10 Passive Income ideas: 10 Profitable Passive Income Business Ideas

Passive income is money generated from a product or service that continues to earn income after the job is done.  To make passive income you don’t need continuous active participation. Once you have put in the time and done the work it can earn monthly payouts for years.
Active income is what you earn as an employee or your salary. Any job that pays immediate remunerations for services rendered is active income. Examples of active income are one time payments, gratuity including wages and salaries.
Passive income sources are commissions, advertisement earnings, product sales and referrals.  Passive income is earned from affiliate programs, share dividends, bonuses and royalties.
To earn passive income you need to work extra hard to create the income stream. It takes patience, time, planning and proper execution to explore the full potential in making such wages.
The revenue slowly grows with time gradually become a substantial revenue source. Some online entrepreneurs slowly build multiple income streams. The income stream are passive in nature yet combined become substantial earnings.
Here are 10 profitable passive income ideas you can try.
Top 10 Profitable Passive Income Ideas
1.  Real Estate
Passive income is not limited to online commerce but has offline applications. A good example of a popular passive income earner is real estate investment.
1)    Acquiring real estate is capital intensive, tough and rewarding. To earn residual income in this sector you need to invest in property.
The property could be apartments, landed property or build a shopping complex. Although it takes a few years to get back your initial investment you earn passive income for years.
To earn money from landed property you can turn it into a car park or rent the space.
2.  Write an Ebook
A major income generating business is publishing an eBook. Online publishing has greatly evolved with many self publishing websites.
Ebooks are digital books read on devices like table top computers, laptops, Smartphone’s, I phones and eBook readers.
To write an eBook choose a topic, write the content, create a cover and self publish the book. After the initial work the book generate passive income for years.
The income is through royalties from sales of digital downloads. Are you interested in earning passive income from eBooks?
3.  Stock Photography
There are many stock photography websites that contributors add photographs or images. Many people need these photographs and images for commercial and private use.
The Images are used in book covers, advertisements, articles, magazines and online content. People pay to use certain copyright images on their publications.
The stock photography websites encourages individuals to upload images into their data base. When a customer pays and downloads the image the contributor earns money.
Stock photography is a good passive income source.
4.  Mobile Application
Every Smartphone has a number of applications on the device. The applications include social media APPs, game APPs, News APPs and Entertainment Apps.
Application developers earn residual income for years after the work is done. Once someone downloads the APP the developer earns income.
You will find lots of paid and free applications on GooglePlay and other APP marketplaces. You can earn more passive incomes from mobile advertisements displayed on your APP.
5.  Web Blogs
Web blogs earn passive income from advertisements, referral links and affiliate programs. The blog owner monetizes his property and earns from traffic to his blog.
The more traffic he has the better his earning potential. The blog needs to have lots of original content, carve a niche and have engaging content.
It takes hard work to build a profitable blog
6.  Affiliate Marketing
The number one sources for passive income are affiliate programs. Affiliate programs pay a commission on purchase of product or service. There are lots of companies that offer affiliate programs to webmaster and individuals.
7.  Revenue Sharing Websites
There are lots of revenue sharing websites that offer earnings for contributors. A good example of a revenue sharing website is hubpages.
The article directory accepts article on various topics from contributors. They have a revenue sharing arrangement between contributor and the websites administrators.
Before you join any revenue sharing website understand the payment system and payment threshold. They have terms of use and rules that guide their operations.
Related Reading: Top revenue sharing website
8.  Video Sharing Sites
The number one videos sharing platform is YouTube. You sign up for an account and upload videos.
You earn form views or traffic to your channel. You monetize your video content with Google adsense advertisement.
9.  Web Hosting
A good source for passive income is selling domains and web hosting. As the need for websites increase so is the need for more bandwidth.
Top host companies offer webmasters re-seller host plans. The re-seller buys the plan and sells domains and host plans to other webmasters.
Once the re-sellers website is up and running it earns passive income through sales of host plans. Apart from promoting your host website it virtually runs on autopilot.
10.        Trading Company Shares
Trading company shares can be done online on a trading platform. You sign up with an asset management company or stock brokerage firm.
It is better to focus on your local stock exchange to trade share. Learn about trading ordinary shares, studying company profiles and share price appreciation and depreciation.
Make sure the website you choose to trade is legitimate and recognized. Open an account and fund the account through credit card or direct deposit.
Study the trends and buy ordinary shares of potential earners. Seek professional advice from your stock broker before buying any shares.


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