How to Start Your Own Network Engineering Business

Network engineering covers a wide range of services. The job description has to do with design, management and networking.
The field categorically deals with electrical/electronic broadcasting, and telecommunication. Other disciplines under the subgroup are telephone networking, internet networking and computer networking.
The networking could be localized to a specific region or broad band. A popular area of specialization for small business owners is computer networking and consultancy. The reason is because of a proliferation of finance institutions such as banks and insurance houses.
To start an engineering company you need highly qualified staff. Other requirements are office location, equipment, mobility and funding.
The small business should develop an effective marketing strategy to attract patronage and get contracts. Here are a few ideas on how to start an engineering network business.
Types of Network Engineering Services
  • Electrical/electronic broadcasting
  • Telecommunication
  • Telephone networking
  • Internet networking
  • Computer networking
  • Consultancy
Write a Business Plan
Write a network engineering startup business plan. Then conduct a survey and carry out a feasibility study.
There a few websites and professional that can write the plan for a fee. Make sure you find an ideal location and get high end clients.
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Hire staff
The most important aspect of the business is hiring qualified staff.  Engineers don’t come cheap so if you plan on hiring you need huge startup funds.
Your workforce should comprise electrical engineering graduates and network specialists. It is possible to run a one man business if you have the perquisite qualification.
You might need an assistant, partner or trainee apprentice. However partnering with qualified engineers will be beneficial.
Approach the corporate affairs commission in your country. Then incorporate the business as a limited liability company by filling an article of association and business name.
Usually such documentation is done by a qualified lawyer on behalf of the client. There are also some online legal documentation websites to aid the process.
Other requirements are safety insurance and employer tax identification number. In some countries it is mandatory registering with a network engineering association. You also need federal/state certification as a networking company.
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Funding the Network Engineering Business
The startup costs include rent, furnishing, and networking equipment. You should approach a micro finance bank or commercial bank in your vicinity.
Try target savings, find a core investors or use partnership arrangement. You are at liberty to borrow from acquaintances, friends and family.
Computer Networking Devices
The networking industry determines the type of equipment needed. Networking hardware for computer installation includes network hub, modem and bridge.
You have network routers, repeater, network switch and Line driver. More are network/wireless interface controller, proxy server, protocol converter and gateway.
Computer Networking Equipment
  •  Network hub
  • Modem
  • Bridge
  • Network routers
  • Repeater
  • Network switch
  • Line driver
  • Wireless interface controller
  • Proxy server
  • Protocol converter
  • Gateway
Marketing Considerations
The job description involves getting contractual agreements. You customer demography are banks, companies, hospitals and accounting firms. 
Other lucrative markets are government agencies, cyber cafes and tertiary institutions. To succeed you need to develop an effective marketing strategy to bag contracts.
Customer Demography
  • Conference halls
  • Hotels
  • Insurance Firms
  • Stockbrokers
  • Banks
  • Companies
  • Hospitals
  • Accounting firms
  • Agencies
  • Cyber cafes
  • Tertiary institutions
Build a Website
Build a website to highlight your services. The site should have job description, services, images and company location.
You need an about us page, terms of service and privacy policy. And include a dedicated number and email address.


Very informative article. Thanks for sharing this information to Start Your Own Network Engineering Business. Visit link also to know about a Network engineer.

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