Funeral Home Business Ideas: How to Open a Funeral Home

Although Funeral homes sounds morbid and has many religious and ethical concerns it’s a very lucrative business venture. People die every minute and they need a befitting burial. Funeral homes provide this service and are well paid.
There are many aspects to the business such as location, fiscal structures, equipment, staff and management structure. Other very important provisions are government licenses and permits including trained staff.
In addition to this funeral homes provide coffins, do embalming, cremations and burials ceremonies. The business is very capital intensive but highly profitable.
 If you are not Squeamish around dead people the funeral home business is your calling. Here are a few ideas on how to establish a funeral home.
Business Plan
You need to draw up a business plan to have an idea of what it entails. Focus on equipment, fiscal structures and permits.
You need to join associations, have a strong management team and future projections. The business is capital intensive so you need lots of funding.
How to write a business plan
To get funds approach a commercial bank in your area. Present your business plan, company structure and other funding sources.
 Approach a core investor or use franchise partners. Try target savings or soft loans from friends and family.
Things to know about franchising
The Location
Finding a suitable location is important. To establish a funeral home you need an office, showing area, small reception hall and other facilities.
Although not compulsory you might need a crematorium or burial ground. The location you chose should be approved by local authorities and have a large parking space.
The services you render include preparing the body for burial and visitations from the bereaved. You embalm, dress and get the body ready for burial.
 Other functions is organizing the burial ceremony, planning. The funeral procession includes pallbearers, limousine and other paraphernalia. Offer your patrons excellent service delivery to ease their stress and pain.
Some Equipment to Buy
Funeral equipment is expensive from the limousine, crematorium and embalming machine. Some other expenses are refrigeration, and storage facility.
You need office facilities, coffins, chairs and tables. The type of equipment you need depends on the services you render. There is some equipment you can lease and other services performed outside the funeral home.
Your funeral home buys supplies such as embalming fluid, cloths and caskets. Purchase your stock in bulk to reduce costs and offer better prices.
A list of equipment includes one or two limousines, cloths, embalming machine and fluid. Other equipment is furniture such as chairs, armchairs, tables and caskets.
You need a Storage room, urns and a crematorium. Buy lots of office equipment such as computers, fax machines, modem and printers.
Registration the Business
Register your business as a limited liability company. You need general liability insurance and local government permits. Find out from your local authorities the permits and licensing required to operate in your locality.
You need morticians, pallbearers and clerical staff. Other staff you need is laboratory scientist for the embalming, accountants and drivers. Make sure your staffs are properly trained and respectful.
Invest in good Vehicles
You need to splash on expensive cars to carry the caskets. You can buy used vehicles and refurbish to look nice.
Invest in at least two vehicles for a wider range of transportation. Create a recognizable brand for your funeral home.
Marketing and Promotions
Like any business it needs promotion to make the public know you exist. You can print billboards, posters and banners. Advertise in local newspapers and magazines related to the industry.
Without proper management, marketing costs could escalate. Try to keep costs on check to remain profitable.
Places to leave your call cards are hospital mortuaries and morticians. Build a website targeted at your locality to drum up business.
The website should have your services, location and a dedicated telephone number. Place your website on directories both online and offline. Use free or paid classified to advertise your services or yellow pages.


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