How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

A consultant is an expert in a particular field. They offer advice to companies and individuals based on their area of expertise.
Modern technology has become the driving force for new entrant into consultancy. To succeed in the enterprise you should be knowledgeable in your field of choice, have lots of passion and produce quality service.
Advantages of Consultancy
There are many advantages to running a consultancy business. Some are work flexibility, low overhead expenses, and tax deductible.
  • Flexibility l
  • Low overhead
  • Expenses
  • Tax deductible.
Types of Consultancy
There are different types of consultancy services. Popular consultancy services include accountancy, auditing, marketing, taxes and publishing. Others are insurance, computer, payroll management, craftsmanship and human resources.
computer consultancy
Different Types of Consultancy Services
  • Accountancy
  • Auditing
  • Marketing
  • Taxes
  • Publishing
  • Insurance
  • Computer
  • Payroll management
  • Craftsmanship
  • Human resources.
Choose a Niche
Consultancy business is vast and there are many sectors. You need to choose a niche and acquire knowledge.
Computer consulting requires deep knowledge of the workings of a computer hardware and software. It also involves networking, repairs and training clients on technical aspects.
The funds are needed for equipment, training, rent and marketing. Approach a commercial bank in your locality. Try target savings or borrow from friends and family.
Write a Business Plan
Don’t forget to write a computer consulting business plan. Then conduct a survey and carry out a feasibility study. The study should focus on competitors, services and prices.
The best location is in a commercial area close to clients. The number of employees depends on your business structure. You could work from home or a dedicated office.  
Things to Consider
There are a few things to consider before starting your consultancy business. You need certification and license to operate as a computer consultant.
 Acquire the applicable qualification and knowledge of computers. The job requires networking, proper time management and goals. Other requirements are the business aspect such as funding, equipment and securing a good location.
  • Get certified
  •  Secure a license
  • Applicable qualification
  • knowledge of computers
  • Networking
  • Proper time management
  • Goals
  • Funding
  • Equipment
  • Securing a good location.
Why Hire a Consultant
Individuals, charity and company’s have different reasons for hiring a consultant. A consultant is hired for his expertise, ability to identify and resolve problems.
They act as catalysts, supplementary staff, provide objectivity and tutelage. They provide technology, increase company efficiency and productivity. Consultants are also influencers and aid business development.
  • Hired for his expertise
  • Ability to identify and resolve problems
  • Act as catalysts
  • Supplementary staff
  • Provide objectivity
  • Tutelage
  • Provide technology
  • Increase company efficiency
  • Productivity
  • Influencers
  • Aid business development.
The billing strategy of consultancy firms depends on the scope of work. You could bill on hourly rates, per project or on retainer bases. Reduce your rates or work for free for charity organizations.
You need to develop an effective advertising campaign. Try to work within a budget, use word of mouth and referrals.
Advertise in newspaper, magazines or computer journals or other publications. Other method includes creating a newsletter, get recommendations and try public speaking. Don’t forget to build a website or blog for your business


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