Poultry Feed Production Business: How to Start Poultry Feed Production Company

There are two ways to feed livestock, formulate the feed or allow them to foraging. To formulate and produce poultry feed you need to know the ingredients and formula.
Poultry feed is in high demand because of the ravenous nature of the bird. They consume literarily 2/3rds of your total investment in poultry farming.
Poultry is farmed for meat or egg production so they need adequate feeding to grow. The quality of the poultry feed determines the patronage and sales.
Poultry farmers know high quality feed and will purchase regularly. Feed production is a highly profitable business venture.
Before starting your feed production company you need to learn the rudiments of chicken feed, composition and storage. Other things involved in the enterprise are location, equipment, sourcing the ingredient and staff.
Birds that fall into poultry farming are ostrich, pigeons, docks, turkey and chicken. However poultry farming is more synonymous with chicken farming.
Understanding the nutritional requirements is also of great important. Here are some ideas on how to start poultry feed Production Company.
How to Start a Small Poultry Feed Production Company
To start your feed production business you need lots of funding. The funds are needed for storage space, factory, sales outlet, company registration and procurement of raw materials.
The first step is learning the mixing procedure and what is obtainable in the market. Understand the pricing, ingredients and marketing.
Secure funds through bank loans, agricultural subventions, and poultry farmers associations. Use personal savings or borrow from family and friends.
Learn the trade through seminars, technical institutions, books and practical experience. Lease a large warehouse for your production and storage.
Then register your business as a limited liability company, get insurance and tax identification number. Source your ingredients from local farmers, breweries and the open market.
You can purchase your equipment or buy fabricated equipment. The staff you need include millers, grinders, packagers, security, drivers and sales clerk.
Ingredients for Poultry Feed Production
Fodder is animal feed given to domesticated animals. Fodder includes silage, straw and oils including grains, legumes and pellet feed.
Poultry feed grains components should have moisture, starch, mineral, and protein. Others are vitamins, energy and fat. Traditional feed includes wheat, peas, soybean, barley, and maize.
The preferred method used by poultry farmers to get good results is feed grains.  The main composition of feed grains includes barley, maize and brewery by-products, soya beans.
Although poultry animals can live off foraging or eating scrap food serious farmers feed them composed feed grains. There are four types of poultry feed produced by manufacturers. Starter marsh, grower marsh, layer mash and finisher mash.
The composition of the ingredients constitutes the type of mash produced. Starter mash are for small chicks, grower to boost growth, layers for poultry kept to lay eggs and finished for adult chicken farmed for meat.
Common feed ingredients in poultry are cereals, fats and oils. Others are canola, protein, fish meal, field peas, cereal by-product, soybeans and bone meal.
Cereal is used in many industrial applications and meals. Poultry feed producer’s source the cereal clean then dry mill the grain.
The milled grain is part of the ingredients used in the production process. Bone meal is pressure cooked while soybeans are added.
Some producers add canola meal extracted from canola seeds. Others are fat and oils such as blended animal fat, tallow or vegetable fat. The main ingredient is cereal such as barley, corn, wheat and sorghum.
Main Feed and Energy Sources
1.    Cereals
2.    Fats and oils
3.    Protein sources
4.    Canola
5.    Meat and bone meal
6.    Fish meal
7.    Field peas
8.    Cereal by-products
Common Cereal By-Products
Common cereal by-products include middling from flour, and gluten feed from wet milled corn. Other by-products are grain hull which is the outer covering of grain seed, grain screenings and bran.
List of Cereal By-Products
1.    Wheat red
2.    Corn hominy feed
3.    Barley malt sprouts
4.    Mill run
5.    Grain screenings
6.    Rice polishing
7.    Wheat shorts
8.    Middling’s
9.    Gluten feed
10. Bran
11. Grain hulls
Additional Ingredients
There are a few additional ingredients to consider while composing your poultry feed.  Some producers add grit, flax seed, fermented diary products and kelp. Additives include cultured yeast, oyster shell and crab meal.
To produce your feed meal you need locally fabricated or imported equipment. The equipment includes plastic drums, sealing machines, scales, tables, labels and the grinding machine.
The list of equipment needed to produce poultry feed
1.    Weight scales
2.    Sealing machines
3.    Mixing machines
4.    Tables and Plastic drums
5.    Labels and customized package bags
6.    A generating set
7.    Grinding machine
Angora Goat Farming
You need effective marketing to reach potential buyers. Use electronic medium such as television and radio.
Place advertisement in national newspapers and livestock magazines. Hire sales representatives to reach poultry farmers in your community.
Open an outlet for farmers and individual buyers. You can network with wholesalers and retailers in your area. Don’t forget to build a website targeted at your geographical location and immediate market.


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