How to Start a Social Media Management Company

Social media websites have become a source for news, entertainment and commerce. It has gradually defined the way we live in these modern times.
The huge number of people on such sites has evolved new business structures. Small business owners and conglomerates have found an eager audience on social media.
The channels also encourage information dissemination, communication and marketing opportunities. Many active individuals on social media have gathered a huge following.
The audiences are veritable source of income for the social media commentator. Social media management companies earn income by managing organization or individual accounts. 
The importance is highlighted by large conglomerates and banks leveraging on this platform. Other advantages include providing value and advertising new products to their followers.
The social media managers sometimes manage multiple accounts with updates and posts. The good news is that starting a social media management company is easy.
It requires low startup capital and lots of followers. The business is lucrative especially if you manage many corporate accounts. Here are a few tips on how to start a social management company
social media
How to Start a Social Media Management Company
Gain an Audience
The job description involves long hours of social engagement. Like every business it requires planning, useful commentary and social sharing.
Those that excel in this line of business have toiled for several years. Therefore consider different facets before launching your enterprise.
Choose a Social Media Platform
There is a huge number of social media websites to consider. Before you choose a website you need to understand the way they work.
Other considerations include follower demography, type of posts and purpose. Top social media channels are YouTube, Whats App, Twitter and Facebook. Others are Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, redgage and reddit
You need to have an in-depth knowledge of each platform to determine the best platform. Increase your knowledge through books, websites and e-books.
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Social Media Profile
Once you have chosen a social media channel you need to build a profile. Select the social media site sign up and open an account. The accounts are absolutely free and require no subscription.
The profile you create should consist of your photograph, sex, educational background and interests. Once you have sign up the next stage is building a following.
To build your following you need to engage the members with interesting posts, videos and photographs. Every site has there own rules guiding content sharing and posts.
Your business would only thrive if you have huge following. Companies and individual clients require social experts with huge following to boost their campaign.
Build a Website
You should build a website or blog to complement your social media account. Social sharing is easier done on popular websites.
You need a good domain name and host plan. Make sure the website is easy to navigate and search engine optimized. Introduce social sharing buttons on your site.
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Register the business as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. This will provide a corporate image that clients can relate with. Fill an employer identification number for tax purposes.
Advertise you Business
To reach potential clients you need to advertise you business. Use newspaper publications, referrals and online classified.
Don’t forget word of mouth and networking with players in the industry. You could send your sales pitch to companies of interest and include social media data such as number of followers and social page


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