Flipping Website Business Ideas: How to Buy and Sell Websites for Profit

image source- pixabay.com

A good internet based business is flipping websites. Flipping websites is buying and selling of websites. The site is either brand new or an established we property.

The business is lucrative and you can get a new site at $300 while old established sites go from $550 to $150,000.
The value of the site is based on monthly earnings, domain name, monetization method, traffic statistics, layout and branding.
You don’t need any special skill or knowledge to buy a website so long as your credit is good. However, selling the property has its own challenges.
In subsequent publications we will cover the exact step to use when transferring a website to a new owner.
The process is different between host companies however the methodology is the same.
Buying and Selling Websites
One of the highly profitable business ventures online is buying and selling websites. You can build a website from scratch with the sole purpose of flipping or selling it for profit.
Another way is to buy old established websites offered for sale or brand new starter websites. You can only buy websites at a specialized marketplace or offer an outright purchase deal with the webmaster. There are a few places to trade websites but one of the leading marketplaces is flippa.com.
Trading websites online requires deep knowledge of the business because you need to identify websites that have huge growth potential. Listing your website on a trading platform is easy but building your website for profitability and purchase is another matter entirely.
There are also technical requirements that could be daunting when transferring your website to a new owner.
Website trading

Website trading is big business | Source

Starting the Website Trading Business
When you decide to enter the website trading business you need to consider a few things.  You might prefer building one from scratch then sell or buy one and flip.
On flippa.com, they have the starter website listing for website newly built and less than three month’s old. Other sections are for older websites and the buying and selling of domain names.
If you want to build a website from scratch then you register a domain name by signing up with a host company and build the website.
How to build blog hosted on Bluehost in ten minutes
Some host providers have easy to use templates that make website building a breeze. After building your website, you need to get it listed on Google search, yahoo, bing.com, and other top search engines.
Other things that would boost your website are having Google analytical, webmaster tool and important back-links to websites that have similar topics.
Starter websites listed on flippa.com do not need to have earned a dime but show money making potential.

Website for sale

Website for sale image | Source
Flipping Websites
It is much easier buying ether starter website or old websites and flipping them than building a website from scratch. However, if you have the technical skill to design websites with great earning potential then building starter website is your thing.
You can start buying and flipping websites all you need to flip websites is to have an account with flippa.com. They have both paid and free listing but serious sellers should use the paid listing for greater exposure to buyers.
You can choose to buy old established website that have earning reports, growth potential and branded history. Obviously, the older established websites are much costlier and profitable than the starter websites.
Starter websites have zero earnings, low traffic but show growth and earning potential. However, a starter site in the hands of an expert becomes profitable quickly and earns the webmaster huge returns on his investment.
Ways to flip websites
What is your preferred way of trading websites?
Top of Form
  • Build website from scratch then sell
  • Buy a starter website then sell
  • Buy an old established website then sell
Bottom of Form

Flipping Websites
Things to consider before flipping websites
1 The age of the website either old or new
2 The earning potential of the website
3 You should consider the growth potential of the website
4 The amount of work needed to turn a profit
5 How much maintenance does the website need?
6 If the website is autopilot
7 The monetization method used on the website
8 Its current traffic statistic or data
There a virtual millions of websites on the internet but each one covers a certain niche. Some are eCommerce website, article directories, digital download websites, travel directories, video websites, and forum-websites.
You have to follow your interests and determine which website niche attracts the highest bidders.
 Selling your Website
Now you have a website you want to sell what next. Selling websites is highly competitive so there are certain thing you should look at before listing.
1 Make sure you only sell websites that have started making a few dollars.
2 Websites that make money show buyers it has growth potential
3 While listing your website describe your site accurately
4 State clearly the monetization method used on the website if its affiliate sales, advertisement or service sales.
5 Include in your presentation accurate traffic statistics by uploading analytical to flippa.com
6 Tell the potential buyer the reason you want to sell the website
7 State the mode of payment either PayPal or an escrow account.
8 Give the buyer exact details of what they would expect and how the website would be transferred to the new owner
9 Show data of at least two months of proof of income via a screen shot
10 Finally you can set a reasonable price before the listing goes live
How to Transfer a Wordpress Website
Transferring website to owner
Transferring the website to a new owner can be a nightmare if you don’t have the technical expertise. You might choose to use professionals to transfer the website for a fee or do it yourself.
Some host providers would hold your hand while you transfer the property or might help you with the process. A lazy way is to hand over your hosted account to the new buyer, which is not practical if you have other websites or domain in the account.
How much do websites cost?
Websites are dynamic so the prices differ according to the age, fist page listing, earnings, and popularity. Some websites are sold well over $10,000 but this is a rarity. Good websites with moderate income sell from $100 to $5,000.
Starter websites under three months old go for $1 to $350. You can make good money buying and selling website but you must learn the business.
 After a while, your confidence would grow and you would easily turn a profit.


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