Paper Mill Business Ideas: How to start a Paper Mill Company

A paper mill factory produces paper in rolls or sheets. The raw material used in making paper is wood pulp or recycled paper.
A product that attracts a huge market and insatiable demand is paper. Paper is used for in different product such as tissue paper, files, envelops, and ledgers  
A paper mill can be non-integrated or fully integrated. Fully integrated mills are capital intensive and easily accommodate the entire production process.
Fully integrated mills harvests the logs process into chips and to produced paper. The business is profitable, regulated and moderately challenging.
To successfully run a paper mill factory you need adequate funding. Other considerations are labor costs, cost of raw materials and brand awareness.
There are different kinds of paper mills powered through automated or semi automated technology. Running a paper mill is very capital intensive and labor intensive.
Here are a few business ideas on how to start a paper mill business.
How to Start a Paper Mill Business
Factory Space for Paper Mill Company
The type of machinery and brand name determine the size of your paper milling factory. Machinery comes in different sizes, designs and functionality.
You can locate your enterprise close to the source of raw materials. This will reduce transportation costs and add to your profit margin.
 Conduct a feasibility study to identify best locations to setup your factory. A major consideration is easy assess-able land to transport your goods.
Funding the Paper Mill Business
Approach commercial banks in your area for loans. You need collateral and part of the startup money.
Seek a core investor or accommodate a business partner. Other banks to try are trade banks, merchant banks and bank of industry and commerce.
 Funds are needed to buy machines, lease property, hire skilled staff, purchase raw material and marketing
Branding the Paper Mill Business
Produce high quality paper, use competitive pricing and branding. The quality of your product will attract lots of patronage.
Brand your products by creating a good brand name, packaging and promotional material. The labor requirements to run a paper mill company are huge.
You need qualified machine operators and packaging crew. The company needs a marketing department and administrative staff.
Other employees are drivers, clerical officers and cleaners. Your company needs lots of energy, water and wood pulp to work efficiently.
 Registration the Paper Mill Company
You can’t run a paper mill factory from home. You need a spacious factory, staff and other equipment's.
Like other small, medium or large companies you need registration.  Choose a good business name and register as a one man business or limited company.
Secure a trade license and insurance license. Your company needs to pass fire safety certification tests. Don’t forget to get a value added tax identification number for your products.
Research your competitors and available market. Hire a trained marketer to identify and reach your potential customers.
Use market analysis, surveys to get valuable data. Find out the essential paper products that attract high demand in your locality.
Machines and Equipment
The major machine turns pulp into paper and cutting machine. There are many brands in the market so do lots of research.
You can purchase new, used or old machines. Distribute your product through land, sea or air. You need a cost effective distribution system to reach your target market.
Raw Materials Used to Produce Paper.
The major raw material used in the production process is wood. Other materials are recycled paper, cotton, recycled cloths and bamboo.
Wood is converted to pulp in a mix of sodium sulfide and sodium hydroxide. It then goes through pounding, squeezing and additives.
It then fed into a machine and later dried. The finishing involves pressing and smoothing the paper. Exercise Book Making Business
Different Types of Paper
There are different types of paper the coated, fine, specialty paper and un-coated paper.
UN-Coated Printing Paper
The UN-coated commercial print paper includes offset, carbon-less, vellum Bristol and Ledge. Others are index paper, tag, bond, Kraft and cover paper.
Coated and Fine Printing Papers
Fine printing papers are Cotton Bond and Bond Watermark. The papers are used for text and writing. Bright white offset and cover coated are used as calendars, covers and for advertisement.
Specialty papers are digital imaging paper and dry gum label.
Advertise in local publications, newspapers and magazines. Major consumers of paper are printing press and publishing firms.
Manufacturers that use paper as raw material for their products are also major consumers. You should network with stationary wholesalers and retailers. Build a website to reach more customers. Machinery and Equipment found in a Paper Mill Factory
The machinery used in producing different types of paper is expensive. There are many equipment that do different functions. Listed below are some machinery and equipment found in a paper factory.
1.    Decker Thickener
2.     Head box for Paper mill
3.    jumbo Press for Paper Machine
4.    Slitting rewinding
5.     Machine for paper
6.    spares for paper mill
7.    paper making machine
8.    Kraft paper making machine
9.    newsprint paper making machine
10. slap conveyor for paper mill
11. hydra pulper for paper mill
12. vibrating screen agitator for stock
13. chest paper mill
14. central cleaner system
15. inverse press for paper mill
16. paper mill dryer section
17. silent drive for paper mill
18. duplex paper machine
19. pulper to waste paper
Before starting your business enterprise write a comprehensive visibility study. Factor type of machinery, labor costs, raw materials and marketing.
Find a suitable location with good road network to and from the factory.


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