School Uniform Sewing Business

Statistics show that there are more youths and teenagers than adults. This is prevalent in most countries and pre-school keeps admitting younger pupils.
To complement this large population many missionary schools, state owned and private schools are established. The tertiary institutions are not limited to primary and secondary education.
 We have many more trade institution, vocational workshops, technical schools and universities. Every institution has its own rules, regulations and uniform dress code.
If you multiply the number of students in an average school by 2-3 uniforms per kid, then, the clear potential of the business is visible. School uniform making is a specialized niche that attracts huge profit making.
The business is highly lucrative and easy to start. To start the venture you need sewing equipment, skilled tailors, administrative staff and a workshop. Other requirements are startup funding, raw materials, securing sewing contracts and licensing.
School Uniform Business Challenges
The major challenge is securing uniform making contracts. A single contract will provide repeat patronage for years.
Another difficulty is getting the fabric to sew the uniforms. Schools prefer branded fabrics with specific designs and logs printed on the fabric.
Sometimes it is the responsibility of the tailor to outsource the screen printing to a third party. The quality of the fabric should remain constant and frequency of supply is at the schools discretion.
 Although the business does not require huge startup funding you still need to purchase quality equipment, accessories and pay shop rent.
  • Securing uniform contract
  • Repeat patronage
  • Getting the branded fabrics
  • Outsource to third party
  • Quality control measures
  • Regular supply of fabric
  • Electrical power
  • Funding
  • Purchase quality equipment
  • Accessories
  • Pay shop rent.
school uniform
Write a Business Plan
Write a school uniform production line business plan. The business plan should focus on product sourcing, niche, vision and mission statement.
Structure a management team, marketing, pricing and fund sources. Study your growth potential, competitors, quality control measures, equipment and labor requirements.
Business Plan
It is very important you write a business plan or hire someone to write it for you. The plan should cover the under listed parameters.
  • Executive summary
  • Product and service
  •  Vision statement
  • Mission statement
  • Business structure
  • Management structure
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Publicity and advertisement strategy
  • Funding
  • Sustainability and expansion strategy
Carry out a Feasibility Study
You should carry out a feasibility study to find customer demography. New neighborhoods with young couples will start having children and they need schools. Carry out a survey to identify competitor’s business structure and prices.
Secure Funding
You could approach a micro-finance or trade bank in your locality. Present your business plan, management team, collateral and seed fund. Another way is to target save or borrow from friends and family.
Find a Good Location
You need to find a good location for your factory. Choose a shop close to your customer demography.
The location should be visible with amble parking and loading space. Sewing businesses within residential neighborhoods have lots of patronage.
School Uniform Manufacturing Equipment and Machinery
Before you approach clients make sure your commercial production outfit is in place. Rent an appropriate space, purchase sewing equipment and accessories.
Find credible sources of raw materials and accessories. You need accessories such as buttons, zipper, waist bands, and sewing threads.
Machinery includes singer sewing machines, cutting table, electric iron. Miscellaneous items include scissors, razor blade, flat table, design templates and tapes.
  • Singer sewing machines
  • Cutting table
  • Electric iron
  • Scissors
  • Razor blade
  • Flat table
  • Design templates
  • Tapes
Products and Services
Uniform manufacturing companies have a whole range of service. Apart from sewing uniforms you sew sweaters, knit shirts and carry out embroidery work.
Other services include custom made uniforms, mass produced uniform, and industrial uniforms. You could offer training and consultation services for a more holistic business.
School Uniform Manufacturing Process
Once you know how to sew you are in the uniform business. The manufacturing process is simple and straight forward.
School uniforms are knee length dress for girls, shorts/ trousers and shirt for boys. The shirts are usually short sleeved while the dress is knee length.
The manufacturing process involves procurement of uniform fabric, cutting into appropriate pieces and stitching. The final production process is quality control checks, ironing and packaging.
  • Procurement of fabric
  • Cutting
  • Stitching
  • Quality control
  • Ironing
  • Packaging
Licensing and Registration for School Uniform Business
Apply for a business license and operational permit. Select a business name and complete business registration.
Incorporate the business as a LLC or proprietorship business. Open a corporate bank account and obtain employer tax identification number.
Purchase insurance cover and put in place health and safety measure. Your products are subject to value added tax.
Hire Staff
Unless you want to run a one man business you need staff. Uniform making requires huge manual labor output and specialized skill.
An average uniform industry has chief executive officer, production manager ,human resources and admin manager. Other jobs are tailors, marketing executive, desk officer, cleaner, driver, designer and account/cash officer.
  • Tailors
  • Chief executive officer
  • Production manager
  • Human resources
  • Admin manager
  • Marketing executive
  • Desk officer
  • Cleaner
  • Driver
  • Designer
  • Account/cash officer.
Focus on your target market the tertiary institutions. Your primary markets are primary schools, secondary schools, higher institutions and trade institutes.
To succeed offer quality services that meets your customer’s expectations. Hire qualified personnel such as tailors, designers and marketing executives.
Unleash commission based sales representatives to find new clients. Advertise your services through electronic and print media.
Use tradition methods such as billboards, sign boards, flyers and banners. Use social media engagements like Linkedin, twitter, Google+ and Facebook.
School Uniform Marketing
  • Direct marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Sales representatives
  • Newspaper advertisement
  • Radio programs
  • Television advertisement
  • Print media
  • Build a website


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