Lace Making Business Opportunity

Lace is made manually or through semi-automated/automated machinery. They attract premium price when produced from silk, polyester or wool.
The business is possible as a small scale Home based business or large scale. You could make the product or selling wholesale or retail.
Start by writing a lace making business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Choose a good location close to raw materials.
Secure startup funding, hire appropriate staff and register the business. Incorporate the business as a Limited Liability Company, partnership or proprietorship company.
Make sure you find a regular source of raw materials and apply effective waste management and marketing strategy.
How to Start a Lace Business
  • Decide on business structure
  • Write a business plan.
  • Carry out a feasibility study
  • Choose a good location
  • Secure startup funding
  • Hire staff
  • Register the business
  • Purchase Machinery
  • Find a ready source for raw materials
  • Management Waste
  • Effective marketing strategy
Categories of Lace
The delicate fabric is produced manually or through the aid of machines. Materials in the production process are wool, silk, polyester and linen. Others include synthetic fibers, cotton, fine silver wire and fine copper threads.
Common Lace Fabrics
  • Wool
  • Silk
  • Linen
  • Synthetic fibers
  • Cotton
  • Rayon
  • Polyester
  • Fine silver wire
  • Fine copper threads
Types of Lace
The versatile lace is generally classified according to manufacturing process. We have the tape lace, knotted lace, needle lace, and crocheted lace.
Others include chemical, machine made, bobbin lace, and cutwork lace. Tape lace is a designed fabric strip embellished though intricate needle work. 
Knitted lace is fine fabrics while needle lace is produced using button hole stitching techniques.
  • Tape lace
  • knotted lace
  • Needle lace
  • Crocheted lace
  • Chemical
  • Machine made
  • Bobbin lace
  • Cutwork lace
Lace Making Tools
Although machines have taken over lace production there are many hand tools. The machinery and equipment depends on the category of lace.
Common tools/equipment is pricker, pin pusher, pin lifter, and bobbin slides. Others include scissors, crochet hook and knipling.
Bobbin lace are sewn using crochet hooks, scissors snipping, bobbin slides used for stacking, aligning. Pins are removed with the pin lifter and pin pusher the opposite. Pricker is used to prick the patterns through a pricking card. 
Hand Tools
  • Pricker
  • Pin pusher
  • Pin lifter
  • Bobbin slides
  • Scissors
  • Crochet hook
  • Knipling
lace tools
Lace Making Machines
Lace making machines are the standard in manufacturing companies. The awesome machine was first invented in 1808 by John Heathcoat and adaption from the stocking frame weft knitter.
A year later came the old Loughborough, predecessor to modern machinery. Modern lace machines are the straight bolt, stocking frame and traverse wrap.
Others are levers machine, Nottingham lace curtain machine and jacquard lace machine. More are the embroidery machine, barmen, pusher and bobbinet machine.
Modern Lace Machines
  • Straight bolt machine
  • Stocking frame
  • Traverse wrap
  • Levers machine
  • Nottingham lace curtain machine
  • Embroidery machine
  • Barmen
  • Pusher
  • Bobbinet machine
  • Jacquard Raschel Lace-making Machine
Machine Manufacturing
Lace making machines come with different applications, needles and are computer driven. They are automated or semi automated depending on the brand.
The manufacturing process begins with the design which is then fed into the computer. The computer instructs the machine to carry out the intricate stitching.
The lace is dyed, dried, cut and hemmed. Each product goes through standardization and quality control measures.
Build a Website
If you are going into manufacturing, retail or wholesale you need a website. Make sure your site is user friendly and easy to navigate.
Introduce images of your products, description and prices. Sell your products through an e-commerce site with a shopping cart.
Use classified websites and social media to drive traffic to your site. Target your customer demography and advertise on newspapers or local publications.


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