Elance-Odesk.com: How to find Freelance Jobs at Odesk.com


Jobs on oDesk
Jobs you can find on oDesk include but not limited to the following
  • Writing and Translation
  • Sales and marketing
  • Web designing
  • Customer service
  • Software developer
  • Administrative support
  • Blog content and articles
oDesk Tutorial-How to get hired on oDesk
Freelance jobs
There are many ways to make money with articles because content is highly priced in the online community. Freelancing is a viable venture online if you are a writer since quality content, like news, entertainment, sports, science and evergreen topics are in high demand.

Content is much needed in blog posts, websites, podcasts, journals, newspaper and online magazines. Since there is such a high demand for content, providing this valuable service equates to money in the bank.

To earn income a writer should decide what he wants to do with his articles such as contributing content to a revenue sharing websites, or create a blog. The writer can sell the article to potential buyers work on commissioned projects or contribute to certain market places.

So the three major ways to get money for your articles is by starting a website or blog or contributing articles to a revenue sharing website. Many article market places allow you to set the price you want to sell your article.

The writer has the option of selling using private label right which attracts low price or offer the work exclusive to the buyer and charging a higher premium price. Some top websites have distinguished themselves as article market places where writer can sell their work.

Apart from writing and selling articles you can offer your skill and get paid, are you a website developer, artist, good at secretarial work then you are in luck. Hundreds of thousands of people find work online selling their skill and qualification by doing certain tasks.

One website you might consider is oDesk.com an online job market place that provides online services to clients through their freelance workforce.
Looking for a Job Try

Freelance websites
There are a number of freelance websites that offer job opportunities for article writers and blog content providers. They are also a good hunting group for software developers and graphic designers.

Some of the freelance websites offer much more than writing jobs and cover other online skills such as programming.

Some freelance websites include constant-content, freelancer, article sale, Fiverr, digital point and Textbrokers.com amongst many others. Websites like QualityGal.com, TopicBay, BKAContent, and WiseGeek just to mention a few.

Listed bellow is a top market place where you can sell not only article but any online skill related job
Choose favorite website
Which is your preferred freelance website?
  • Constant-content
  • Freelancer
  • oDesk
oDesk is a private online service provider and a management company founded in2003 in Campbell California. Recently oDesk and Elance joined forces to provide better opportunities for their workforce forming the Elance-oDesk team. 

Elance-oDesk has a combined workforce of eight million registered writers, developers, designers, web developers, software engineers and marketers

They provide a ready work for big and small businesses numbering over two million for content, web development, design and other applications. Any job that can be done online is fair game for the professional freelance workforce you find at Elance-oDesk.

The market place is one of the world’s larges making a whooping $750 million dollars in 2013 according to the Company.
Related reading:  How to start a Graphic Art Design Business
oDesk and Elance

Freelance websites

Freelance websites
       Job description
Kind of jobs
       online jobs
       web design
       Selling articles
       Blog content
       online jobs
       sales and marketing
       Writing jobs

Freelancing with Odesk.com
Freelancers that work with ODesk are divided into two major categories which is freelancing by category or freelancing by skill. The freelancing by category involves categories such as the network marketing and information system, web development, writing and translating.

Others are customer service, sales and marketing, administrative support, design, multimedia and software development. All these categories have many sub categories thereby effectively providing a wide range of services to business clients.

Business groups searching for certain skills have a wide range such as article writing, graphic designers, translators, web design, and marketing. There are also data entry jobs, link building, and blog writing even animation.

Businesses can even search for freelancers by country such as America, Australia, and Canada. oDesk offers businesses transparency, confidence and visibility while tracking the jobs progress.
Showcase your skill, academic qualification
Jobs at Odesk.com
If you have a skill there is a job for you at Odesk.com with an estimated one hundred and ten thousand jobs open to their freelancers every month. The website provides clients who pay per hour and long term projects.

You can decide your job interest by searching through the pool of jobs on offer.  Writers, artist’s even animations can find jobs on this website. Jobs pertaining to software development, administrative support, customer service even app development.
Getting Started
Sign up and create a professional profile which would be like a calling card for jobs, Add your professional qualification, awards and degrees. To get hired for jobs you need to bid for jobs you are qualified for by applying via a cover letter.

Before you start getting jobs you need to pass an oDesk readiness Test and a skills Test so client have the confidence that you have the prerequisite skill they need.

The letter you send should be professionally written, job specific, truthful and an accurate representation of you skill. You are allowed to send multiple applications for jobs that fit your qualification.
Work ethics
Best work ethics
To satisfy your client do excellent work, build a good working relationship; understand the job properly before accepting it. Work hard and open communication lines, work towards agreed deadlines and let the client know your progress.

Other good practices are quick response and feedback. The website also helps mange you work. Your earning potential is tied to the kind of job and skill needed.
Getting Ahead in the Marketplace
In order to get ahead at oDesk you need to be truthful, offer excellent service, be responsive to clients and deliver on time. A happy client would readily refer other clients to you thereby increasing your client base.

Getting Paid
There are several payment methods accepted by oDesk which you can conveniently choose from such as PayPal, Payoneer, direct deposit, wire transfer and local fund transfer. The methods gives a freelancer a wide rang of options to collect earnings.

For people serious about earning regular payouts for online work then oDesk is a good place to start. They have a good success story, easy to use interface and apps. They offer freedom to choose your projects and a good opportunity to earn wages.
You can start and grow a freelance career according to you professional skill and work ethics.


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