Vaseline Production Business: How to Start a Vaseline Production Business

petroleum jelly
Vaseline is a skin cream derived from petroleum jelly. It is effective during dry seasons because it reduces the dryness of the skin.
It reduces painful skin dryness and effect of dry cold winds on the body. They use it for cracked lips and the industrially refined product is used for babies.
The product attracts good price and a fair amount of profit margin. It is in high demand and there are many outlets for your product. The petroleum jelly prevents inflammation, used as a repellent and prevents split ends in hair.
Another advantage is the simple production process and basic equipment. The ingredients are easily sourced in the open market and are cheap. The amount needed to start a small home based Vaseline factory is small. Here are a few ideas on how to start a profitable home based Vaseline business.
How to Start a Vaseline Production Business
To produce Vaseline from home you need relatively small capital. The major investment is the chemicals used in the production.
Other expenditure is simple equipment, marketing the product, label and container. You don’t need bank loans to start a small Vaseline production business.
Try raising funds through target savings or soft loans from friends and family.
Marketing the Vaseline Product
The product is fairly popular and a household name. Sell your product in stores or in your community.
Other places to sell your product are supermarkets, retailer stores, neighbors and event venues. Sell at flee markets, open stores or individual homes.
To reach customers launch a marketing campaign through mobile direct advertisement. Hire sales representatives that earn on commissions to reach your customers.
Advertise your product in newspapers and health magazines. Use print media and make handbills, posters and a signpost.
Offer promotional discounts on bulk purchase for faster sales. You can reach bulk customers through paid classified advertisement websites. Because the product is common you need a competitive advantage to reach customers.
Locating the Vaseline Factory
You need an open workplace to mix your concoction. Because you are handling chemical materials you need adequate safety gear.
The location should be properly ventilated and specially equipped for production. Please don’t use your kitchen to produce Vaseline.
 Any equipment should be used only for the production. If you want to run a small factory rent a well ventilated workspace.
Register your business as a sole proprietorship and obtain a tax identification number. Home products are heavily regulated in some countries so find out the requirements before launching your enterprise.
Your product might have to pass a standards organization test and sampling.  Some countries need certification and product identification number from the national food and drug authorities.
Other considerations are environmental and antipollution laws binding the enterprise. Select a good business and brand name for your enterprise and product.
Learn How to Make Vaseline
You need to learn how to make petroleum jelly to produce your own brand. The method explained below is only a guide.
You need to learn the best quantity of ingredients through trade institutes or apprentice program. Hire an expert to teach the trade or learn precise measurement through books.
You find lots of online resources and tutorials that explain in precise detail. Attend seminars and practical workshops on Vaseline production.
Making Vaseline is easy however you need to learn how to mix the substance. Other considerations is marketing the product, sourcing the ingredient and initial funding.
Ingredients Used in Producing Vaseline
Petroleum jelly
Paraffin oil
Plastic container with lid
Paper label
Safety goggles and gloves
A cooking gas or kerosene stove.
Stirring stick
The ingredients are easily sourced and cheap. Once you have bought the above ingredients you can begin the simple production process.  Design a plastic container for your Vaseline petroleum jelly and print a label.
How to Make Vaseline
Pour 30Cl paraffin into a large container then add 1 Kg of petroleum jelly. Stir the mixture vigorously and add 1 tablespoonful of lanolin into the mix.
Heat the substance to dissolve it using a gas, kerosene or electric hot pan.  To maintain a consistence during the melting processes add 10Cl of paraffin oil to reduce the thickness of the substance. It depends on the consistency you want to achieve.
The paraffin oil decreases the jelly like property of your Vaseline so you need to find a good combination. You need to maintain a high quality product for better acceptance and marketability.
Once you have completed the melting and mixing and achieved the jelly consistency you want remove from heat source. It is better for you Vaseline to cool before adding perfume.
 Stir the perfume into your mixture then pour into a container. Use safety goggles and gloves including an apron during the production process.
Try different combinations of paraffin and petroleum jelly to get the best consistency you prefer.
The amount of startup capital you need depends on the size and scope of your enterprise. Buy the best quality ingredient and create your own brand of Vaseline.
Learn how to mix your Vaseline product and get it certified and tested. Once you have found the best consistency maintain the same quality.
Don’t forget to register a business name for your enterprise.



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