Web hosting Reseller Business: How to Start a Web Hosting Reseller Business

There are many business opportunities for anyone interested in online business. A highly lucrative venture that makes lots of money is web host re-seller business.
 Websites generally have a server and domain name hosted at a specific location. Host companies are very important because they provide the hosting service. The business generates millions of dollar in sales yearly.  
There are many web host companies that offer re-sellers rights and hosting plans. All you need is partnering the right company that best complement your expertise and experience.
The good aspect is that you can work from home or open an office to run the enterprise. We will show you an easy but effective method to launch your web host company.
The business specification accommodates web developers including buying and selling of domain names. You can easily create a good brand and offer top notch services.
Web hosting is big business just look at the millions of domain names and websites that enter the cyber space yearly. Another major advantage of this business is the flexibility to set your own work schedule and price.
Web hosting business is about selling, hosting and managing domain names. The business format is either broad or targeted to a locality.
What You Need for a Web Host Company
1             You need broadband connection
2             A dedicated web server
3             An office environment complete with a good computer and other accessories
4             To resell you need an account on a host company.
5             A website and Host plan
Why Start a Web Host Company.
Any company or organization online runs a dedicated website. The same applies for individual blogs, eCommerce sites, forums even classified sites.
Web hosting is dynamic and accommodates many players. You can get your share of the business by targeting small and medium sized enterprises.
Another reason to consider this business is that everyday thousands of blogs and websites crop and are on a host plan. The enterprise is either small scaled or large scaled if you acquiring your own server.
You can start the venture with very little money and earn steady recurrent income for years. The best way to start a re-seller company is through partnership with a major host provider.
Other businesses related to web hosting are domain registrars, server companies, webmasters, website developers, graphic designers, and template developers.
What You Need to Start a Re-seller Host Business
A re-seller leverages on the server of a host company to create you own brand. You sell re-seller host packages through your web host company..
To get started in this business the first step is registering your company. To do this you register your domain name from the web host company you want to sell packages.
Select the Right Hosting Plan
Many hosting companies have re-seller deals so study what they offer like pricing and plan.   You can chose a basic plan with about 250 GB Bandwidth and 2GB web space.
There is always room for upgrades and more broadband or web space. Look for hosts that offer 24/7 support, easy to navigate Cpanel, lots of broad-width and good reputation
Sell Host Packages
Before you start selling domain name you should register the name and purchased a web hosting plan as explained above. Then setups a professional looking website and create web hosting packages.
You can create a general package and modify it to accommodate customer’s needs and expectation. A good way to have a grasp of the business is to study what other re-sellers are offering and doing.
You can now sell domain names and offer web hosting plans as a re-seller.  Create flexible payment gateways that accommodate both credit card and PayPal.
The great thing about being a re-seller is lots of support from parent Host Company. They are keenly interested in your development and success.
Your range of services could have a simple plan, mid plan and high end plan. Don’t get greedy with pricing because the wrong pricing can affect your business.
To get noticed you need a good marketing strategy to attract customers.

White Label Re-seller
For first time entrepreneurs interesting in web hosting the easiest way is white label re-seller packages. There are many big host companies that offer this package such as HostGator, BlueHost, Godadday and ResellerClub.
The companies have packages that allow companies and private entrepreneurs create there own white label host business. To start this business you need to minimize your expenditure and get maximum gain.
One of the cheapest host companies that offer re-seller rights is ResellerClub. The host company requires an initial deposit of $99 which is credited to your account.
The re-seller then uses the sum to purchase new domain and host packages.
What to Expect on a Re-seller Package
The ResellerClub package comes with different features for members under the program. The features include setting your own price and selling domains under your brand.
The package has provisions for sub re-sellers, special promos, brand hosting according to demography. Another interesting aspect is optimized pages to your demography.  The more domains you sell the more money you earn under the so called ‘slab’.
A Guide to Setting up your Re-seller Host Plan
The first step is to complete a form and sign up for an account. You activate your account by adding fund to the payment page. They have a minimum benchmark of $99 to purchase domain names and host websites.
The payment methods include credit card payment portals, WebMoney, AliPay and PayPal.  You can also use bank transfer to add money to your account.
Once payment is confirmed your re-seller account becomes active. To brand your products and services first create a logo for your brand. The domain name you chose for your business should reflect the kind of services and host plans you provide.
To setup your re-seller account sign into your account panel and click on Product then domain registration then check availability. The next step is to purchase/select an available domain name.
Cancel invoices but select execute the request then click execute the above without receiving payment. This guarantees a completion in the procurement of a domain name for your business.
You can set your selling currency to a targeted audience.  Another setting is the account currency based on your location.
Make Changes
To make any changes select settings>Branding>super site/partner site>fully branded name then add an A record by updating the domain name.
The next set is to update the name server for the domain. To effect the change you go through the same process of setting- brand setting-name server.
The reason you change the name server is so you can select from a list of available servers. All the changes you do will final give you full access to your new domain name and web hosting platform under a branded name.
Things to Add to your Account Setting
Customize your account with tools like analytic and other scripts or change default design. You can include a payment system, customize the template and optimize your pages.
Marketing your Business
The business is very competitive and over saturated. To get noticed you need to carve a niche and spend money on advertisement to reach potential clients.
Methods you can use include paid advertisement in local media, Google Adwords and effective social media adverting.


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