How to Create Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Facebook

Affiliate marketers including small business owners have found FaceBook Advertisement a very valuable resource. The advertisement when properly implemented increases conversion and sales.
The two major advertisement platforms are Adwords and FaceBook Ads therefore using any will positively increase traffic, clicks and impressions.
A quick look at what Facebook is all about
Facebook is a social media platform that has a huge number of people interacting socially. The website is divided into profile pages, Ads and Groups.
You can have a maximum of 5000 friends on Facebook but targeted Adverts go a longer way. You can start your marketing campaign with your Facebook page.
Facebook Page as a Marketing tool
A Facebook page has the options of a profile cover and image cover. You can use them to your advantage to relate and attract people to your pages.
The major advantage is that Facebook pages are free and easy to use as a marketing tool. Use the about section to tell people about your product or service. Tell people what you do and leave a contact address.
The favorite section has 10 application tabs which you can utilize to your full advantage. Engage your fans and reap maximum rewards for your effort.
Post often
Post useful information on your wall with links to articles, blog posts, coupons, and new products. Don’t spam, ask your fans questions and study your statistics religiously.
Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads are an important tool for marketers and webmasters to grow their audience or send traffic to your website.
Facebook Ads are used to target a certain demography and gain lots of conversions. Running Facebook Ads comes with a few challenges but with patience you can create a top notch Advertisement campaign.
With over 1 billion users daily the social media platform has a huge marketing potential such that large conglomerates and individual marketers use the medium to advertise their goods and services.
When placing a Facebook Ad you need to follow the rules to launch a good campaign after all you are investing your money.
There are many check boxes and checklist to get through before reaching your target audience.
The Checklist for Creating a Successful Facebook Ad
You find a large variety of paid Advertisement options that you can choose from. You can launch a campaign, an Advertisement set or Advertisements.
The Advertisement campaign is where you store your so called assets. While your Advertisement set is basically used to target separate audiences who have different characteristics.
To properly target separate audiences using your Advertisement Set you create individual Ad sets for each.
Your actual Advertisements are stored within your Advert Sets and each Ad set can contain a verity of Adverts in different images, colors and variations.
Between Advertisement Manager and Power Editor
Facebook offers two powerful tools you can use to create your Advertisement. The tools are the Power Editor and the Ads Manager.
The size of your investment, number of advertisement and financial involvement determines the editor tool you choose.
Large campaigns with lots of verity and precise control is what you get from Power Editor Tool.
Determine which editor to use
You need to determine which editor best complements your Advertisement requirements. Let us see how to use the Advertisement Manager.
Choose an objective
What is the objective of your Advertisement campaign? The objective of your campaign determines the Facebook prompt to choose.
Facebook provides 10 different objectives you can use for your adverts. The objectives allows Facebook determine the proper target of your Advert. You need to choose carefully for optimum exposure.
Here is a List of Objectives
Objectives are event responses, App Installs, Click to Website, Offer Claims and Video Views. Other objectives offered are Page Likes, Page Post Engagement ad local awareness.
You select the option you want which is immediately displayed to achieve your goal.
Select Your Audience
You need to choose your targeted audience. You can try out different targets before determining the right people. You can use the audience definition gauge tool and arrange properties to reach a desired group.
You can narrow your focus, use general parameters or select certain demography.
It all depends on what you want to achieve with your advertisement
Targeting fields you need to select
There are many fields to improve the demography you need to target. They have location, age, gender, languages, relationship, education and finance. Others are work, home, ethnic affinity, US politics, behaviors, connections, life events and even parents.
Even with all these fields you can customize your audience further. You can use your company’s data base, use Apps and tracking.
A marketer can try different settings and determine the groups that show the best response to your advertisements. If you find a favorable group you can even save it to use in future campaigns.
Set your budget
There are two budget options which are the lifetime budget or daily budget. You need to be very careful when selecting a budget so as not to incur unwanted expenditure.
facebook advertisements

Lifetime budget
Lifetime budget allows Facebook paces your spending over the time period you specify.
Schedule you adverts to either immediate or a continuous campaign and set the beginning and end date. You can select specific hours and periods the advertisement will run.
Daily budget
Facebook will pace your spending per day if you choose the daily budget option. The advertisement is set to run throughout the day.
Minimum daily budget is set at $1 USA Dollar
Facebook controls your maximum bid but you can optimize your pricing. The focus of your campaign determines the pricing. You can opt for manual bidding if you don’t want Facebook to control you bid.
You get help like suggestions based an audience spending and behavior. When launching your advertisement you can determine if you are targeting clicks or impressions.
Delivery methods
Standard delivery showcases your advertisement throughout the day. Whole accelerated deliveries are used when you have time sensitive adverts. Accelerated bidding is usually manual biding and pricing.
Create your advertisement
Click to website option is best used in Facebook Ads manager to increase the number of clicks. The Advertisements are displayed as either links or carousels. Links are single image advertisements while carousels are multi image advertisements.
The multiple image option has 5 scrolling images you can use. So how does a single advertisement on Facebook look like.
Carousel-Multi image design recommendations
1             image ratio 1:1
2             image size 600x600 pixels
3             text 90 characters
4             Link description 20 characters
5             Headlines 40 characters
This is a sample of a multi image advertisement
Single advertisement image recommendation
1             25 character for the title
2             Text character 90
3             Image size1200 x 627 pixels
4             Image ratio 1.91: 1
You are free to explore more advertisement options for better results. You select an AD type select how the advert is displayed such as mobile news feed, desktop news feed and desktop right column options.
Desktop news feed and mobile news feed are rather cool looking advertisement

You need an associated Facebook page to run either mobile news feed or desktop news feed. If you don’t have any you advert will run as a desktop right column advertisement.
Desktop right column advertisements are not that nice looking.
Facebook Ad Manager
Facebook ad manager has a nice dashboard you can use to track performance. Other things you can find on Facebook Ad managers are
1             Performance of the advert which shows impressions
2             Engagement like page likes and management
3             Website metrics
4             App installs and engagements
5             Cost per event
6             Clicks like CTR,CPC
7             Advertisement delivery
8             Advertisement ID
You can monitor clicks and conversion with external software for further scrutiny if you so desire.
The End


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