cutting machines and packaging machines. Read more
2. Paper Bag Manufacturing Business
Paper Bags are fast taking over from nylon polythene bags. The bags come in different shapes, sizes and applications.
The bags are used to carry grocery, food items and products. The huge market includes supermarkets, shops, retailers and markets.
Raw material includes bond paper rolls and chemicals. Machines used to make paper bags are stereo press, bag cutting and roll slitter machine. Read More.
3. Tissue Paper Manufacturing
Tissue paper is used in homes, offices and industrial application. The machinery needed include jumbo reel machine and brand saw machine.
To start your enterprise write a business plan and secure bank loans. Tissue paper manufacturing business is lucrative and has a ready market.
Sell your tissue paper to hotels, restaurants, hostels and hospitals. Read the full article
4. Exercise Book Manufacturing Business
Exercise books are used daily to take notes and do assignments. The books attract a huge market that comprises private and public institutions.
Exercise book manufacture through four stages and you need a good marketing strategy. You can start exercise book production company small scale or large scale.
The financial implication depends on how much investment capital you have. To succeed you need very aggressive marketing and contracts.
Read more on how to start an Exercise Book Manufacturing Company
5. Envelop Making Business Ideas
Envelops are produced with different materials such as Kraft paper and Bond.  The sizes and colors differ according to the manufacturers specifications.
 To start the enterprise secure funds, buy equipment, lease a factory and hire skilled staff. Despite huge competition the business model accommodates small scale and large scale companies.
 Locate your business close to supply of raw materials and road network. Sell envelops to bookstores, stationary stores and government offices.
6. Paper Mill Business
The raw material for paper is wood pulp. The business is capital intensive, rewarding and you can make lots of money producing paper.
 You can run your enterprise by seeking core investors. Register your company, brand and put in place an effective marketing strategy.
Research the best machinery to use in your production process. Other raw materials used to produce paper include cloth, cotton and recycled paper.
There are different types of paper to produce such as cover paper, index and bond paper. There is a huge market for paper and paper products so find them
7. Corrugated Package Box
Most manufacturers use packaged boxes to store and transport their products. The box has many applications used in both industrial and home use.
 A new entrepreneur in the package box business needs to understand the manufacturing process. They should register the business and write a business plan.
Raw materials used in making packaged box include pine wood, Kraft paper and other ingredients.
8. Sell Used Books
To sell used books you need capital to purchase inventory. You can sell used books online and offline.
To sell online, build a website or sell in an online market place. You can open are bookstore or sell through online classified.
Purchase limited editions and special editions. Also focus on books that could provide a quick turnover. How to Buy and Sell Used Books
9. Invitation Card Making
Invitation cards are made for every occasion they are handy and beautiful. The demand is moderate and you need adequate card making experience.
Some invitation cards are made by hand while others are printed. To create printed cards you need computer design skills and printing knowledge.
10. Hand Made Paper Products
There are many hand made paper products such as invitation cards, filter paper and drawing book. Printed paper products include handbills, cards, posters and paper banners.

How to Start a Wine Distribution Company

For a new entrepreneur starting a wine distribution company is moderately challenging. Wine distributors stock different brands of wine and spirits.
The quality and brand name determines the price differentiation between brands. The brew attracts a huge market and is in high demand.
The entrepreneur needs adequate funding, marketing strategy and a good location. They also need a steady source of wine and dependable sales staff.
The enterprise is best run as a one man venture. To establish you company write a business plan and carry out feasibility study to determine your best location.
The major challenge is building a good distribution channel. Major wine manufacturers have built their brand names through aggressive marketing and promotions. This enables the wine distributor focus on selling the product.
Funding the Wine Distribution Company
Financial considerations include lease arrangement, permits and stock. Purchasing stock takes up 40% of your funding.
Other major investment is buying a bus or truck to convey your goods. Although you can always use a haulage company this is not cost effective in the long run.
Approach any good commercial bank in your area for loans. You need a fixed asset as collateral and a guarantor. Ask for long term loans of about 2-3 years with fix interest rate.
To secure the loan present your business plan and feasibility study including experience management team. Some banks make it mandatory that you open an account with them to facilitate the loan and repayment.
Permit and Licenses.
The business of wine distribution is highly regulated. You need permits and licenses to sell alcoholic drinks. Apply for a wholesale trade license including an alcohol and tobacco trade license.
Register your business as a sole proprietorship and get insurance. If you want to add beer to your inventory you need other permits.
Secure distributor agreement with major brands in your community. Find out any additional local or state licensing to launch your enterprise.
Carry out a Feasibility Study
The feasibility study addresses ideal location, competitors and labor requirements. The study focuses on financial institutions in your locality and road network.
Include a survey of customer’s interests and preferences. How many hotels, restaurants, event centers and recreational facilities do they have in your community?
Discover the trending brand and level of penetration. Possible customers should be factored such as grocery store owners, supermarkets, small retail stores.
Others are club houses, nightclubs, bars and private individuals. The feasibility study identifies distribution channels and financial strength of host community.
The location should be in a middle or upper class neighborhood.
Sourcing the Wine Products
There are various ways to source your wines such as importers and manufacturers. Purchase your stock from both big manufacturers and small wine producers.
 Wine distributors should stock a variety of wines for greater gain and better profit taking. You can approach wine companies to secure distribution deals and steady supply.
Build a Website
There is nothing wrong in building a website to reach customers. Choose a good domain name and develop a SEO website.
On your website include images of the wines you stock, minimum purchase, description, price and a shopping cart. Leave provisions for card or PayPal payments and shipping arrangement.
A major aspect of wine delivery is transportation. You need to transport the wine to your warehouse and also make deliveries.
You need a dedicated van, bus or small truck to convey the goods. Hire a trust worthy driver to handle deliveries or do it yourself.
Other staff you might need is an accountant to balance the book. You can learn accounting procedures and good book keeping through diploma programs or tutorials.
Proper record keeping is mandatory for effective financial management. The records should include purchase orders, inventory, sales and debtors.
Others are utility charges, tax, salaries, and lease payment. You can use an external auditor or accountant to do your books.
 How to Start A Distribution Business
Marketing Strategy for Wine Distribution Business
To reach your customers prepare a beautiful catalogue of your wines. Approach stores, supermarkets, event planners, restaurants and hotel in your area.
Print flyers, poster and signboards so your community is well informed of your core business. Your marketing strategy is to each retailer, individuals and businesses for patronage.