Fashion Industry Business Ideas: Lucrative Business Ideas in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is a highly lucrative business with hundreds of sub sectors. A budding entrepreneur can easily discover his passion and start a small fashion related business.
Fashion related businesses are either huge conglomerates, mid range establishments or small scale. Some are even more flexible using the homestead format.
The fashion industry is exciting because it deals with beauty products and services. Entrepreneurs with a passion for fashion can have fun doing one of the fashion businesses we highlight.
The scope of your involvement depends on your vision, financial involvement and target. To start in the fashion industry you need to first find a niche, and develop a business plan.
The Niche
Any aspiring entrepreneur needs to carve a niche and discover the sector that best appeals to them. The fashion industry is large, we have health and fitness, couture, accessories, and fashion related services.
You can go into manufacturing, wholesale or retail end of the market. Decide which business appeals to you based on your interest and level of expertise.
Have a Business Plan
The business plan makes execution of your project easier. It should cover funding, inventory, equipment, location, sourcing of products, branding and marketing.
An effective business plan is like a blue print that guides your every move.
Get Finance for your Business
The scope of your fashion enterprise dictates how much money you need. The manufacturing end of fashion industry is more capital intensive than retail or service.
Get funding from personal savings, family, friends and bank loans. Another method is getting a partner to share the cost or a core investor.

 Business ideas in the Fashion Industry
There are many businesses in the fashion industry to consider and earn money. Here are a few lucrative business ideas in the fashion industry.
Homestead Tailoring Business
The homestead tailoring business template is low cost, easy to execute and profitable. You need to learn the trade or hire skilled tailors. The job can be operated either full time or part time and you can expand your operation or keep it moderately simple.
Homestead tailors sew cloths for neighbors, school uniforms and party cloths. Other choices are children cloths or specializing in one gender.
Start up costs for this business is between $1500- $9000. The business is operated from home and limited to your locality.
Apart from getting sewing jobs you can create your own customized outfits and contact retailers.
Related reading: how to start a sewing business from home.
Teach Jewelry Making
Teach others how to make jewelry and make lots of money.  An educational institute makes lots of money from tuition fees.
It is not difficult starting a small tutorial school on jewelry making. You can operate the business either as a home based business or find a suitable location.
To attract students advertise your services through electronic media, billboards or posters. Other equally effective method to get students is newspaper publications.
To succeed in this business you need to have a fixed duration between each course. The lessons should have a definite time frame from beginner’s class to graduates.
Startup cost is about $10,000 and you can operate it either from home or school. The business can be run either part time or full time.

Lingerie Shop
Women love lingerie and lingerie shops do lots of business. To start a lingerie shop you need to find a good commercial location.
Then buy high quality lingerie and showcase them in the most elegant of settings. The business is mostly retail and it costs $9000-$45,000 to start a good lingerie business.
It is possible to operate it both online and offline. To sell online you need to have a website, accurate description and size of the lingerie and other important information.
After checkout you do the shipment and handling. A good lingerie shop with high quality brands and good reputation will succeed.
Perfume Business
There are two ways to get into perfume business. You can manufacture your own perfume or sell retail.
Making your own perfume isn’t that hard all you need is knowledge and a good laboratory. You may need local government registration and certification.
The beauty and personal care product is a big seller any day. You can start a perfume retail business with $10,000 can operate from home or a shop. The business format depends on either part time or full time.
To make additional income sell online from an e-commerce store.
 learn more about perfume business
Customized Jeans
Fashion conscious people love to look different and are willing to spend. Why not sell customized blue jeans online and in a shop. The business can be done from home or a jeans shop.
The amount of merchandise you have depends on your budget and sales. The business is either full time or part time and requires moderate funding.
Jewelry Business
Jewelry sell all year round start making money from jewelry business. You need a very secure shop to do jewelry business. Create your own jewelry or source them from reputable dealers.
If you want to operate from home then sell online. You need a very powerful website to attract buyers because you will have lots of competition.
The business can be operated full time or part time and startup cost is about $9500.
Leather Fashion Business
Leather fashion is high fashion and has lots of customers. Leather products include bags, jackets, shoes, traveling bags and face caps. Leather wear is lucrative and you can start with $15,000.
The business formats includes manufacturing, wholesale or retail. Leather fashion industry is big business check this write-up on starting a small leather bag business.
Manicure and Pedicure Business
Manicure and Pedicure entrepreneurs need a salon to service customers. Find a good location and equip your shop. The business is related to beauty and personal care industry of fashion.
To succeed you need to learn the art of manicure and pedicure. You can operate from home or a salon and setup cost is $5000
Second Hand Cloths Store
Second hand cloths are popular because they are cheap and present a bargain. You can start this retail business with $2000 and operate from home.
 Easy ways to sell your goods is from the back of your bus or at a flee market. The enterprise is purely cash and carry.
Safety Cloths
Safety cloths are hot sellers especially to factories and construction firms. Operators of this business get contracts from companies in need of such outfits.
To start the retail business you need at least $10,000 and you can operate it from home. Safety cloths include hard hats, vests, tool belts and gloves.
Sewing Institute
 Start a sewing institute and inspire the new generation of tailors. You need experienced teachers, location, teaching aids and government approval.

Other Fashion Related Businesses
Here is a list of some more lucrative fashion business ideas
1             Used children cloths
2             Sports wear
3             Uniforms
4             Become a personal shopper
5             Image consultant
6             Knitting
7             Jewelry
8             Leather fashion
9             Wedding gown
10          Lingerie shop
11          Modeling school
12          Vintage cloths
13          Hand bag manufacturing
14          Fashion design school


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