Beginner's Guide To Online Businesses-How to Make Money Online
Internet Cash
Internet penetration has greatly improved around the world. It has become easy to access information and business opportunities. Despite the deception of some make money online schemes there is no easy way to make money.
Every venture online needs hard-work dedication, consistency, research and knowledge to succeed. Anyone that tells you different is either trying to get money off you.
The good news is that it is easy to combine your day job with online commerce. You need only a few hours to complete online tasks such as posting content.
The good news is making money online does not require heavy sums to invest and start earning. You can do many ventures without investing a dime.
Finding genuine business ventures takes time and experience but you are in luck. Below are business opportunities anyone irrespective of geographical location can start.
Write an eBook
Making an eBook is easier than you think all you need is to choose a topic you are knowledgeable and passionate about. To start you need to sign up with any of the top free eBook publishers online like kindle direct publishing powered by, and many more.
Select the one you feel comfortable with and sign up it is easy, and many accept authors from around the world. We use some of them to publish a few eBooks and get monthly remunerations without any additional effort.
All you need to do is type your book in pdf upload document and book cover or use their cover creation software, set price and publish.
Create an Application
Creating an Application is a little technical but there are a few websites that make Application creation a breeze. You have a few choices when it comes to creating a useful application for sale.
You can either use a professional developer to create one using your ideas. Another way is to build one and offer it for sale.
You can also buy the right to own an application then offer it for sale. The last suggestion can be expensive and not encouraged so stick to the first two.
If you are lucky and your application is a hit, you earn income from the sales and download. Visit the Google app store and have a feel around or offer your application to digital download stores or top telecom company app stores.
Another avenue to cash in with telecom giants is caller tunes. Established and new musical artists have made lots of money with caller tunes.
Online Cash Ventures
Which one is not an online venture?
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  • Start a YouTube Chanel
  • Write an eBook
  • Get blogging for cash
  • Start an export business
  • Open an online store
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YouTube Videos
YouTube videos have taken over video streaming like a meteorite and many people are cashing in on the fun. Good new they accept anyone and you are paid on the amount of views your video receives. Smart phones have made it easier to quickly film interesting things and it’s easy to upload into your account.
You would not get rich on YouTube unless you are famous personality or you have creative and exceptional videos. You can even start your own YouTube television station if it caches your fancy.
Web Hosting and Re-seller Business
This business requires some cash involvement, including online and offline marketing. All that is required is to sign up and join top web hosting companies that offer web hosting and re-seller rights.
You job is to find customers that need web hosting and your partners do the rest. You need to have a little technical skill and this business is not ideal for newbie’s.

How to Make Money Online

write an eBook
sell items online
Start blogging

Become a freelancer
Represent an online company
Web hosting business

Write for an article directory
Start a YouTube channel
Start a website
 Selling on Free Classified Websites
Selling on free classified websites is the number one way entrepreneurs make huge earnings. It does not involve much computing skills except posting your advert free on such websites.
All you need is a product or service, take an image/picture upload it on the site with a brief description, contact information like email/phone number.
There are hundreds of free classified websites that work perfectly. You can sell anything from pots and pans, cloths, accessories, cars and even pets.
So sign up with a free classified website and start making some cool cash. You need to follow the websites safety rules and you would enjoy the experience.
Freelance Writing
Do you have a flare for words and can write reasonably well then you can try freelance writing. The major currency online is content without it there would be no websites.
Good content is equivalent to cash in the bank for freelance writers. Start by signing up for free with a freelance website to source jobs.
You can also write content for article directories and earn a steady income. Writing is hard work and requires dedication good content and time.
 There are many article directories but the amount you make is very small which gets better with content, time, traffic, and SEO techniques.
Blogging for cash is another way online entrepreneurs use to make money online. Making money through blogging is very hard because of the amount of competition out their. To succeed you need lots of useful content, hard work, consistency, knowledge of traffic generation techniques.
If you intend placing advertisements then you have to get-approved by top advertisement networks.  The good news is that with consistency your blog would start earning money.
Online business is not a bed of roses and like any business needs to be nurtured. You can earn monthly wages if you focus on the business and even earn income.
Discover your strength and start something today the earlier the better good luck.


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