Best 7 Advertisement Networks for Websites and Blogs

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Advertisement Networks
Online advertisement networks offer advertisements to host websites to place on their sites with a view to earning income. The main goal of advertisement networks is to provide a synergy between advertisers and web publishers for mutual benefit.
The webmaster hosts the advertisements on his website and the advertisement networks provide the advertisements and pay the webmaster. Online advertisement networks are different from other advertisement channels because they are predominantly made for blogs, websites, social media websites, and eCommerce stores.
The advertisement networks use sophisticated central advertisement server and targeting technology. The technology apart from targeting traffic also features a tracking system, which records impressions and the clicks on the adverts. 
related post- Different google advertisement platforms for websites
How Advertisement Networks Work
Advert networks provide advertisement for blogs, websites, and share advertisement revenue for certified clicks on your website. Companies use advertisement networks to reach targeted audience by publishing adverts through ad networks.
The adverts should be relevant to the content and could be text ads, contextual ads, and search ads. Others include pop up ads, video ads even product related ads among many options.
The top advertisement networks have a large number of publishers and Blue-chip companies. While smaller advertisement networks syndicate adverts, or use smaller publishers.
Money is generating via pay per impression or cost per click models while advertisement rates are determined through bidding and the popularity of the website. | Source
Mobile Advertisement Networks
Mobile advertisement networks generate revenue for app developers when advertisements are hosted on the property. Advertisement networks that provide advertisement have three types of mobile adverts used to generate income for the host.
They are the blind mobile advertisement networks, premium blind mobile advertisements and the premium mobile advertisement network. Blind mobile advertisements are predominantly cost per click, feature random advertisements and are based on impression.
Cost per thousand formats is used for premium blind mobile advertisement with more relevant advertisements. Websites that have over a hundred thousand visitors use premium blind advertisements to generate income.
Ad Networks
Which Advertisement network do you prefer?
Top of Form
  • Google Adsense
  • Chitika
  • Kontera
Bottom of Form
What offer
# Leading edge technology
# High quality content
# Advertisement topics
# Highest paying sponsored links
# High quality research
# Innovative technology
Media .net is the second largest contextual advertisement network online, they provide advertisement platform for both advertisers and earning potential for webmasters. Yahoo Bing Network powers the contextual Advertisements provided by
With over 500 employees and a wide range of innovative technology, advertiser and web publishers are guaranteed success. Both subscribers get high quality premium content to monetize their websites and offer popular websites.
Advertisement Networks
Ad Networks
Ad Networks
Google Adsense
CPX interactive
Vibrant media

BidVertiser allows website owners sell advertisement space to highest bidder through bid per click. The advertisements price is usually subject to the popularity and content of the website.
So the more popular a website is the higher the bid and click ratio earning the webmaster huge returns. Advertiser has the opportunity to place targeted advertisement on popular websites of their choice via price per pay.
Webmasters only make money when such advertisements are clicked and the visitor directed to the advertised content. The types of advertisement offered by BidVertiser include beautiful inline adverts, banners, skyscrapers, small advert units, and clickable buttons.
infolinks | Source
What Infolinks offers
1 Optimized infold advertisements
2 Innovative technology
3 Enhance search engine optimization
4 Reduces bounce rate of visitors
5 Increases websites efficiency
6 Boosts revenue
7 30% engagement conversional advertisement units
Infolinks advertisements network provides relevant advertisements related to the websites content. The advertisements are non-disruptive allowing the visitor enjoy the content.
Services offered by Infolinks include infold advertisement, intext advertisement, inframe ads, and intag ads. Infold adverts are optimized for visitors search thereby serving relevant adverts with high click through rate. Infolinks innovative technology helps analyze search terms and website content to provide advertisers targeted traffic.
Kontera logo | Source
What Kontera offers
1 High CPC and better CTR
2 Premium advertisers and adverts
3 Attractive adverts
4 Rich media adverts
5 Low payment threshold
Kontera has an exclusive in-content platform that analysis data for over 20,000 web publishers. Their synapse system uses an algorithm that scans and identifies keywords which reads meaning to the content.
Because of this innovative technology highly targeted traffic and content is available to publishers and web content providers. The company easily delivers relevant advertisements and information directly to the target users.
Kontera innovative technology invariably leads to higher CTR including improved CPC reaching over 180 million unique users worldwide. Big brand are certified clients of Kontera who provide media rich, premium and attractive advertisements to users.
Websites interested in using Kontera should average about 25,00o USA page views for your first 30 days on the network and payment threshold is a minimum of $50.
Blogads | Source
Web content providers interested in hosting Blogads ads on their sites should be niche based with traffic of 30,000 impressions per month. General Websites need a much higher traffic to place advertisement served by Blogads.
General topic websites need traffic in the region of 500,000-1,000,000 monthly visitors to qualify. Revenue generated from adverts depends on traffic, advert placement, advert price and sites influence.
What Blogads offer
1 Publishers control their ad offerings and prices
2 Competitive prices for banners
3 Publishers have a choice of niche blogs
4 Highly targeted traffic
5 Allows other advertisement network adverts
6 You can use customized adstrip for price adjustment
7 Offer large verity of advertisement options
8 Blogads also offer discounts
9 Promote your own advertisement space


Chitika offers subscribers search targeted text adverts including mobile adverts. They are a top advertisement network founded in 2003 and located in West borough, Massachusetts United States of America and India.
The company has over 350,000 top publishers an amazing 4 billion targeted advertisements and top advertisement partners. They use innovative targeting technology that optimizes the webmasters earnings potential and ad viewers.
Advantages include access to a large pool of advertisers, popular websites for publishers and highly innovative technology. They have a good support structure and top publishing partners like yahoo publishers network.
Choosing the right ad network is beneficial to publishers and webmaster especially when reaching a large audience and financial reward for website owners. To monetize your website you need to sign up with an advert network. To get any measure of success you need to have lots of targeted traffic and quality content.


Thanks for providing the list but if I am not wrong then is it true that only Google Adsense pay high CTR or these other advertisement agencies also pay good CTR ?

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