How to Build a Profitable Football Website Business
 You can start a football website and leverage on the popularity of the sport. The major advantage of starting a website is the worldwide audience.
You have two choices when starting a football website either to narrow your focus to a certain demography/domestic league or worldwide.
Selecting a certain niche gives your site a focus and targets a particular audience. Niche websites rank well on search engines although they have limitations.
The most popular niche groups are entertainment news, ports, lifestyle, fitness, health and politics. Other groups that rank well are news and current affairs.
Football websites face lots of competition from soccer magazines, predict score sites and game sites. It does not matter the sector you choose the unifying factor for success are hard work and dedication to your business.
How to Create a Successful Football Website
There are a few things you need to do to find success. If you work according to our recommendation you will earn a decent income.
1.    Choose a top level domain name (.com)
2.    Install a good Wordpress template
3.    Select a good niche subject in this case football/soccer
4.    Post high quality content and post at lest 4 times a week
5.    Add social media, privacy policy, about us, contact, affiliate declaration
6.    Make your football website interactive and easy to navigate.
7.    Use several sources of income like advertisement, referrals, affiliate links, product sales or service.
Things to Post on your Website
Football News
Football News updates is a good place to start when running a football focused website. You will attract thousands of football enthusiasts daily.
You can source your news via sports channels, other sports websites, and newspaper publications. You can also add an RSS feed to automatically add football news and updates.
Make sure your news is current trending and well researched before posting.
Live Scores
Live scores feeds is very popular with football fans and gamers. They are desperate in knowing if their favorite teams win or lose. Adding live scores is a definite grown puller.
Add a gadget that automatically updates football scores to your website.
Football betting predictions is big business because gamblers seek any way to beat the bookies. They are eager to pay sums for betting techniques, strategies and winning odds.
You can include predictions into your football website and charge for subscriptions or membership fees. You can even sell your predictions via email to desperate football gamblers. Many football websites focus on only predictions to generate traffic and subscribers.
Offer Subscription
Having loyal followers is important to the success of your website. You can get paying subscribers and forward newsletters, betting tips, best odds and news feeds. Offer added value and watch your subscription list increase exponentially.
Paid Predictions
Paid predictions can give football websites huge earnings. If you manage 80% accuracy and a few actual winners you will start rolling in money.
Active gamblers seek different ways to win bets, a popular location is paid predictions. They are willing to part with a little money if it offers them any advantage.
League Table
Every football website needs a good league table. The table should show the standing of major football federations and leagues.
The football league table should be current and updated regularly for best accuracy. If you have the technical skill you can include a widget that does this task automatically.
Make sure your table highlights all the major leagues in the world.
 Match Dates
What is a Football website without a table of match dates? Your audience needs to know upcoming games and the teams involved.
Many football fans visit websites just to study the match fixtures for the week. Always update the match dates as posted by each leagues federation or governing body.
How is your Football Website Going to Makes Money
Placed advertisement
Placed advertisement can become a massive revenue earner for a football website. You can seek direct advertisement placement from top betting websites and sports stores.
A heavily trafficked website attracts many Sports Companies who are interested in paying you high premium for advertisement space on your website.
Write a price list for advertisements based on position on your website. The positions to offer are header, sidebar, within text and footer.
To get private placement advertisements your website needs to attract large traffic daily. The advertisers will not be interested in low trafficked website.
Create a sales letter and send to interested companies with statistics and why they should adverts with you. If they show interested then send them your advertisement prices.
Google Adsense
Google adsense will accept your website if it has valuable content. Any website with high traffic can attract lots of advertisements. You are also at liberty to use any of the advertisement networks you like.
Google Adsense has certain criteria before they accepted your website. Read the terms of service and what they expect before signing up for the program.
They don’t accept gambling site, porn and a few other subjects. Websites with geographical locations like Africa, India and Asia need a few months of notable online presence before acceptance.
 Referral and Affiliate Links
A good way to make additional income is through Affiliate/referral links. Adding affiliate links to your website is easy, find a good one sign up and get the link.  They have contextual links, image and headers the choice is yours to make.

Write a book on Football
Write a book on football and sell it directly from your website. The topic should interest your audience and add value to their football madness. A book on betting strategy, odds and even a semi biography of a famous footballer will sell nicely.
Sell Products and Services
A huge earner for websites is selling products and services on their websites. You don’t have to create the product or service.
There are lots of companies looking for websites willing to sell their products. Find one that offers high commission that have good quality products.
A football website is a profitable business venture if you put in the work. You can hire a web developer to create your site if you don’t have the experience.
Make your site a web blog or add a blog post to your website. You need quality content and lots of audience to create a profitable website.


Thanks for this informative post about Football... I love football.. Thanks for sharing ...

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