32 Ways to Monetize Your Blog or Website

Many people are making good money online. There are many business ventures and opportunities available on the internet.
With some hard work and the right gig you will generate lots of income. The financial reward could be residual, passive or substantial. Many people make serious money online depending on the methods, traffic and monetization techniques.
A tested way to generate income online is through your blog or website. It takes lots of effort, perseverance and hard work to earn an income.
 With proper strategizing, planning and understanding of different platforms you will succeed. The techniques highlighted below cover a wide range of methods used by webmasters.
32 Ways to Monetize your Blog
1.  Sell Direct Advertising Space
A very lucrative monetization method is selling direct advertisement space on your blog. You effectively bypass the middleman and keep all the earnings.

The advertisements are displayed as banners, text links, footer advertisement and on your sidebar. To effectively sell space you need lots of traffic to your blog, followers and brand name. Advertisers only use blogs that have good ranking and traffic statistics.
2.  Pay Per Click
There are a number of advertisement networks that use pay per click advertisement. The webmaster signs up and applies to such Advertisement networks.

Once accepted you implements a code on your blog and advertisement are shown. The advertisements are from companies using the services of the advertisement networks.

The top advertisement network is Google Adsense. The advertisements displayed on your website by such networks should be relevant to the content of your blog.

You get paid when someone clicks the advertisement. The monetary values on the clicks vary from $0.10-$5.
Traffic and proper placement is the key to pay per click advertisers if you want to generate hundreds of dollars. Before you apply for adsense make sure you have lots of content, read the terms of service and follow the rules.
Some major advertisement networks you can use are Google adsense, Chitika, Clicksor and BidVertiser
3.  Cost Per Mile Advertisement
The webmaster earns income based on impressions rather than clicks. Impressions are the number of page views you get from visitors to your website.

Websites with huge traffic make lots of money through cost per mile advertisement. A monetary sum is calculated per every 1000 impressions so the more visitors the more money you make.
4.  Text Link Advertisement
Text link advertisement offers a non intrusive way to monetize your website. You place text advertisement within text on your website. To use this service you need to sign up with text link providers.
5.  Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing allows webmaster add affiliate products to their website. You sign up with an affiliate network get a unique link and place it on your website.

The link could be image or text based. Once a visitor to your website clicks on the link they will be taken to the product or service.

Affiliate marketers earn commission on sales. The amount of commission varies on the provider, product price and percentage offered. Top affiliate networks to consider are ShareASale, Commission Junction and Clickbank.
6.  Sell you Website
Some people make lots of money selling websites. You can build a website primarily for sale.

There are two kinds of websites you can sell. New site less than three months old or older websites. Websites older than one year with lots of traffic and visible monetization methods attract good prices.
Such websites have been sold from $1000 up to $100,000.
7.  Flipping Websites
Similar to building and selling your website you can buy and sell website. You buy already established websites build it up a little and sell.
You need to know what you are doing to flip websites.
8.  Buying and Selling Domain Names
Domain names are the real estate of the internet. Every website or blog has some type of domain name or the other.

There are domain names and sub domain names. A domain name trader finds top domain names buys and sells them for profit.

They can also create new domain names and sell. A website we can recommend that handle buying and selling of websites and domain names is flippa.
9.  Donations
Donations provide an alternative source of income for webmasters. Some small website owners use donations to raise funds to maintain their blogs. To get donations implement PayPal donate now button on your website. The visitors to your website can donate any amount they wish.
10.              Membership Websites
Websites offer visitors premium membership for a fee. They offer their subscribers added value and service in line with content found on such websites. Websites that use this format are usually digital download sites.
11.              Accept Sponsored Post
Feature sponsored posts and reviews relevant to your content. Many companies are ready to pay for such services because they leverage on the popularity of your website.
12.              Build an E-commerce Website
You can sell other peoples products on an e-commerce website. This business technique is difficult because of the proliferation of e-commerce websites online. To attract customers to the products displayed on your site use SEO techniques.
13.              Build a Web Directory
Websites list their sites on a web directory. The higher your PR rating the more websites will use your services.
This monetization method is difficult because you need to build a powerful directory. Paid directory listing works when a website owner pays you to list their site on your directory
14.              Use Classified Websites
You can make money selling items through online classified websites. There is no limit to the type of product or service you can offer.
You can use free classified websites such as olx.com to make sales. Classified websites work when an advertiser places an advert on the website.
The person includes image, description, price, location and phone number.
Sell household items, used items or craft works.

15.              Sell Digital Product
You can sell digital products from other publishers on your website. Sign up as an affiliate and get a link to place the product on your website.
The good part about selling digital products is that you can create and sell your own products. This technique helps you keep hundred percent the profit.
16.              Offer Freelance Writing Services
To offer freelance writing services for a fee add hire me page to your website. The content of you website effectively sells your writing skill.

Visitors interested in original content could contact you through your hire me page. You negotiate fees and get paid before, during or after submission.
17.              Display Pop up Advertisement.
Many web master use popup advertisement to make money on their website. Pop up advertisements are served through advertisement networks to your bog. Many people hate pop up adverts because they are annoying and intrusive.
18.              Sell ebooks
A good monetization method is selling ebooks. Ebooks are digital books read on PCs and Smartphone’s. There are many affiliate publishers selling their books. There are over 1,000,000 ebooks on offer in various self publishing websites.
19.              Online Tutorials
You can set up a teaching program and offer lessons to students. Create a study schedule topic and use videos and assignments. If your course is relevant and tailored to the expectation of your students you will earn good income.
20.              Consultancy Service
Offer your visitors consultancy services based on your niche. You need to build a reputation and have a following to cash in on this service.
Consultants have many resources such as sms, mms, Skype, direct phone calls and email service.
You fix your charges and decide the mode of communication. You can also offer one-on one consultancy services.
Other Monetization Methods
Other monetization methods to consider are listed below.
21.  Sell your own Customized Templates or Themes
22. Job Boards or Vacancy websites make lots of money
23. Use email marketing to generate income
24. Start a Private Forum
25. Host a Webinar or online workshops
26. Information market involves writing a tutorial or guide for sale
27. Create and Sell your own product
28. Place advertisement on your RRS feed
29. In-Text-Advertisement
30. Use Advertising Widgets
31. Write a hardback book and sell from your website
32. Live workshops


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