Watermelon Farming Business Ideas: How to Start a Watermelon Farming Business

Watermelon is a delicious fruit that has many health benefits. They are a highly sort and marketable product common in many countries.
It is an effective rudiment in fitness programs that involve weight loss and obesity. Farmers are able to harvest fruits three times in the year because of their fast rate of production.
 Watermelons are in the same group as gourds, muskmelons, squash and pumpkins. The specie dictates the weight and size of the watermelon. Same applies to shape, color and patterns prevalent on the fruits.
The fruit is highly profitable because of the readily available market for the product. It is eating raw or processed into various industrial beverages.
The melon is tough, rugged and withstands harsh conditions, pests and other agents. To engage in watermelon farming you need adequate land, knowledge of planting techniques, and harvesting methods.
Other requirements are marketing the product, transportation and funding. In some geo-locations watermelons are cultivated for water especially in desert regions.
The fruit is widely distributed around the world and you find them on all contents. Things to consideration before starting a watermelon farm are quality of the seedling and adequate sunlight.
Buy Agricultural Property
Before you start your enterprise you need adequate land for your venture. You need a minimum of one acre of land to remain commercially viable. You have to be critical on the soil composition because watermelon grow best in certain environments.
Different Kinds of Watermelon
There are different kinds of watermelon based on species. They come in different sizes, fruit sizes and colors.
To mention a few we have the Royal Sweet, Revolution, Gypsy, Carson, Super Crisp and Millionaire. Others are the Yellow Doll, Lantha, Sangia, Vanessa and Leopard.
Soil and Temperature
Watermelons grow rapidly in favorable conditions. The soil should be properly aerated, hold water with a PH level of 5.7-6.7. Avoid cold temperatures, frost or clay soil. The average temperature to grow large watermelon is between 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
Temperatures above and bellow the range results in poor harvest and slow growth. You should properly regulate the water available to your crops include soil moisture.
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Planting the Crop
You can plant about 3, 500 plants per acre, 6 feet apart for best results. They should be in single rows on plastic mulched beds 35 inches between plants.
Farmers can source their seedling from commercial quantity producers or government institutions. Choose the verity that grows best in your geographical location.
It is easier to grow seeds than watermelon transplants so chose the first option. Adequate provisions are important during transplanting such as watering and soil temperature.
Learn all the basics about planting watermelon or hire an expert consultant during the planting season. Bees and pollinators are essential to the plants distribution, and fruiting.
You also need a good pest management system such as crop rotation, plastic mulch including herbicides. Dangerous pests to watch out for are maggots, aphids, and beetles.
Countries have different rules in the administration of pesticides. Ground water pollution is a real threat when pesticides are applied so take proper precautions.
 Use organic pesticides to combat any infestation or seek advice from experts. The average days for watermelon maturity start from 68 days to 92 days. And average fruit sizes are 5-7, 12-15, 15-20, 20-26 Lbs.
To grow watermelons you need good equipment and fertile land. The equipment's you need are plastic mulch layers, bed-shaper and trans-planter. Other major equipment's are tractor, truck for transportation and boom sprayer.
Harvesting and Storage
To harvest your watermelon engage casual harvesters to pick the melons one at a time. The job is laborious and will take several days to complete the task.
It takes multiple harvest periods because of the different periods of pollination. Mature fruits may have dried tendril or yellowish spot on the surface around the base.
Sell your product to local retailers and market women. Other sources are manufacturing companies and overseas companies.
Find wholesalers, auction sales, organic markets and stores. Reach buyers through electronic and print media.
Use roadside stands, farmers markets and your own outlets. Exporting your product is very lucrative if you can secure a contract with foreign buyers.


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