How to Start s Pear Fruit Farming Business

Pear is a delicious fruit that grow in sub tropical climate. It has many heath benefits such as reduce of constipation, low cholesterol and are a good source of energy.
The fruit is also an excellent source for fiber. Pear grows nicely in temperate and hilly regions and come in different varieties.
Some are William Bartlett, Flemish beauty, max-red Bartlett, and Laxton’s Superb. Others are China pear, Hardy, and Comice. They have different fruiting seasons according to the variety.
 Some fruit early in the season, while others fruit mid season and around December. To start your pear farm you need to know a few facts. Here are a few business ideas on how to launch your pear farm business.
You need to learn about the business before starting out. Do research on growing methods, soil conditions and the climate best suited for pear.
 Write a business plan and add a feasibility study to guide the enterprise. Once you have located a good site you can farm manually or use mechanized equipment to till the ground.
Startup Cost
The major investment is the cost of landed property. Other things are registering your enterprise and labor costs.
Other investment includes farming machinery and implements. You might require heavy duty trucks and storage or a processing facility.
Learn How to Grow Pear
Before you can grow pear you need to learn a bit about perfect growing conditions. Other things to learn are climate, soil requirements, planting season and land preparation. You also need landed space, understand propagation techniques and fertilizer management.
Climatic Conditions
Although pear is wide spread they prefer certain climatic conditions. Pears do nicely in temperatures of –28 degrees centigrade and 43 degrees centigrade.
They tolerate different cold climatic conditions and are susceptible to frost and plant damage. The soil condition is very important to the growth and health of the tree.
Appropriate soil requires include moderate nitrogen and they thrive in a mix of clay and sandy soil. The planting seasons vary according to the type of pear. Some fruit early other mid and some ripen late November and December.
Agricultural Land
To start your enterprise you need agricultural land to grow your pear. Pear trees are regarded as midrange sized trees and need lots of space.
Before buying landed property makes sure the climatic conditions are favorable to pear growth. Study the soil composition the PH level suitable for pear is 5.5-7.5.Also make enquiries about the best pear to grow in that locality.
Seed Propagation
Pear fruit are propagated through raising rootstock and seeds. They can also grow through grafting and transplanting.
Pear trees have a huge mass of leafs that need regularly pruning. When planting pear giving enough room for growth, expansion and development.
Adopt a central leader training system to pear crops for better results.
Important Things to Consider
There are a few things to consider when setting up a pear farm. You need to know the type of fertilizer and manure appropriate for pear growth.
Study the irrigation requirements of the tree and provide adequate weeding. Consider how to manage pest and integrate other money making schemes.
There are many pests and diseases that worry pear trees such as codling moth, rodents, root rot and scab. To increase income you can intercrop vegetables, wheat or peas to your farm.
Sell your produce in the open market, fruit stores or supermarkets. You can export your products or sell wholesale.
 A good pear fruit tree produces lots of fruits making them economically viable investments. The fruits attract premium prices and sell fast.
Pear farming is a highly profitable business venture that is easily done both small and large scale.


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