A Beginner's Guide To Affiliate Marketing 2

Affiliate marketing accounts for a staggering amount of online commerce topping eBook sales, and other job related services. If you are searching for a business opportunity or interested in making money online you can consider affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing has become a very important business model for private individual and small business owners. The reason is because of low start up, and easy to join top eCommerce website.
It takes dedication, time and a little know-how to build a successful marketing platform. To become an affiliate marketer you need an online real-estate for buyers to purchase your affiliate good or services.
There are three major things you need to become an affiliate marketer. The first is a dedicated website and products to market.
 This is accomplished by registering with an eCommerce website that offers affiliate programs. The next step is to have content related to the product on your website and to place the affiliate link on your website.
Affiliate companies offer a percentage of the sales on any product bought through your website. Some consider the amount of traffic you send through your link while others only pay commission on items sold.
Targeted traffic is the most important resource you need to become successful. The job is done part-time or full time depending on the amount of time you can dedicate to the business.
Success doesn’t come overnight however quality content, proper placement of products and the sky is the limit. Many people have become full time marketers based on the success of this model of business.
Listed below are things that are required to become successful marketer
1 Build a Website
There are several ways to become an affiliate marketer. To have control of your products, reviews, content and banners is launching your own website.
 A website or blog is important because affiliate links need to be placed somewhere customers can see and buy the product.
You have two ways to build your website either using a free hosting solution like blogger or paid hosting. Website services that allow hosting including domain name like GoDaddy.com, Weebly.com.
Many of them provide not only hosting and domain names but also templates to build your website. A beginner can use a standard template and later subscribe to premium service and some even have ready built eCommerce features.
You can also pay a website designer to build your eCommerce store and integrate your affiliate product links to the website.
Choose one
How do you reach lots of potential customers?
Top of Form
  • Niche
  • Quality content
  • Targeted audience
Bottom of Form
2 Quality Content
There is no two ways about it you need quality content to drive your marketing campaign. The content must have lots of information and a call to action.
 There are two kinds of content used by affiliate marketers which are reviews and article content. Reviews are specific to certain products and are more efficient in getting targeted audience than article related to the same product.
 Websites needs lots of dedication, time and useful information and should be constantly updated. Product reviews should be factual, honest and informative.
Customers need to know your personal views before making up their mind about the product. The Affiliate marketer can either display the product, image and price or use an affiliate text link for customer to buy the product.
Affiliate Marketing
How to market
   Traffic sources
     Top affiliate networks
With a website
   Use affiliate networks
With a revenue sharing Website
   Targeted audience
     Amazon associate
Without a website
   Social media

   Search engine optimized

3     Affiliate Marketing Without a Website
It is easy to start an affiliate marketing business without owning a website all that is required is signing up with a revenue sharing website. Many article directories that share revenue has integrated a template that allows the member add affiliate links and content.
They are slightly different in the way they work but the two major things needed to sell affiliate products is content and affiliate products on you articles. To use article directories you need to sign up with the website and the affiliate site, add content and the affiliate link provided.
You start earning shared commission when customers use your links and buys an item. Most article directories share part of the commission you make for hosting your content on their website.
The advantage of using article directories to become an affiliate marketer is you don’t need a website or any programming knowledge. You start earning immediately from any sales.
Such websites also monetize their site via Google Adsense or Chitika so you can also earn from advertisement. Earning affiliate commissions, advertisement pay per click or impressions are common ways to earn income on article directories.
4 Choose a Niche
Without targeted traffic you are not going to earn much as an affiliate marketer. So you need to write content that complements the products you intent selling.
A niche gives an marketer focus and expertise on certain items like electronics, accessories, kitchen utensil and so on. Focusing drives targeted traffic to the website or web page with a higher probability of sales.
Use Affiliate Networks
Affiliate networks are very handy because some have lots of members willing to push your product for a certain commission. Top networks include E-Junky, Commission junction, PayDot.com and Clickbank.
Some charge a fee for their services while others work only on commission bases.
Members in affiliate networks also assist in the sale of digital products, software, eBooks and even demand on print items.
Affiliate marketing is promoting a companies product and earning a commission on sales. Selling items through affiliates require a platform such as a blog, website or revenue sharing website.
Only recommend products you are familiar with and give honest reviews. Use  proper placement of the affiliate link and promotion works.
 Finally when placing an affiliate link disclosure is required by law so you must tell visitors that you stand to gain commission through the affiliate link (an FTC rule)
Are you thinking of an online business try affiliate marketing you might be surprised at your success.
More on  Guide to Affiliate Marketing
5 Ways to Attract Targeted Traffic
Without targeted traffic the whole exercise is useless, making any sales depends on the action taken by the traffic you attract. Ways to get targeted traffic include using free advertisement websites, paid advertisement, article marketing and email marketing.
Email marketing is done by sending newsletters, e-cards, and encouraging subscriptions. Another way is to use article directories to send traffic to your landing page.
This method increases your websites ranking with the added benefit of increased traffic. Taking out paid adverts is the fastest way of getting targeted traffic because res-ponders to the advert are likely to be people interested in the product or service.
Some affiliate networks allow free advertisement and marketers, use forum posts, guest blogging and other methods to boost traffic.


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