How to Grow Rice: How to Start Rice Production Company

Rice is a staple in many countries and it’s used to produce various delicious dishes.  Growing rice is capital intensive requires lots of agricultural land and preparation.
To launch your rice production company you need a few things in place. You need high quality seeds, prepare the land, growing technique and water management.
Other considerations are nutrient management, crop health and harvesting the crop. Rice farming is capital intensive an requires lots of funding.
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Startup cost for rice farming is expensive due to many factors. You need to purchase suitable land for rice cultivation.
You might decide to add a few structures, purchase machinery and pay labor. Other smaller considerations are company registration, permits, cost of seedlings and transportation.
The cost might include processing, bagging, and labeling. You need to hire experience growers including consultancy services. Secure capital through bank loans or associations related to rice farming.
Seed Quality
You need to use good quality seed to increase yield and get high returns. There are several thousands of seed verities grown by farmers.  Other benefits of good seeds are faster growth rate, reduced replanting and uniformity.
The plant grows uniformly while weeding problems are minimized. Good seeds have high germination ratio, and reduced incidences of insect infestation, and seed borne diseases.
Choosing the right seed is very important to the success of your enterprise. You get high quality seeds from government agencies and institutes of agriculture and research.
The demography, climatic conditions, soil and planting methodology impacts on the kind of seed you grow.
Agricultural Land
Once you have acquired landed property suitable for rice production you need to plow and level the land.  You can till the land through the aid of mechanized equipment or manpower.
 You can also employ the use of tractors, hoes, diggers, or animals such as bulls, buffalo or horse. The leveled land helps control weeding, water wastage and increases crop management. It offers uniformity in growth and easy accessibility.
Planting Rice
Rice is planted using the direct seed method and transplanting method. Direct seeding involves establishing seeds or pre- germinated seeds on your rice field.
They type of seeding method depends on the soil surface, ecosystem or irrigated plan. Transplanting rice stalk is very labor intensive and commonplace in Asian Countries.
Before you can transplant rice you need to have germinated rice in a seedbed. This method reduces wastage of seed doing planting.
The pre- germinated crops are transplanted to a wet field either through the aid of machinery or by hand.
Water Management
The most ideal conditions for a rice farm are waterlogged areas. Maintain a flooded field is important to the rice cultivated.
You need to put an effective water management system in place to present ideal conditions for growth. There are different growing techniques used to maintain perfect growing conditions.
Farmers use alternate wetting techniques, raised plant beds and saturated soil culture. Others are growing species of rice that withstands touch conditions including pre-planting techniques and water conservation.
Crop health Considerations
Rice crops are prone to disease, climatic conditions, insect and rodent infestation. There are many things that could impact negatively on your crop.
Weeds are a major nuance to rice crop farming. The fields require constant tending to remove the weeds that compete for the crops nutrients.
 You need to provide a good pest control mechanism to reduce loss of crop. A good knowledge of endemic pests in your locality will provide good solutions and preventive measures.
The ecosystem has its own natural predators that aids the farmer in this regard. You might also consider organic herbicides to combat pests.
Nutritional Management
Nutritional management involves monitoring the different nutritional needs as the crop grows. Well flooded paddies support good nutrients by conserving the soils organic matter. The rich nitrogen in the soil reduces the prevalence of certain fertilizers without affecting yield.
Harvesting the Rice
You have found a good agricultural property, tilled the land and bought good quality rice seeds. The seeds were introduced into the soil, proper water management and pest control maintained.
Now they are grown its time to harvest the crops from your fields. To harvest your crops gather the mature rice crop from the field.
It takes about five months to reach maturity. Employ good harvesting methods to reduce wastage and increase yield.
There are two ways to harvest your crops manually or mechanically. You can manually harvest your crop with simple tool and employ laborers.
Manual harvesting is backbreaking and involves very long hours and days. The harvest mature crop is trashed to remove grain from stalk. This is another labor intensive process.
The demand for rice is high and finding wholesalers and retailers is easy. Make sure your prices are competitive and affordable.
Reach customers through your website, electronic and print media. You need adequate storage to keep your products. You can also consider exporting your products.
Start your rice production farm by buying registering your business and accessing funds. Buy land, seeds and prepare the land. Use expert advice during the planting season and maintain good irrigation and waterbeds.
Harvest through mechanized equipment or manually. Separate the grains through trashing and clean.


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