Workplace Lunch Delivery Service Business

If you can cook and wish to supply your customers a good meal experience try food delivery service. Workplace lunch delivery offers sumptuous meals to busy office workforce.
In most offices there is little provision for lunch time. Therefore people in such commercial areas grapple to find food vendors close to place of work.
Regular lunch breaks in such establishment range between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Due to strenuous working hours many office workers fail to pack a meal before setting out to the office.
The office delivery service provides this all important stop gap service. Entrepreneurs interested in starting the business require moderate startup capital and serious logistics.
Communication, transportation and legislation's are the only difficulty in this type of trade. To succeed you need to develop interesting menus and an effective market strategy.
Things to Consider
Before starting the venture there are a few things to consider. Important considerations include who is your customer demography, frequency of delivery and transportation cost. Others are company registration, start-up fund, kitchen equipment's and certification.
  • Customer demography
  • Frequency of delivery
  • Distance
  • Transportation cost
  • Company registration
  • Food Health and Safety certification
  • Startup fund
  • Kitchen equipment's
food delivery service
The best location for the business is a commercial area. Close proximity to office complex is a great advantage. This will effectively reduce transportation costs and delivery time.
Choose a maximum operational distance not exceeding 20 km from kitchen. If you work from home you need a separate kitchen.
Alternatively lease a small supply store fitted with a commercial kitchen. You could offer meals on the premises while supplying to office workers. Make sure the small eatery is visible with adequate parking.
Hire Staff
The types of staff you need are dispatch drivers, cooks and service girls. You also need a cleaner, cashier and marketer. A small scale entrepreneur can carry out multiple tasks to reduce number of staff and overhead costs.
Obtain Financing
The amount of money required depends on the scope of your operation. You need funds to buy motorcycle or delivery van.
Other fund requirements are wholesale purchase of raw materials and packaging items. Try targets saving, small loans, borrow from friends and leverage on a partnership arrangement.
Startup Costs
Startup costs include purchase of vehicle, rent, fixtures and inventory. Others include staff wages, marketing, website, office supplies and legal documents. More are tracking software, reusable items, kitchenware and point of sale system.
  • Purchase of transportation
  • Rent
  • Fixtures
  • Inventory
  • Staff wages
  • Marketing
  • Website
  • Office supplies
  • Legal documents
  • Tracking software
  • Reusable items
  • Kitchenware
  • Point of sale
You can’t run a delivery service without adequate transportation. The most effective mode of transportation is motorcycle or bicycle.
You also need a small van for large orders or party functions. You could lease the vehicles or purchase new/used vehicles and refurbish.
Create a Menu List
You need to careful create a good menu list. Carry out a survey of your customers to determine what they prefer.
Your menu list should contain fruits, vegetables, whole meals, meats, and snacks. Others include sandwiches, full meals, breads, and wraps.
Put much thought into your menu list and keep it simple, short and enticing. Make sure you have all the ingredients at hand and streamline your operate towards efficiency.
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole meals
  • Meats
  • Snacks
  • Sandwiches
  • Breads
  • Wraps
Find Regular Suppliers
Food delivery service businesses need to purchase food ingredients and operational items in bulk. Common items bought are grain, fruits, vegetables, edible oils and processed ingredients.
You also require regular supply of cooking gas, food containers and foils. Purchase directly for farms, wholesalers or major retailers in your area. Try to avoid buying from the open market unless in an emergency.
Food Packaging
Packaging is important in the food delivery business. Choose either plastic containers, cardboard's, Styrofoam or other recyclable material.
Purchase the packaging in bulk to reduce item costs. Make sure your packaging is attractive and easily handled. 
The food or snacks should reach the destination warm. Therefore use aluminum foil wrappers to maintain the foods heat.
Stews, sauces and soup are packaged in transparent plastic containers with lids. Additional items are based on the type of food ordered. Common additions are plastic spoons, forks, napkins and toothpicks.
  • Plastic containers
  • Cardboard's
  • Styrofoam
  • Recyclable material
  • Aluminum foil wrappers
  • Transparent containers with lid
  • Plastic spoons
  • Forks
  • Napkins
  • Toothpicks
  • Nylon bag
Licensing and Permission
You need license to operate a food delivery service. There are strict food and safety rules and kitchen inspection before certification.
The food handler and chef need health certification and clearance for ailments such as hepatitis. Register the enterprise as a sole proprietorship business.
You need a trade license, health insurance cover and employer tax identification number. These requirements apply to both home and restaurant food suppliers. Your business has to comply with food safety legislation's.
  • Food handlers health certification
  • Incorporate the Business
  • Trade license
  • Health insurance cover
  • Employer tax identification number
  • Comply with food safety legislation's.
Write a Workplace Lunch delivery Business plan
Write a comprehensive business plan and focus on meals, transportation and marketing. The plan should cover company incorporation, legalities and future goals. Notify your states heath department and pass a health and safety inspection.
Food Delivery Plan
A food delivery plan should cover the type of service on offer. You could device a single customer plan, two persons, discounted or family plan. Other delivery plans are monthly delivery, yearly, single day or party plan.
  • Two Person
  • Discount Group Plan
  • Package
  • Family plan
  • Weekly plan
  • Single day plan
  • Monthly Plan
  • Yearly Plan
  • Party Plan
Workplace delivery business requires serious marketing to reach potential customers. Build a website and choose a host plan/domain name for your site.
Makes sure the site is attractive and targeted to your preferred demography. Include high definition images of your food including prices and time schedules.
Use social media and keywords to drive traffic to your website. Try paid/free classified websites, online yellow pages and directories.
Offer discounts to repeat customers and hold community programs. Use local newspaper advertisement including catchy radio programs.
Distribute handbills, use sign boards and billboards. You can launch an email campaign or try guest posts in local food sites.
How to Start an Office Food Delivery Service
  • Identify your target market
  • Write a business plan
  • Estimate start-up cost
  • Obtain financing
  • Locate suppliers
  • Lease a retail space
  • Hire employees
  • Design a website


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