How to Apply a Privacy Policy to Blogger

sign post
Every website needs a privacy policy to disclose information pertaining to how the site gathers visitor’s data. One of the requirements to run a Google adsense advertisement on your website is having a privacy policy. The policy is for visitors to read and understand the basic workings of the website.
Blog owners are also required to include the policy on their blogs. The reason is simply because the website must adhere to certain publisher’s terms and conditions.
There are four ways to create a privacy policy the first is to ask a webmaster if you can use the wordings of his policy or generate one. Another method is using a generic private policy found online or an aggregator to create the content.
Once you have found one you do slight alterations, make a post and backdate. You then include a link of the policy on your home page.
There are a number of places to add you link on the homepage, however the frequently used areas are the sidebar, top or footer. Many websites applying for Adsense fail because they don’t have a privacy policy on their website.
How to Get a Policy
The first step is getting the document to put on your website. To get one you can type private policy generator in a search engine to get lots of websites offering this service.
All they need is your domain name and email address. Once you have generated the private policy copy it into a word document or note pad.
Go to Blogger
Then log into blogger account and select the blog you want to place the policy. Click new post and past the policy you copied earlier into your content field. The title should be ‘Privacy Policy’ then backdate the post.
You need to backdate the post under the ‘post options’ on your right.  Click on the editor and a drop down menu will appear.
 Then change the date from current time by setting the date to Jan, 1, 2001 and time to 12:00. Once you have backdated the post, publish the privacy policy.
Check the Blog Post Arrangement
To confirm if your backdated post was properly done it will be at the bottom of your blog posts. Once you locate the post with title "Privacy Policy" click the preview to open the post.
Copy the URL of privacy policy from the browser and past on a note pad or word document. You need to shorten the URL to use in a code.
How to Shorten Code
It is easy to shorten your code if you haven’t tried it before just search for shorten code generator/tool. Take the full URL of the policy you copied earlier and paste in the bar then press Shorten- Code.
The free tool will generate a short URL you will use in creating the link. The next step is to edit a code I will provide below.
<a href="SHORTENED URL">Privacy Policy</a>
You edit the code by replacing SHORTENED URL with the short code.
How to implement the code on the sidebar or top of homepage
To implement the code on your sidebar go to blogger dashboard. Select layout of the blog you want to add the policy. Go to your sidebar or top of the page and click add a gadget.
On the gadget a pop up window will appear and you select "HTML/JavaScript. Once the window opens type Privacy Policy as the title of the gadget.
The next step is to add the edited code to the content section of the "HTML/JavaScript gadget. The code should look something like this <a href="URL.COM">Privacy Policy</a> then save.
The link should be added to your blogger home page.
How to Add Privacy Policy link to Attribution
Go to blogger dashboard then click layout and scroll down to attribution. You find attribution at the bottom of the blog page. Open the attribution widget by clicking edit. All you need to do is paste the edited code inside the box and click save.
Test the Gadget
 To check if the privacy policy is properly implemented and working. Click save arrangement and go to view blog. You should see the policy link either beside the attribution on the footer or sidebar or top of page depending on the position your chose.
Click the private policy link and see if it opens to your policy post if it does then it works perfectly.
There are other things you can add to your new website such as About Us page, including Terms and Conditions. To improve SEO don’t forget Alt text, title text,caption and attribution for images.
Make sure your blog has a clean and easy to navigate look and include a sitemap. Other important tools are social media share buttons.


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