How to Monetize Weebly Blog

What Weebly offers
Weebly site builder has the following functions that enable easy site building.
1 Weebly has an easy to use drop and drag widget
2 simple templates
3 e-commerce enabled
4 Allows sub domain and domain names
5 hosting
6 Education website builders
Make Money Blogging
Looking to earn some incomes online, why not start your own blog and e-commerce website.  Blogging is the number one way private individuals and companies reach millions of viewers.
Owning one allows you express yourself, sell products and advertisement space while having full control of your content.
In order to leverage on viewers who in turn generate traffic to your blog you need to create insightful and information packed site. It could be news and current affairs, evergreen topics, educational and fitness.
The blogger or website owner can carve out a niche by specializing in certain topic. topics such as politics, fashion, sports or entertainment depending on the interest of the blogger.
The webmaster could be a single individual or group. Even establish stores have found increases in sales and demand by going online.
The most important thing before starting a website is selecting a niche and writing quality content.  The next hurdle is choosing the platform through which you create the blog.
There are many places where you can build your blog both free and paid packages.
Some of the more common ones are blogger powered by Google, and Wordpress. It is very easy to create a unique online store or blog using websites like Weebly.
They all offer free, moderate priced and premium subscriptions.  You need to first sign up for an account before gaining access to their site builder.
Weebly also has the affiliate program where you can do promotions. The referral program pays commission only when there is a sale and the rate is 30%
Website Builders
There are many website builders that you can use to start a blog. The type of website you build depends on the design, structure and functionality.
 Listed below are a few website builder that you can use.  Each has  their own templates, designs, functionality, terms/conditions and hosting price.
Some of the website builders are Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, Jimdo, GoDaddy. Others are Shopify, Blogger, Wordpress, Bigcommerce,, and IM Creator.
GoDaddy is a very popular website building platform used by millions of website and blog owners. These website builders have free subscriptions that might be time specific.
The free subscription period usually allow subscribers use their services for up to six months.  Some offer upgrades with added features for your e-commerce store.
Many allow sub domain names for free subscribers like your name, .blogspot, You can buy a domain name to look more professional.
Beginners guide
Poll. Choose preference
Which one is your preferred website building platform
Top of Form
  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • GoDaddy
  • Weebly
Bottom of Form
About Weebly
Weebly is in beta, cross platform website hosting type with an impressive alexia ranking of 250 worldwide.  They have platforms such as Weebly education and Weebly designer.
Weebly was founded by visionaries like Dan Veltri, Chris Fanini and Rusenko in 2006. They introduced monetization via Google Adsense two years later.
Weebly is a platform you can use to create your blog and start your online eCommerce. Start your business by using their easy to use templates.
You can open a free account and later upgrade or opt for a premium account that costs a tiny $4monthly. Both accounts work nicely except some added features for the premium account.
The blog/website builder uses their simple a drag drop widget interface to build their sites. The feature is easy to use and you don’t need any programming skill to build your website.
The website is privately funded and has over twenty million users worldwide. Many have built their blog businesses using this service.
Weebly is available in eleven languages and they have Weebly for education, student Weebly including an easy to use eCommerce website builder.
Web building sites
Web building websites
Type of subscription
What they offer
free subscription
sub domains

How does it work?
Like most building and hosting websites you choose an appropriate sub domain. Alternatively pay for a domain name that might reflect your sites content better.
The sub domain name is subject to availability which can be daunting since most of the cool names are already taken online. In choosing a sub domain you should include words that best describes your content .
This is to allow search engines identify the type of content available on your website. The difference between blogger, Wordpress and Weebly is when developing an ecommerce store to earn income.
You can’t use a basic plan on Wordpress to start an ecommerce store. however on blogger you need to add your approved affiliate like Amazon, eBay and Google Adsense to monetize.
Weebly ecommerce supports payment giants like PayPal, authorize net and stripe so you can access payment easily.
Weebly is compatible with Microsoft window. The old system Linux and Mac OS is used alongside mobile app that work with tablets and iPod.
Users can also display advertisements on their blog or website to earning additional income.
Weebly android apps
The Weebly android App offers users easy accessibility to their website on mobile devices such as iphones, android and tablets. It makes editing, content creation and website tracking very easy and convenient.
You can update, review add content and even start publishing a blog through your mobile devices. post content can not come any easier. The app allows you to stay connected in real time to your audience, making adjustments, comments and reviews easier to manage.
Ecommerce application on you website is even easier because you can add products, sell and receive payment and notifications on your phone. Not many hosting or website builders have mobile app that are readily available to subscribers.
Weebly for education
Weebly for education allows you create a classroom website using there drag and drop widget.  You can easily manage your student’s accounts.
Other feature is easy assessment and acceptance of assignments and homework with on-hands interaction between students, parents, and tutor.
The education website is central control to do administrative work like managing tutors, students and staff online.
Teachers and students can easily leverage on the newly introduced Weebly campus edition (pro) that offers a reduced 38% for teachers and students.
So a subscriber has the option of using either a free Weebly account or the campus edition to manage his online school.

Payment plan on Weebly
Weebly offers its website builders the popular free subscription. The starter plan, pro plan and business plan.
Long subscription plans attract discounts while paid plans open addition features. The free subscribes might need to upgrade to enjoy more benefits as your website grows.
A breakdown of the subscription plans is as follows
  • Free plan
  • Starter plan
  • Pro plan
  • Business plan
The free plan attracts no fees, Starter plan $4.83 monthly, Pro plan $9.83, Business plan$29 all for a six month period.
There are many web building site were you can start earning income online. All you need is to register with them and build your website. Provide valuable content with interactive imagery and capsules like videos and polls.
Use social media to promote your website and add content regularly. Use affiliate programs to sell products on your website and advertisements for additional income.
Build a reputation and following, respond to comments and suggestions for better interactions. Online businesses that require content needs time to grow with regularity and hard work.
With time your income will steadily grow.


Nice article. There are many website builders that you can use to start a blog. The type of website you build depends on the design, structure and functionality.
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The people at Weebly say that their software is the easiest way to create and publish a website on-line, and I agree, but I have issues.
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Nice article. There are many website builders that you can use to start a blog. The type of website you build depends on the design, structure and functionality.Want to build your own website for your own style.

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Your topic selection is very unique and informative for readers but one thing is sure, the article is well written and quality too. Thanks for sharing with us your experience.

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Thank you so much for this great and informative article! It's an easy read and laid out well. I was already leaning towards using Weebly since I have experience with it already. I think I am going to look into it further!

Either it's weebly, wordpress or blogger blog but professional looking website and blog always stand out from the crowd. Check these professional looking site Having websites like these one will let you have following advantage.

1. Increase of clients and sales
With your website, your reach goes much further than the proximity of your business.
Potential customers will know your company and buy your products at any time and place.
Your online business can be selling 24 hours a day, all year!

2. Time saving
Providing information to your customers, through any means, takes time.
With a website with all the information available to your customers, all that time you can save.

3. Money saving
The costs of changing products from your paper catalog or written communication information do not exist with your website.
On your website you can update your products and information instantly at no extra cost.

4. Stand out from the competition
Many competitors have old websites, which are not attractive or appear on Google.
By hiring a professional web design, with modern design and technology, your business will stand out.

5. Improvement in customer service
Clients and potential clients do not have to wait for your attention schedule to ask you questions.
With a website, they can write to you at any time and place and do not lose any sales or contact.

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These tips are really helpful. Thanks a lot.Keep it up.Keep blogging.!!
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